similar to: multiple password prompts for a locked account

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "multiple password prompts for a locked account"

2019 Jan 14
GPO or similar for fedora?
Hi! i going to migrate all windows workstation to fedora and I need for example: make an administrator users in all workstation, is possible make a gpo for linux? All the workstation are in domain...obviosly is a SAMBA! King regards From Argentine
2005 Aug 18
I am at my first steps with R... and I already notice that the console has a quite limited number of lines. Can anyone tell me how to visualise all the information, which is actually present? I only see the last part of the output, which obviosly exceeds the maximum number of rows in the console. Thank you very much for your help! Daniela [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jun 19
[Bug 1784] New: ssh-keygen fails when filename of key file contains multiple slashes Summary: ssh-keygen fails when filename of key file contains multiple slashes Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 5.2p1 Platform: All OS/Version: Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P2 Component: ssh-keygen AssignedTo:
2004 Feb 03
lm coefficients
Dear R experts, Excuse me if my question will be stupid... I'd like to fit data with x^2 polynomial: d <- read.table(file = "Oleg.dat", head = TRUE) d X T 3720.00 4.113 3715.00 4.123 3710.00 4.132 ... out <- lm(T ~ poly(X, 4), data = d) out Call: lm(formula = T ~ poly(X, 2), data = d) Coefficients: (Intercept) poly(X, 2)1 poly(X, 2)2
2004 Nov 10
Popping without home directories
Hello there I tend to e-mail user accounts to my servers with /sbin/nologin and /dev/null as their shell and home directories respectively. I have discovered that Dovcot does not like it when a user does not have a home directory. Obviosly the user POP3 and not IMAP! :P Is there a work around for this? I have a suspicion it is one of the chroot option, but I do not know the meaning chroot.
2000 Dec 20
Short block test
Frank Klemm made the clip to test short block switching - it's made of series of short periodical 'pulses', and this period gets smaller as time passes. You can get this file at: (1.6MB) (uncompress it twice with gzip) I used oggenc beta3 & mp+ 1.7.8 Oggenc gave 160kbps using mode -b 256 mp+ gave 350kbps (using
2006 Jun 09
script for multi linear regression
Hi, I am trying to write a function in R that receives one array (y) and one list of arrays (mylist.of.array) with one or more arrays I need get y in function of the arrays in mylist.of.array . I am a newbie in R so I tryed the line bellow, that obviosly does not work g<-lm(y~ mylist.of.array) May anybody help me? -- Thank you for your time and help, Wagner Costa [[alternative HTML
2011 May 09
Suppressing iterations in DEoptim
Dear R users, During the the running of DEoptim function which belongs to "DEoptim" package it automatically gives the output like the following: Iteration: 1 bestvalit: 181.379847 bestmemit: 0.226499 1.395852 Iteration: 2 bestvalit: 14.062649 bestmemit: 2.290357 5.597838 Iteration: 3 bestvalit: 14.062649 bestmemit: 2.290357 5.597838 Iteration: 4 bestvalit: 14.062649
2019 Jan 14
GPO or similar for fedora?
The DC is a Ubuntu 16.04, with samba 4.8 I want a local user in alls workstations with admin permissions, is for the support area, for install apps and if i make a freeipa and make the trust? i could have the users and GPOs for windows and users and tools for linux, is possible? El lun., 14 ene. 2019 a las 17:26, Rowland Penny via samba (< samba at>) escribió: > On
2010 Oct 04
Help on reading multiple files in R
Hi, How can I read multiple files(in a loop like manner) within a single code of R ? For example, I need to run the same code for different datasets (here list of companies) and since individual files are quite large, appending the files into one file is not a desirable option. Can this be done through a macro or sql kind of command? Thank you in advance. Arnab Kumar Maity Researcher Indian
2024 May 05
lmer error: number of observations <= number of random effects
I am running a multilevel growth curve model to examine predictors of social anhedonia (SA) trajectory through ages 12, 15 and 18. SA is a continuous numeric variable. The age variable (Index1) has been coded as 0 for age 12, 1 for age 15 and 2 for age 18. I am currently using a time varying predictor, stress (LSI), which was measured at ages 12, 15 and 18, to examine whether trajectory/variation
2024 May 05
lmer error: number of observations <= number of random effects
I am running a multilevel growth curve model to examine predictors of social anhedonia (SA) trajectory through ages 12, 15 and 18. SA is a continuous numeric variable. The age variable (Index1) has been coded as 0 for age 12, 1 for age 15 and 2 for age 18. I am currently using a time varying predictor, stress (LSI), which was measured at ages 12, 15 and 18, to examine whether trajectory/variation
2001 Dec 26
Folks, During testing, we found a couple of issues with openssh3.0.2p1: 1. In userauth_finish() in auth2.c (as well as in do_authloop in auth1.c), the foll. check: if (authctxt->failures++ > AUTH_FAIL_MAX) is never satisfied and thus packet_disconnect() never gets called. I suspect the code just drops out of the dispatch_run function list instead. This should be an == instead of >.
2006 Jun 03
Ruby on Rails on MacBook
Hi, I''m trying to set up Ruby on Rails following Apple''s tutorial with ruby 1.8.4 and mysql 5.0.22. But every time I ran ''rake migrate'' I got the following access denied error: Access denied for user ''root''@''localhost'' (using password: YES) After turning on --trace switch, it showed the error happened at the following
2024 May 06
[R-sig-ME] lmer error: number of observations <= number of random effects
Dear Srinidhi, You are trying to fit 1 random intercept and 2 random slopes per individual, while you have at most 3 observations per individual. You simply don't have enough data to fit the random slopes. Reduce the random part to (1|ID). Best regards, Thierry ir. Thierry Onkelinx Statisticus / Statistician Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders INSTITUUT VOOR NATUUR- EN BOSONDERZOEK
2024 May 06
[R] [R-sig-ME] lmer error: number of observations <= number of random effects
Dear Srinidhi, You are trying to fit 1 random intercept and 2 random slopes per individual, while you have at most 3 observations per individual. You simply don't have enough data to fit the random slopes. Reduce the random part to (1|ID). Best regards, Thierry ir. Thierry Onkelinx Statisticus / Statistician Vlaamse Overheid / Government of Flanders INSTITUUT VOOR NATUUR- EN BOSONDERZOEK
2002 Feb 13
[Bug 116] New: Openssh Shadow expiration failure on IRIX 6.5.14 Summary: Openssh Shadow expiration failure on IRIX 6.5.14 Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 3.0.2p1 Platform: MIPS OS/Version: IRIX Status: NEW Severity: major Priority: P3 Component: sshd AssignedTo: openssh-unix-dev at
2002 Jan 16
scp host1 to host2
Hello all, scp doesn't seem to do remote copy between 2 hosts ie. scp host1:<file> host2:<file> doesn't ask for the passphrase when trying to authenticate to host2. Now if I change my rsa key to have no passphrase for host2 , I am able to do the remote scp. Is this a known issue ? So scp doesnot work if you cannot authenticate without user interaction to host2? I am using
2005 Oct 05
Shorewall traffic shaping, getting confused....
Hey list and possible Arne... I try to get traffic shaping working on my firewall but getting cunfused with settings, but first my current setup: tcclasses file: #INTERFACE MARK RATE CEIL PRIORITY OPTIONS $EXT_IF 10 64kbit full 1 tcp-ack,tos-minimize-delay $EXT_IF 20 full/3 full/2 2 default $EXT_IF 30
2001 Sep 25
Samba on VxWorks
Hi I would like to run/port samba on VxWorks. Anybody worked on this side? Basically we would like to view files/folders on VxWorks from Windows machine. I don't think just by modifying build procedure its possible to build & run samba on VxWorks. Any idea how much effort it could take to port code and other stuff. Thanks, Srinidhi -------------- next part --------------