similar to: Enlightenment needed on file transfer

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Enlightenment needed on file transfer"

2020 May 27
[Bug 1431] New: flush set doesn't work as expected in script Bug ID: 1431 Summary: flush set doesn't work as expected in script Product: nftables Version: unspecified Hardware: x86_64 OS: Debian GNU/Linux Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P5 Component: nft Assignee: pablo at
2001 Mar 07
debian Woody upgrade hurt my wine..., not sure of the new config
hello, when i was running debian potato, i managed to get wine working some-what. i hadn't played with it much- i just recently installed it. i know it worked because sol.exe and notepad worked... i upgraded debian to potato, which contained a new-er version of wine. i know that i should use ~/.wine/config instead of /etc/wine.conf. for some reason, i never had the winesetup untility, so i
2000 Nov 30
Debian package problems (fwd)
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 21:31:52 -0800 From: To: Subject: Debian package problems Hi. First of all, congratulations on the nice job. I downloaded your Debian packages for the libraries and ogg123, but the dependencies are wrong: the stable version of Debian (potato) ships with libc6 version 2.1.3, but your packages
2003 Oct 15
FW: Re: domain groups accessing samba share
-----Original Message----- From: VR-Bug Support Sent: 15 October 2003 13:42 To: 'Gavin Davenport' Subject: RE: [Samba] Re: domain groups accessing samba share Hi Gavin, This is what I have for my /etc/pam.d/login #%PAM-1.0 auth required auth sufficient /lib/security/ auth sufficient /lib/security/ nodelay
2002 Nov 24
Problem with SuSE 8.1 & Samba 2.2.5 PDC
Hi All, I am trying to set up samba simply as a standalone Primary Domain Controller, but unfortunatley - for the last three days at least, it just does not want to play! i cannot find a problem in my smb.conf file and to proove that it works, i can log into the samba server via the linux command line with smbclient. The problem is the windows machines, when to go to log into the domain, i get
2020 Jun 22
Voice broken during calls (again...)
Would you mind repeating the test with canreinvite=no set for all you phones and mobile phones? What is your upload bitrate? Is it guaranteed? I would try also to test the PMTU: Try: ping -M do -s 2000 ${ip address of the sip server} You should receive icmp asking for lowering the packet size. The LTE phones could have lower MTU and thus overcome PMTU problem. Marek 2020-06-22 21:48
2017 Nov 03
samba 4.x slow ...
just to verify basic facts: Did you cross check vie network sniff, on which SMB protocol versions Server + Win 7 clients agree ? Or did you pin down via registry ? AFAIK only starting with win 8 or win 10 clients you could ask with powershell, which protocol version is in use. Did you also cross check samba logs for a name resolution issue ( windows names, not DNS) if one of your boxes is an
2004 Aug 06
icecast security
Jack Moffitt: > > securityfocus mailing list (bugtraq) today (and several month before) > > about a remote buffer overflow in icecast v1.3.10 (which seems to be a > > Point me to a url at bugtraq where I can read a description of the > problem. i've the today's email only in the web archive, here's a copy. don't know if it's old news... u.
2001 Sep 08
Debian Woody r-base depends on blas2 (PR#1089)
Full_Name: Michael J. O'Donnell Version: 1.3.1-1 OS: Linux, Debian Woody distribution Submission from: (NULL) ( I tried to install the R packages for the Debian GNU/Linux Woody distribution. I added "deb woody main" to my /etc/apt/sources.list, and ran dselect with the apt-get method. I selected all of the R packages that I
2002 May 17
update wrong date, soft links, Debian stable, -L, ...
Debian r2.5 (Potato) rsync version 2.3.2 protocol version 21 ( the latest stable deb version anyway :) RE: absolutely older file keeps getting chosen for update Hi. I have something like: rsync -vxuaz /sendmail/ /mnt/nfs-mount/sendmail In the nfs drive the files are links to other files in a subdirectory of that same directory. Both the links and the files they point
2001 Jun 29
Debian packages for R-1.3.0
I have installed the binary packages for Debian GNU/Linux release 2.3 (woody) in the U.S. mirror of the CRAN archive. They should propagate to the main CRAN archive within a day and to the other mirrors within two days. These packages have been compiled with gcc-3.0 and g77-3.0. I believe the testing distribution currently provides only a snapshot of gcc-3.0, not the latest released version, so
2001 Jun 29
Debian packages for R-1.3.0
I have installed the binary packages for Debian GNU/Linux release 2.3 (woody) in the U.S. mirror of the CRAN archive. They should propagate to the main CRAN archive within a day and to the other mirrors within two days. These packages have been compiled with gcc-3.0 and g77-3.0. I believe the testing distribution currently provides only a snapshot of gcc-3.0, not the latest released version, so
2012 Jul 10
How to add marker in Stacked bar plot?
Hi, I am working on stacked bar plot and want to add marker(arrow) in stacked bar plot. DF=data.frame(names=c("tomato", "potato", "cabbage", "sukuma-wiki", "terere"), freq=c(7,4,5,8,20)) barplot(as.matrix(DF[,2]), col=heat.colors(length(DF[,2])), legend=DF[,1], xlim=c(0,9), width=2)
2007 Aug 30
Incomplete Gamma function
Hello I am trying to evaluate an Incomplete gamma function in R. Library Zipfr gives the Igamma function. From Mathematica, I have: "Gamma[a, z] is the incomplete gamma function." In[16]: Gamma[9,11.1] Out[16]: 9000.5 Trying the same in R, I get > Igamma(9,11.1) [1] 31319.5 OR > Igamma(11.1,9) [1] 1300998 I know I have to understand the theory and the math behind it rather
2001 Apr 23
missing ctest and methodological question
Hi, I couldn't figure out how to use the functions from the ctest library. I'm using the r-base package that comes with debian potato. library("ctest") told me that no such package existed. I checked the CRAN, but no such package was availiable, instead I was told that it would be part of the standard installation. But functions from ctest like shapiro-wilk don't work. The
2001 Sep 05
pam_limits and OpenSSH
Hi, I have an account server with many users. It uses pam_limits module to limit memory usage etc. The problem is that sometimes SSH rejects connection after the password is entered. In syslog it prints something like "fork: Resource temporary unavailable". After killing some root processes it works perfectly. Perhaps the daemon first sets process limits and then switches to
2006 Oct 09
hello, acts_as_ferret questions, any help greatly appreciate
hi, ive been reading up on ferret, acts_as_ferret, and other search plugins for rails. after reading about ferret, i found out about the acts_as_ferrt plugin. my first question about acts_as_ferret: 1. from reading about ferret, do i still need to manually save the IDX and add a IDX column field to my model table for acts_as_ferret to work? they say that acts_as_ferret handles everything,
2001 Feb 19
OpenSSH-2.5.1p1 scp hangs when scping into an RH (6.0|7.0) box
I just compiled OpenSSH-2.5.1p1 from source on my Debian potato box using: --prefix=/usr/local/openssh --enable-gnome-askpass --with-tcp-wrappers --with-ipv4-default --with-ipaddr-display --libexecdir=/usr/local/openssh/lib --disable-suid-ssh --with-pam I am running OpenSSL-0.9.5a compiled from source with: --prefix=/usr/local/openssl --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl I can scp into my other
2008 Dec 06
jQuery Rails Functions
Hi, I was wondering if anybody who used jQuery with rails could help me out. I have a droppable that fires a simple function, shown below: $("#list").droppable({ accept: ".item", hoverClass: ''droppable-hover'', drop: function(ev, ui) { $(this).append("<br>Dropped!"); } }); But how could I get this to fire a Rails funciton in the
2001 Jun 19
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument
Hi all, I have installed 2.4.5 kernel, Debian Potato. my tc script: #!/bin/bash tc qdisc add dev eth1 root handle 20: cbq bandwidth 10Mbit avpkt 1000 echo root tc class add dev eth1 parent 20:0 classid 20:1 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \ 10Mbit allot 1514 weight 1Mbit prio 8 maxburst 20 avpkt 1000 echo class tc class add dev eth1 parent 20:1 classid 20:100 cbq bandwidth 10Mbit rate \ 5Mbit allot