Displaying 20 results from an estimated 800 matches similar to: "app_festival volume problems"
2003 Sep 22
Example weather report AGI by Zip Code using Festival available
I have posted a link to the tarball of my rather simple AGI script that
allows a user to input a Zip Code (USA only) via DTMF and have the
current weather conditions spoken to them. This is the first release
and I'm sure it will have some bugs. It requires a few modules from
CPAN and the asterisk-perl AGI interface. It's a very small script.
Available at
2003 Sep 19
Aastra 390 w/ADSI - Doesn't automagically use "Asterisk PBX" script
I have an Aastra 390 ADSI phone. It's not locked.
I can call ADSIProg without a problem and it programs my phone. Calling
Voicemail2 also programs my phone.
However, in order for the VMail option to appear on the screen I have to
go into the Services menu, pick Asterisk PBX and pick Select.
Then the VMail softbutton appears on the screen, but any time I make a
call it goes back to the
2010 Aug 04
Asterisk not working with Festival
I am having a Mac 10.6.4 (Snow Leopard). I have compiled and built Asterisk and Festival 2.0.95:beta on my machine. Asterisk is working fine
with SIP channels without Festival. I have written following context in
exten => s,1,Answer
Exten => s,n,SayDigits(?1?)
exten => s,n,Festival(hello john)
exten => s,n,Hangup
I use call files to
2005 Jan 10
Festival Woes
Asterisk v1.0 is running on RH 9. I installed festival RPM
(festival-1.4.2-16.i386.rpm) and edited the festival.scm file to add:
(define (tts_textasterisk string mode)
"(tts_textasterisk STRING MODE)
Apply tts to STRING. This function is specifically designed for
use in server mode so a single function call may synthesize the string.
This function name may be added to the server safe
2004 Aug 19
Festival Issues
Hey All,
I now have Festival compiled, installed and running using the instructions on the Wiki page.
When I try to change the voice that is being used however, I am running into a problem. I get
the following in the festival server log:
Cannot open file /tmp/est_10877_00000/utt.wav as tokenstream
Wave load: can't open file "/tmp/est_10877_00000/utt.wav"
Cannot load wavefile:
2003 Oct 08
asterisk & festival problem.
I?m trying to get app_festival to work. I got the source from the
Debian woody package of festival-1.4.2 and applied the patch that came
with * sources it applied fine; then I made the debian package and
installed it.
I have this on extensions.conf:
exten => 6700,1,Festival(Hi there how are you doing ?)
When I dial 6700 I hear nothing and then * hangups:
-- Executing
2003 Sep 23
App_festival crashing
Hi all,
I'm unable to put app_festival to work. I successfully patched,
installed and tested festival (interactive logon and telnet to server
port) which seems to work without problems.
But when I test it in asterisk I got the following trace in console:
-- Executing Answer("SIP/bsenicar-850b", "") in new stack
-- Executing
2003 Jul 03
app_festival not cleaning up properly?
I am still poking at app_festival a little bit and have found a problem
I don't really understand, and therefore, I don't really know what to
try to do about fixing it. I have done a lot of things in the code, but
the best I can do is rewrite a bunch of stuff and still have the
problem. Perhaps someone more familiar with the * internals can lend
some in helping me to understand what might
2003 Sep 24
Festival Problems
I am trying to use festival (latest version 1.4.3)
I have downloaded all the files needed and patched it with the provided
festival does work and does tts fine.
but when I call Festival either from an extention or an AGI script, I get
this in my asterisk messages log, but no sound on the channels (H323 or SIP)
- they (the clients) just say "trying" and then hangup...
Sep 24
2010 Apr 29
substring comparison
Hi all,
I'm writing a script to do some basic text analysis in R. Let's assume
I have a data frame named data which contains a column named 'utt'
which contains strings. Is there a straightforward way to achieve
something like this:
data$ContainsThe <- ifelse(startsWith(data$Utt,"the"),"y","n")
data$ContainsThe <-
2006 Jan 13
glmmPQL: Na/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
I'm using glmmPQL, and I still have a few problems with it.
In addition to the issue reported earlier, I'm getting the following
error and I was wondering if there's something I can do about it.
Error in logLik.reStruct(object, conLin) : Na/NaN/Inf in foreign
function call (arg 3)
... Warnings:
1: Singular precistion matrix in level -1, block 4
4: ""
2003 Sep 22
G.729A + Cisco AS5300
I have 5 digium's g.729 codecs and succesfully register with asterisk, I have incomming call from my cisco AS5300 to Asterisk through IP. But Asterisk always use g711 ulaw instead of g.729. When I disable all other codecs other than g.729 in both cisco and asterisk, calls get dropped once connected.
The codec list show on my cisco AS5300 for g.729 are:
I suspect that
2003 Mar 06
Cisco SIP Weirdness (1750, not ATA)
I have the following in extentions.conf:
exten => 2111,1,Dial(SIP/2111 at gw1.langley)
exten => 2111,2,Voicemail(u2111)
exten => 2111,3,Hangup
exten => 2111,100,Voicemail(b2111)
exten => 2111,101,Hangup
I have the following in sip.conf:
; Cisco 1750
Like the ATA, lots of stuff doesn't work on the 1750
2005 Jul 14
Changing the voice in Asterisk
> Has anyone had any luck in changing the voices for Festival and
> Asterisk?
> I have Festival installed and working, but can not get the voice
> different
> from the default.
> Thanks,
> Jason
Assuming you follow the installation instructions, and install the Mbrola and
other goodies for all the possible different voices, then you can,
2006 Feb 17
Festival and Asterisk - different voices? => SOLVED!
I found a workaround with this. Festival w/ A@H comes with 4 voices.
Here's a snippet from the siteinit.scm file:
;(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_bdl_arctic_hts)
(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts)
;(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_jmk_arctic_hts)
;(set! voice_default 'voice_cmu_us_awb_arctic_hts)
The default is to have the first line uncommented and
2006 Jan 10
glmmPQL / "system is computationally singular"
I'm having trouble with glmmPQL from the MASS package.
I'm trying to fit a model with a binary response variable, two fixed
and two random variables (nested), with a sample of about 200,000
data points.
Unfortunately, I'm getting an error message that is difficult to
understand without knowing the internals of the glmmPQL function.
> model <- glmmPQL(primed ~
2008 Jan 24
(lme4: lmer) mcmcsamp: Error in if (var(y) == 0)
I've got a problem with "mcmcsamp" used with glmer objects produced
with "lmer" from the lme4 package.
When calling mcmcsamp, I get the error
Error in if (var(y) == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
This does not occur with all models, but I can't find anything wrong
with the dataset.
If the error is in my data, can someone tell me what I am looking
2003 Dec 30
E100P configuration
Hi !
I am trying to configure two E100P cards, but I am a bit confused with
zapta.conf in what I am trying to achieve.
The * will be connected to a pstn switch with two E1 PRI lines. The E1 lines
will be used for incoming calls as well as outgoing calls.
My problem now is what to put in zapta.conf, I would like to group all
channels from both cards together (if that's possible). Does this
2004 Sep 26
spandsp with TDM fxo card?
Has anyone made spandsp to work with a digium tdm fxo card?
I finally got the rxfax and txfax modules to compile, the spandsp lib
installed (and in the libpath), and now receive:
-- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
-- Executing RxFAX("Zap/1-1", "/var/fax.tif") in new stack
-- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
I've tried to adjust rxgain/txgain in
2004 Jun 01
problems with TDM400P
We have two of these 4 port FXO cards.
However, we are having some problems with incoming/outgoing calls.
The latest version of Asterisk/zaptel from CVS is being used. Voicemail,
internal SIP <-> SIP calls between Pingtel xpressa hard phones work
terrific, echotest is fine, and so on.
The zaptel and wcfxs modules load fine, and show all 8 FXO interfaces in