similar to: audio frequency with wcfxs and K8t

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "audio frequency with wcfxs and K8t"

2004 Dec 13
CPU spikes with wcfxs loaded
I need to reopen this discussion because it's impossible to run spandsp (and VoIP) under these circumstances. With zaptel unloaded, I see the following "vmstat 1" output: no swapping, an occasional disk output, +/- 1003 interrupts/sec., less than 10 context switches/sec., CPU idle 100%. A very quiet system. I load modules zaptel and wcfxo, and the system utilization stays the
2004 Aug 18
Another small suggestion patch
It's nice to be able to define the list of asterisk modules we want to load from the /etc/sysconfig/zaptel file rather than directly in /etc/init.d/zaptel. I'm using nufone and don't require anything but the ztdummy (is the rtc-based module better, anyone?), so that's what I've put here. These are based on zaptel-1.0-RC1. John --- zaptel-1.0/zaptel.init.ole
2004 Jun 25
wcfxs CPU usage
Hi, I'm using 12 fxo modules on tdm cards. When I do 'modprobe wcfxs', the cpu usage in kernel mode varies from 2% to 100%. While monitoring using top, there is no process using much cpu resource. Is this ok? Thanks in advance. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2005 Mar 27
analog phone
Hi I have been searching the wiki and mailing lists and I cant see where my config is incorrect. I have a Digium tdm11b (1 fxo + 1 fxs) this is the output of cat /etc/zaptel.conf # Autogenerated by /usr/local/sbin/genzaptelconf -- do not hand edit # Zaptel Configuration File # # This file is parsed by the Zaptel Configurator, ztcfg # # It must be in the module loading order # Span 1: WCTDM/0
2005 Aug 21
TDM11B modprobe wcfxs fails
Hi, I got my TDM11B and am trying to get it to work on my PC. However, I'm having difficulty getting the wcfxs driver to load. I've Googled this problem, and while there are others who have ran into the same problem, none of the solutions work for me. I would very much appreciate it if you could suggest things I could try to resolve this problem. Details follow. The PC is somewhat
2003 Oct 23
wcfxs error
hi guys, i got a TDM400P FXS card an everything is fine except for this when i do modprobe wcfxs , the linux shows 2 TigerJet Network Inc Model 300 128k. i don't know why it is showing 2 of them. or is that what it is? ERROR: Freshmaker version: 63 Freshmaker passed register test ProSLIC on module 0 insane (1) 0 should be 2 Module 0: Not installed ProSLIC on module 1 insane (1) 0 cshould be
2005 Feb 17
Error loading wcfxs module
<font size="2">Hello,<br> <br> I recently instaled an asterisk 1.0.3, libpri 1.0.1 and zaptel 1.0.3 withuot errors.<br> When i try to load the modules, i get,<br> modprobe zaptel -> load zaptel without errors.<br> modprobe wcfxs -> can't locate&nbsp; wcfxs<br> <br> I search for wcfxs location, and it is on
2005 Aug 14
Module wcfxs - is it not part of astlinux?
Hello I am (attempting) to run the astlinux version of Asterisk on a VIA embedded platform. I have a TDM04B and pretty sure zaptel.conf and zapata.conf setup OK. They worked fine with same card in traditional PC anyway. I think need the module wcfxs for a Digium TDM04B card. Is this module not part of astlinux? Do I need to download it? Or is it in opt? I see wctdm - but think that is
2007 Feb 19
Problems with CentOS ztdummy kernel 2.6
Hi List, I am having some trouble with installing the latest version of ztdummy on a CentOS Kernel 2.6 system. I have installed a few Asterisk systems on Slackware Kernel 2.4.x without any issues, unfortunately there is no choice about this distro, or kernel as it has been preinstalled by someone else. And so I am in the dark with an unfamiliar distro and kernel. I am fairly sure the
2006 Jan 08
Zaptel make install error
/bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `;' /bin/sh: -c: line 0: `if [ -n "" ]; then if [ -f ]; then mv -f .bak ; fi; cat .bak | grep -v "alias char-major-250" | grep -v "post-install torisa /sbin/ztcfg" | grep -v "post-install wcfxsusb /sbin/ztcfg" | grep -v "alias wctdm" | grep -v "post-install wctdm
2004 Dec 15
wcfxs causing constant CPU spikes
Hi All, I have a problem (at least I think it's a problem) where the wcfxs module causes constant CPU usage spikes. The card being used is a Digium Wildcard TDM400P with 3 FXO modules and 1 FXS (TDM31B). Monitoring my otherwise idle asterisk box (with top) I see once every 3-5 seconds hi (hardware interrupt) spike to 30%-40% and then drop back to 0 again. This is the case wtih both asterisk
2003 May 13
invalid argument 22 when modprobe wcfxs and wcfxo
Hi all I ahve been having problems loading the wcfss and wcfxo drivers I get an error message invalid argument and something about post install insmod failed the currently load modules do show the drivers loaded but asteris won't start lsmod root@slackware:~# lsmod Module Size Used by Not tainted soundcore 3332 0 (autoclean) wcfxo
2005 Jun 02
Asterisk 1.0.7 on Gentoo
I installed Asterisk on Gentoo using emerge. At first, emerge tried installing version 0.9 but reading the wiki showed how to get the latest stable. I'm running Gentoo kernel 2.6.11-gentoo-r9. Asterisk seems to be working just fine, but I'm concerned that since I don't have any Digium hardware, I may need a timer source. When I executed emerge zaptel, it installed zaptel 1.0.7
2004 Nov 29
Problems with conference on FreeBSD 5.2.1 w/* 1.0.1
Hello, I'm trying to set up a conference room. When I dial it's extension, I get an audible error saying "Not a valid conference room, please try again" followed by a disconnect. I've got debug sip peer 1001 (my X-Lite client) and I see this in the logs: (I'm pretty sure it has something to do with ztdummy, but I dunno... I have the port installed, but I
2004 Aug 17
has no CRC! error messages while compiling zaptel
I get this warnings while compiling zaptel Any suggestions would be very helpfull. make -C /usr/src/linux-2.6 SUBDIRS=/usr/src/bri-stuff.0.1.0-RC4/zaptel modules make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-' CC [M] /usr/src/bri-stuff.0.1.0-RC4/zaptel/zaptel.o /usr/src/bri-stuff.0.1.0-RC4/zaptel/zaptel.c:163: warning: `fcstab' defined but not used CC [M]
2005 Jan 09
passing opermode to the wcfxs module
Hi, Has anyone in australia got asterisk running on FreeBSD? how would i pass the opermode=AUSTRALIA parameter to the wcfxs.ko module as kldload doesnt let you pass parameters to the module like modprobe in Linux. I tried to get the sysctl variable using sysctl -a it might use but nothing applicable was visible.... i need to set the impedences to 600 ohms, can someone please advice me on
2003 Jun 16
Installing the wcfxs driver
Hi All when I modprobe the wcfxs drive and do a cat /proc/pci, it is sharing irq with my AGP and USB, I think this is causing the card to stop working, it would work for a couple of days or a couple of hours but then stop, I'm a complete linux newbie, how can I force the wxfxs driver onto another IRQ in case it is this causing the problem Thanks for your help Robb
2003 Sep 12
zaptel wcfxs and wcfxo recent cvs drivers bad ??
So I decided to update my code base from the cvs tree. rebuilt everything reinstall everything when I do a modprobe wcfxs or modprobe wcfxo It complains that I have the FXO and FXS statements backwards. Note well: This was a functioning system prior to the CVS update. I do have 2 FXO cards and 1 FXS (4 port with 1 module) card in the system. They are on seperate IRQ's if I set
2004 Oct 01
Re: Problem with TDM400P
Greetings all, I'm new to asterisk... Finally got two IP phones and two TDM400P's (one with four FXO modules and one with four FXS modules)... Began experimenting a couple days ago and have ran into a very aggrevating problem. My system consists of the following hardware: Abit BL7-RAID motherboard Pentium 4 1.6GHz processor 512MB SDRAM 2 TDM400P cards 2 3Com 3c905
2004 Jun 07
Module nonsense (zaptel, wcfxs and wxfxo)
Hello! I've been playing with two pieces of hardware: a X100P and a TDM400P with an FXO and two FXS modules. I had been using just the TDM card; however, the TDM FXO module seems to hear things and "answer" the telephone for no reason, and I wanted to compare the results with an X100P card. If you want further details, I can give them to you, but suffice it to say that