similar to: Contributing to OpenSSH

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "Contributing to OpenSSH"

2006 Mar 29
sshd config parser
Hi All. For various reasons, we're currently looking at extending (or even overhauling) the config parser used for sshd_config. Right now the syntax I'm looking at is a cumulative "Match" keyword that matches when all of the specified criteria are met. This would be similar the the Host directive used in ssh_config, although it's still limiting (eg you can't easily
2005 May 17
feature: RequiredAuthentications
Hi, probably an ignorant question, maybe I'm missing something ... Is there a way for a sshd server to be able to enforce both client host key authentication as well as user authentication, say for roving user-administered laptops. So a sysadmin can restrict access to allow only client hosts which can pass the HostbasedAuthentication tests, whatever the current IP name/address, but still
2010 Nov 27
Combind two different vector
Hi I'm trying two combine two vectors that have different lengths. This without recursive the shorter one. E.g., a <- seq(1:3) b <- seq(1:6) Thanks in advance Serdar [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Dec 11
Hi I'm trying to utilize the break command for breaking the loop when the p-value is less than 10 per cent using the urca package. But it does not break the loop, anyone that can help me? library(urca) set.seed(1) a1 <- runif(100) lag.max <- function(object, n = 12){ matris <- matrix(NA, nrow = n) for(i in 1:n) { matris[i] <- ur.df(object, lags = i,
2007 Apr 03
MediaTemple Image upload
Hi All, I''m hosting with MediaTemple who are currently using 0.3.3 of mongrel on their GridServer. My rails app has an image upload facility whereby if you upload a large image (e.g. 5Mb) mongrel crashes. I''ve requested an upgrade to the latest version of mongrel but don''t believe that''s going to happen too soon. I''m not getting too much
2010 Aug 06
Creating timeSeries
Hi I want to create a TimeSeries object with already defined dates (in the first vector) so that all the data are coerced as a time series object with the dates as they are. Is there anyone that have an idea what to do? 2010-07-07 3.900833 3.176667 2.754167 2.045833 1.820833 2010-04-21 4.256667 3.356667 2.700000 1.820000 1.576667 2010-02-17 4.322500 3.450000 2.670000 1.792500 1.492500
2012 Apr 28
"Modified Diebold-Mariano Test" with forecast package
Hi I tried to calculate modified Diebold-Mariano Test in R . I have already find a "forecast" package to calculate the Diebold-Mariano Test. Please let me know how to obtain " Modified Diebold-Mariano Test" ? Regards, Serdar -- View this message in context: Sent from
2012 Oct 10
"optim" and "nlminb"
#optim package estimate<-optim(init.par,Linn,hessian=TRUE, method=c("L-BFGS-B"),control = list(trace=1,abstol=0.001),lower=c(0,0,0,0,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf,-Inf),upper=c(1,1,1,1,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf,Inf)) #nlminb package estimate<-nlminb(init.par,Linn,gr=NULL,hessian=TRUE,control =
2012 Mar 27
[Bug 983] Required authentication --- Comment #51 from Petr Lautrbach <plautrba at> 2012-03-28 02:35:54 EST --- Created attachment 2138 --> fixes of original patch (In reply to comment #46) > Created attachment 2096 [details] > Updated version of original patch. Fix missing braces around block in
2012 Sep 18
"rugarch" package
My code: spec<-ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(1, 1), submodel = "Null", external.regressors = NULL, variance.targeting = FALSE), mean.model = list(armaOrder=c(0,0),include.mean =FALSE, archm = FALSE, archpow = 1, arfima = FALSE, external.regressors = NULL, archex = FALSE), distribution.model = "norm", = list(),
2012 Mar 03
Hi, I'm writing documentation using Roxygen and writing in Swedish. But I can't use ??? for instance and I haven't found any encoding option in the R-manual. Is there any one that can help me? Regards Serdar
2003 Jan 28
password syncronization
Dear friends we have the following problem. We have Operating system=OpenBsd installed computer and an other one with windows 98 when we change the password via smbpasswd myname ... then we have the following problem. My sambapassword is really changed. Since when I try to communicate samba server through windows 98 installed computer I see there is no problem. (Since we can see the shared
2005 Apr 04
I originally posted these classes because they turned out nice in my application, were reasonably generic, and I thought they'd be useful to other people. I figured it was a chance to give something back to the community. I eventually discovered that this was a bad idea and took them offline mainly for the following reasons: 1) Supporting the various versions of Speex is a nuisance,
2005 Jun 28
more flexible AllowUsers/DenyUsers syntax
Hi, I hope this is the right place for a feature request. I'd like to have more flexible AllowUsers/DenyUsers synax. I am in a situation, where I have machines connected to three networks (a private, high speed, a public, and a private vpn) and I'd like to enable root logins only on the private networks. Currently I see no way of doing this, because there is no way to specify a
2009 Apr 06
[Bug 1587] New: [man] sshd_config(5) provide examples of keyword 'Match' Summary: [man] sshd_config(5) provide examples of keyword 'Match' Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 5.2p1 Platform: Other OS/Version: Other Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P2 Component: Documentation
2006 Mar 03
Dreamhost rating?
Hi, I''m looking at getting some hosting to support RoR development. Thus, how would you rate Dream Host? Thanks in advance, -Conrad -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Jul 13
AW: Domain logon against a Windows Server 2003 based AD
> hi, > did you joined your samba-server to the W2K Domain? > yes, more than once, do I need to do more cleanups than deleting the computer account in ads? > > Jul 12 16:56:22 linux winbindd[2410]: [2004/07/12 16:56:22, 0] > > nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:get_trust_pw(951) > > Jul 12 16:56:22 linux winbindd[2410]: get_trust_pw: could not fetch > >
2013 Jun 19
"The account is not authorized to login from this station"
Good Day, I am testing, in a lab environment, samba shares with ad authentication for access. My setup is as follows : * Windows 2008 RC2 * RHEL 5.9 * Windows 7 * Windows XP SP3 * Samba 3.0.33-3.39.el5_8 All machines, including the RHEL Server having been added to the Domain running on the Windows 2008 RC2 Server. As per the subject, when trying to connect, from XP or Win 7, to the shares I
2008 Feb 07
NFS device IDs for snapshot filesystems
I notice that files within a snapshot show a different deviceID to stat than the parent file does. But this is not true when mounted via NFS. Is this a limitation of the NFS client, or just what the ZFS fileserver is doing? Will this change in the future? With NFS4 mirror mounts? -- Darren Dunham ddunham at Senior Technical Consultant
2009 Jul 20
No subject
faced this exact same problem a few times on more than one servers and it was 1) dialplan issue which was not hanging up the zap channels correctly 2) using more than 8 spans on a server. Asterisk can't handle more than 96 zap channels on T1s. FXO/FXS combinations can vary the number of spans but if you know what I mean by spans, in production don't use more than 6 spans. On 2010-03-17