Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "what the best ? apt-get? yum or urpmi ?"
2005 Mar 07
Re: YUMI packages seems BROKEN or has some TROUBLE
Green wrote:
>Hello Mr.Dnavan Nelson,
>And I thank very much for your contribution to CentOS Project.
>Now, I tested a RPM rebuild from yumi-2.0.7-2.rf.src.rpm but also
>yumi-2.0.7-2.2.el4.rf.noarch.rpm in RHEL 4 and CentOS 4.0 i386.
>Though installation of "YUMI" finishes with no error message,
>but it does EVEN NOT start by a "# yumi# command.
2016 Oct 31
[PATCH 4/4] rpm: mageia: prefer dnf over urpmi
Mageia introduced dnf as alternative package manager for the next
version 6, with the possibility to replace urpmi as primary in the
As such, prefer dnf over urpmi+fakeroot to download rpm packages.
Thanks to Neal Gompa for his heads-up.
README | 3 +--
src/rpm.ml | 8 +++++---
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/README
index 79fcfd8..679bf70
2012 Oct 29
Porting febootstrap to urpmi-based distributions
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:10:04AM +0100, Guillaume Rousse wrote:
> Hello Richard.
> I didn't find any dedicated mailing-list for febootstrap, so sending
> this directly seems the best option.
CC-ing this to libguestfs at redhat.com which is the right list.
> I'm interested to have
> libguestfs on mageia, meaning I have to port febootstrap first. I
> had a quick
2013 Aug 21
Re: [PATCH v2 0/3 supermin] URPMI & xz support.
I had to make some changes to the xz patch.
The code that was used for conftest had to be modified and I needed to add
lzma to the link line. The urpmi patch worked fine.
On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com>wrote:
> Joseph,
> Please try my modified versions of these patches. These are
> compile-tested on Fedora and they don't break
2013 Aug 19
[PATCH v2 0/3 supermin] URPMI & xz support.
Please try my modified versions of these patches. These are
compile-tested on Fedora and they don't break any existing
functionality, but I don't have either urpmi nor a statically-linked
xz so I cannot fully test them.
I have also fixed detection of zlib (2/3).
2003 Jan 22
[Fwd: Re: Authoring a HOWTO]
Forgot to cc samba ...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [Samba] Authoring a HOWTO
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 18:41:56 +0200
From: Buchan Milne <bgmilne@cae.co.za>
To: Jim <jcllings@tsunamicomm.net>
CC: Ronan Waide <waider@waider.ie>
> Message: 20
> Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 11:37:18 +0000
> From: Ronan Waide <waider@waider.ie>
> To: Jim
2005 Oct 23
Which imapd?
Hi. What imapd can you recommend for minimum configuration and
maintenance (no Cyrus)? This is for a small shop, so no hard performance
I'd prefer one where I don't have to build my own packages (no Courier,
unless packages exist).
2007 Nov 13
trouble with ups mge evolution2200 and mandriva 2007 - nut 2.2 + PSP
I'll be back with my MGE Evolution 2200 connected with RS232
I upgrade nut 2.0.1 in nut 2.2 + psp
as you ask me
PSP autodetect my UPS and autoconfigure NUT.
not really diffcult !
So I didn't change anything but I always have in my syslog these event
Nov 13 11:09:22 mezenc upsmon[3865]: Poll UPS [mgeups at localhost] failed -
Data stale
Nov 13 11:09:27 mezenc upsmon[3865]: Poll
2005 Mar 08
Re: YUMI packages seems BROKEN or has some TROUBLE
Hello again,
I installed "gnome-games" by "SMART" for testing.
As long as confirmed here, SMART is functioning normally,
though I know which is released as a beta version now.
Thak you very much for sending me a good information,
instead of YUMI.
2005 May 06
OT: P4 Vs Xeon for Linux
I have just had delivered a new HP Proliant server and it is based on an
Intel Xeon 2.8GHz processor. On site already we have an Acer Altos G310 with
a P4 2.8GHz processor.
The new HP server was destined for another site with about 30 persons to
service some simple file and print sharing and to manage their email
(postfix + MailScanner). The Acer is hosting our Intranet, file and print
2007 Nov 13
trouble with ups mge evolution2200 and mandriva 2007 - nut 2. 2 + PSP
I'll be back one more time
perhaps I found the reason of these errors
Nov 13 11:09:22 mezenc upsmon[3865]: Poll UPS [mgeups at localhost] failed -
Data stale
it happens when daemon upsd et upsmon are started after the boot
obviously, there isn't any errors when upsd and upsmon are started at boot
following later ...
-----Message d'origine-----
De : goudard sabine
Envoy? : mardi
2012 Jun 16
Installing XCP from USB thumb drive
Has anyone experimented with installing XCP from a USB thumb drive? Is it possible? How was the installation media installed to the USB thumb drive (e.g., dd)?
Eric Pretorious
Truckee, CA
Xen-users mailing list
2016 May 24
[PATCH 3/3] customize: add support for the xbps package manager
customize/customize_run.ml | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
diff --git a/customize/customize_run.ml b/customize/customize_run.ml
index 4b3e13c..c9d9d7d 100644
--- a/customize/customize_run.ml
+++ b/customize/customize_run.ml
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ exec >>%s 2>&1
| "pisi" -> sprintf "pisi it %s" quoted_args
| "pacman" -> sprintf
2016 May 04
[PATCH 2/2] customize: Improve the error messages when package manager is unknown or unsupported.
For Windows, we now print:
$ virt-customize -a ./test-data/phony-guests/windows.img --install MSSQL
[ 0.0] Examining the guest ...
[ 14.2] Setting a random seed
virt-customize: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of
[ 14.2] Installing packages: MSSQL
virt-customize: error: '--install' failed because inspection could not
determine the package manager for this
2004 Jan 13
reinstalling R/ mandrake 9.1/ rpm
OS: linux Mandrake 9.1
R Version 1.8.1 (2003-11-21),
GNU Emacs
I'm reinstalling R after reformatting a partition containing the
applications software. The urpmi returned this error:
[root at localhost R]# urpmi R-1.8.1-1mdk.i586.rpm
installing R-1.8.1-1mdk.i586.rpm
2008 Jul 18
Problems with dovecot/sieve and vacation
First of all, initial data:
# dovecot --version
# dovecot -n
# /etc/dovecot.conf
protocols: imaps pop3s
disable_plaintext_auth: yes
login_dir: /var/run/dovecot/login
login_executable(default): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(imap): /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap-login
login_executable(pop3): /usr/libexec/dovecot/pop3-login
login_max_processes_count: 256
2003 Oct 02
Samba-3.0.0 packages for Mandrake 8.2-9.1
Hash: SHA1
RPMs of samba3 for Mandrake were uploaded to the samba FTP mirrors on
Saturday. For those who have urpmi media setup for your favourite samba
mirror, all you need to do to get samba3 is (assuming you have setup the
Sambaldap source such as at http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon/?minor=1):
# urpmi.update Sambaldap
# urpmi samba3-server
Please note that by
2016 May 04
Re: [PATCH 2/2] customize: Improve the error messages when package manager is unknown or unsupported.
On Wednesday 04 May 2016 14:12:30 Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> For Windows, we now print:
> $ virt-customize -a ./test-data/phony-guests/windows.img --install MSSQL
> [ 0.0] Examining the guest ...
> [ 14.2] Setting a random seed
> virt-customize: warning: random seed could not be set for this type of
> guest
> [ 14.2] Installing packages: MSSQL
> virt-customize:
2016 Oct 31
[PATCH 0/4] supermin: use dnf on Mageia
as pointed out by Neal Gompa, Mageia recently introduced dnf in the
distribution (currently only in Cauldron, which is the future Mageia 6),
and most probably it will replace urpmi in the future.
As such, on Mageia make supermin prefer dnf over urpmi when found,
using the same code already used for Fedora.
Related change: make test-harder.sh work explicitly also on Mageia
2002 Feb 02
Re: R install problem
On Fri, 1 Feb 2002, Tony Fagan wrote:
> I downloaded your RPM and tried installing it on Madrake 8.1.
> It failed and said it could not find:
> libblas.so.3
To install these, from console as root do:
urpmi liblapack3
> libgcc_s.so.1
> libgcc_s.so.1 (GLIBC_2.0)
urpmi libgcc3
Michele Alzetta