Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Double posting"
2005 Mar 11
(no subject)
--- Ryan Lane <ryanlane@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 07:21:39 -0800 (PST), Steven
> Vishoot
> <sir_funzone@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > ok now i am frustrated. this is the third day in a
> row
> > that my server has crashed running centos4, i can
> not
> > ping or access the console but the hardware is
> still
> > running. it does not leave
2005 Feb 07
Bind Issues
I'm running bind in a chroot environment. It seems that since the Redhat
snafu which wrecked bind (yes, I had caching nameserver running as well
but not anymore) I have been having problem with my slave nameservers
retrieving updates from the master.
Looking at the zone records, some are owned by root, some are owned by
named. I'm now confused as to what the ownership should be and
2024 Oct 13
SSH host key rotation – known_hosts file not updated
I created new host keys on serverA, updated sshd_config accordingly
(adding the line below) and restarted ssh:
cd /etc/ssh
sudo ssh-keygen -f 2024_ssh_host_ed25519_key -t ed25519 -N ''
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# added line: HostKey /etc/ssh/2024_ssh_host_ed25519_key
sudo service ssh restart
When I connect to serverA (`ssh -v -o UpdateHostKeys=yes serverA`)
2024 Oct 14
Re: SSH host key rotation – known_hosts file not updated
On Sun, 13 Oct 2024, Jan Eden via openssh-unix-dev wrote:
> Hi,
> I created new host keys on serverA, updated sshd_config accordingly
> (adding the line below) and restarted ssh:
> cd /etc/ssh
> sudo ssh-keygen -f 2024_ssh_host_ed25519_key -t ed25519 -N ''
> sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> # added line: HostKey /etc/ssh/2024_ssh_host_ed25519_key
2004 Jan 07
Hash: SHA1
three-interface.xml is done. I am completing the cleanups and "look and
feel" changes. It will be checked in shortly.
- --
"If at first you don''t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."
Paul <snafu@forkbomb.dhs.org>
BLOG: http://forkbomb.dhs.org/bs/
GPG Key: http://forkbomb.dhs.org/bs/snafu.asc
2004 Aug 06
YP submission / cURL issue. (icecast 2.0.1 / gentoo)
Karl Heyes wrote:
> The libs that Brendan mentioned are loaded after the start of the
> program, in fact they are referenced when the host name is looked up.
> The loading is done within libc so apps like icecast don't know it's
> being done. ldd does not show these libs, but the mechanism is the same
> as used by plugins of various apps.
Would building statically help? Is
2004 Sep 21
yum updated to 3.3, rpmdb corrupted
I'd guess this is probably something pretty specific to my test box, but when I
yum updated to 3.3 my rpmdb got totally hosed. Unfortunately, I didn't save
the error that occured at the time because a rpm --rebuilddb _appeared_ to fix
the problem. Unfortunately I found out later that I was left with a db that
only contained a subset of the actual install base. I'm now trying to
2009 Jul 03
software raid1 syncing
hello all,
I have a setup that is raid 1 and put the mirrored drive back in and now it is still showing as degraded saying: raid1: raid set md6 active with 1 out of 2 mirrors with this message on all the raids.i know i am wrong by saying this but i thought putting in the driving and rebooting would start the re syncing itself. what do i have to do to add this back in, i am so confused with this
2007 Dec 09
OT: Rsync question
Hello All,
I have an off topic question about rsync and was
wondering if i can get some kind person help with it.
I have two servers with each server have three same
directories on them /dir1/ /dir2/ /dir3/ . How would i
achieve this by using rsync?
I have tried rsync -avrt --delete server_ip:/dir1/
/dir2/ /dir3/ /dir1/ /dir2/ /dir3/
this does not do anything except give errors.
Someone on IRC
2006 May 10
Single Table Inheritance problem
I have two tables I am using single table inheritance with: Page and
Item. "Page" has many "Items"; "Item" belongs to "Page".
Item Model:
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
class Article < Item
belongs_to :page
Page Model:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
class Issue < Page
has_many :articles
In my controller, when I
2011 Mar 28
lvremove failed on install
I was trying to install CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD tonight and kept on getting this
same error and i have no idea what is causing this annoyance and not letting me
complete the install because as soon as this error is produced it says this a
bug and should be filed. Before I file a bug report i would like to know if
anyone else ran into this and would mind pointing me in the right
2002 Apr 04
Just now I again had occasion to want nested describe lists in a
documentation file. I found that the bug which I reported on 18
October, 2001 still persists. I checked on the bug report at the R
web page, and found that the notes say ``Not a problem in R 1.4.0
Well, it's still a problem for me --- using R 1.4.1.
platform sparc-sun-solaris2.7
2007 Jul 04
Lookups in R
Hey all; I'm a beginner++ user of R, trying to use it to do some processing
of data sets of over 1M rows, and running into a snafu. imagine that my
input is a huge table of transactions, each linked to a specif user id. as
I run through the transactions, I need to update a separate table for the
users, but I am finding that the traditional ways of doing a table lookup
are way too slow to
2009 Jan 11
FAILSAFE preventing errors from displaying?
Used to, when I had an error in development mode, I saw a pretty stack
trace in the browser and didn''t have to go the server console, and in
production mode I would see the pretty 500.html error page be
displayed. Since I''ve started using Rails 2.2, I no longer get either
of these. I get the ugly black and white "500 Internal Server Error"
message. The happens the
2017 Nov 07
Problem with 'sed' on one Windows bot?
As Davide suggests, most likely it's a bot software installation snafu.
But the simpler sed script works perfectly, and I'll do that for now.
I had understood that LLVM expected people to install GnuWin32, but
maybe it's not sufficiently well specified about versions and whatnot.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: davide.italiano at gmail.com [mailto:davide.italiano
2005 Mar 29
Restart centos from Commandline
I am connecting to my server through SecureCRT. Server is running Centos
I need to restart my server
What is command line?> anyone knows
Vaneet Sharma
executive manager
iDeasTank Limited
an iwg business
dolphins'' court po 388
valletta, m-malta/europe
mobile: +356 9943 8263
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call me
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] STP Loop not blocking
Recently ran into a problem with the 2.6.18 kernel on Xscale arch when a br=
idge, with multiple interfaces on it, is configured with a redundant loop. =
All interfaces are left on forwarding and nexer switch to block when the lo=
op is introduced. This was tested against a 2.6.16 kernel and the problem d=
id not occur, interfaces forwared and blocked correctly. Any help would be =
2003 Dec 10
DocBook XML conversion progress
Progress was slow today. I started out well, but then I ran into
Documentation.htm. Progress slowed considerably, as I analyzed the
document structure. I''m up to /etc/shorewall/hosts Configuration. I hope
to finish Documentation.xml by tomorrow evening.
Converted documents:
Please post feedback, if you see any problems with the converted
2013 Jun 20
What method would you suggest for installing the Pinta screenshot editor on CentOS 6.4?
A screenshot editor needs to do a few things - but it must do these three
things easily and well:
1. Draw curved and straight arrows, dotted or solid line, with various
end dots and points
2. Draw open circles of various shapes to highlight areas of interest
3. Text easily without having to pre-define a bounding box for the ad-hoc
By far, the most powerful easy-to-use freeware screenshot
2017 Nov 09
Problem with 'sed' on one Windows bot?
Thanks, Galina. It doesn't explain why the test worked on some bots but not this one, but Justin's workaround is okay with me.
From: Galina Kistanova [mailto:gkistanova at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2017 10:09 AM
To: Robinson, Paul
Cc: Davide Italiano; llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org
Subject: Re: [llvm-dev] Problem with 'sed' on one Windows bot?
There is nothing