similar to: Outside-In with RSpec on Rails

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Outside-In with RSpec on Rails"

2007 Apr 11
Default exclude pattern in 0.9.0
The "rspec" rake task collects all _spec files in the spec directory, and excludes the "watir" directory. Is this indicating a preference for using Watir over Selenium? I would like it better to standardize on something more neutral, ''ui'' perhaps? /Marcus -- Marcus Ahnve
2007 May 29
Selenium, Spec:Ui and ... forks?
I am using Spec:UI to run my Selenium tests, and I want to start Selenium only once, for many descriptions. I''ve come quite far solving it by declaring a main ui spec like the following: require ''pathname'' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/selenium'' $base_url="http://localhost:3000" $browser =
2008 Jan 19
Quiet Backtrace in RSpec
I''m using RSpec on Rails and would like to clean up the backtraces, so I went looking for an RSpec equivalent to ThoughtBot''s Quiet Backtrace gem<>. I found Spec::Runner::QuietBacktraceTweaker in the RDOCS, but I can''t figure out how to use it. Can I add something to spec_helper.rb that will utilize
2007 Oct 17
plain text stories: motivation number 27
This is mostly theoretical, but ... I''m starting to use lighthouse ( for my projects at work. I''m organizing iterations as milestones and stories as tickets tagged to a milestone. Lighthouse offers an API so that you can write access the data in your account and write apps to process that data. I think you see where this is going. It seems to me that
2007 Apr 17
problem with rspec_on_rails and @controller.should_receive(:render) in trunk
Hey guys! I am using rspec trunk, and I am having a little problem with the latest version. (I am quite sure this worked with an older version about a week ago) heres the spec: it "should render the new user form without layout for a xhr request" do @controller.should_receive(:render).with(:layout=>false) xhr :get,:new end and the controller: def new render
2007 Apr 13
ZenTest autotest now handles RSpec, yay!
Josh Knowles just let me know that ZenTest Autotest 3.50 now handles your RSpec specs. That''s a great news. Josh also shared with me a quick hack to make autotest work with only the RSpec plugin installed. Add the following into your ~/.autotest file
2007 May 30
Specify attr_protected
This is kind of a two part question. Question One: I want to be sure that an Order model is protecting sensitive attributes from mass assignment. The example looks like this: describe Order do it "should protect total attribute from mass assignment" do @order = => 0.05) == 0.05 end end And the code to implement it: class Order
2007 Jul 25
MockCov: Proof of concept
Hey list, RSpec is great, I''ve been using it at work for a couple of months now. One gripe I have is that I find it hard to know exactly to what extent my code is covered by the specs. I am aware of RCov and Heckle; they''re great, but I''d like to demonstrate another perspective of coverage analysis I''ve hacked up. The perspective is that of what is mocked and
2007 Apr 07
Integration Specs On Rails
Now that RSpec is nearing 1 dot oh, are there any plans to implement an integration testing equivalent in RSpec On Rails?
2007 Dec 07
TextMate Sidebar
Hey David, I just watched the RubyConf recording of your RSpec session and noticed that you''re using a modified version of TextMate that uses a sidebar instead of a project drawer. Where did you find that mod? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 Jul 14
expect_render twice in views
I found this: controller.expect_render(:partial => ''thing'', :collection => things).once but I am trying to expect_render twice in my view spec: template.expect_render(:partial => ''order_details'').twice This doesn''t work as the template.expect_render call seems to be returning an array. Is it possible to expect the rendering of a partial
2007 Sep 20
alias :calling :lambda
Sprinkling my examples with ''lambda'' has always seemed like a bit of a wart to me. I''ve gotten into the habit of adding ''alias :calling :lambda'' to my spec suites. My examples then look like: calling { Foo }.should raise_error calling { Bar }.should_not raise_error Is there a reason that RSpec core has chosen not to make exception expectations more
2006 Nov 21
Rspec Brown Bag
Hello, I''m scheduled to give a rspec brown bag this Wednesday (11/22) for my company (Pivotal Computer Systems, I did see Dave Astel''s talk as well as several of my coworkers. The developers at my workplace are experienced Agile developers. What would be some good things to focus on for this brown bag? Are there slides to presentations that would be
2007 May 30
Using mocks
I''ve just started doing TDD/BDD and like the idea of mocks. So I set out to use them. The doc pages seem great, I setup the mock and then it just works. Here is what I am trying to do: Myuser is a non-rails model of user attributes. We are going to be mocking the connection to the ldap server. The user class has a login method that connects to the ldap server and if successful,
2007 Aug 24
testing behaviour or testing code?
hypothetical question for all you BDD experts: I want to make sure that a :list action always returns widgets in alphabetical order. There''s at least 2 ways of doing this: it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do Widget.should_receive(:find).with(:order => "name ASC") get :list end it "should fetch items in alphabetical order" do [:red,
2008 Jun 04
Hi folks. I''m very interested in the status of a port of any_instance from Mocha to RSpec. In particular I have a spec suite that I wrote using RSpec but with Mocha that depends heavily on any_instance. This is because it stubs out one or two methods from an underlying API. In attempting to convert the suite to RSpec mocks (because that''s what we''re using for the rest
2007 Sep 04
Model Specs: Fixtures vs Mocks + Stubs?
What is the general opinion about fixtures versus mocking and stubbing in model specs? I heard from agile on IRC that they save the database testing for integration testing, but I also see that the caboose sample applicaiton uses fixtures. I also noticed that on the rspec site, it says "Ironically (for the traditional TDD''er) these are the only specs that we feel should actually
2007 Jun 08
When to use BDD/TDD w/ external libraries
Test First Development is great...But should you use it when you are adding classes/methods on to external library that doesn''t have an extensive test suite? I noticed that the rspec plugin for autotest has no specs. David Chemlinsky said something to the list a while back that has been stewing in my subconscious - that you develop software differently using Test First
2006 Nov 07
should_redirect_to in advance - feels unnatural
I can understand that it''s easier for rspec to set up a mock in advance of the controller call. But it makes it difficult to do something like: context "The HarkController, given Louie the logged-in user" do setup do post :login, :username => ''louie'', :password => ''atest'' end specify "should redirect Louie to the home
2007 Mar 24
State Based vs. Behaviour Based Spec/Testing
I''ve notice that a project like Rubinius has both a spec & a test directory. Rspec has only a spec directory. Obviously I support BDD, but isn''t there also a place for state based/verification testing? I sometimes sense that I *do* want to practice Test Driven Development. That is, I want some assurance that my production code will run as intended. But I also