similar to: AllowHosts / DenyHosts

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "AllowHosts / DenyHosts"

2000 Dec 28
COMPATIBILITY: AllowHosts/DenyHosts/SilentDeny not supported
Hi, here's another feature request that I just found and where I would like to hear your comments first: > The above commands are valid ssh-nonfree, but openssh doesn't like them. The > first two are important for security conscious sites. Ciao Christian -- Debian Developer and Quality Assurance Team Member 1024/26CC7853 31E6 A8CA 68FC 284F 7D16 63EC A9E6
2000 May 25
AllowHosts support in sshd missing.
Hello all, I just noticed that AllowHosts feature of SSH Inc's sshd isn't there in OpenSSH yet. Has anyone been working on this? Am I the only one that seems to miss this feature? AllowUsers and AllowGroups is a very nice feature though :) -- Pekka Savola "Tell me of difficulties surmounted, Pekka.Savola at not those you stumble over and
2009 Aug 26
denyhosts configuration
Hello, I've installed denyhosts on centos 5.3 trying to block automated attacks on ssh. It appears to be working in that entries are being added to /etc/hosts.deny yet the daily emails sent from denyhosts show only one ip being added perday when the total is many more than that. My config is below, i've gone over it and am not seeing what i missed. Suggestions welcome. I was also
2007 Mar 13
Centos-specific Denyhosts Howto Anyone?
Hi, after reading the docs (no man page) and seeing a few example howtos, I see none for Centos specifically. I hereby offer to write this and even host it, and any other wiki-able howto you want, if you can school me on the first few steps relevant to how to link up the current rpmforge rpm for RHEL4-64. See, right now, the one for centos loads into the /usr/share/doc, which is an odd place
2007 Oct 02
Hi, My denyhosts stop working. How do i check why isnt it working anymore for me? Thanks Oct 2 22:59:17 beyond sshd[15690]: Failed password for root from port 49836 ssh2 Oct 2 22:59:17 beyond sshd[15692]: Received disconnect from 11: Bye Bye Oct 2 22:59:18 beyond sshd[15701]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser=
2008 Jan 21
denyhosts-like app for MySQLd?
Hi all, ?Is there any app like denyhosts[1] but intended for MySQLd service? We have a mysql ports (3306) opened for remote connections, and obviously the /var/db/mysql/machine_name.log is full of these kind of entries: ........... 936012 Connect Access denied for user 'user'@'' (using password: YES) 936013 Connect Access denied for user
2000 Aug 01
AllowHosts implementation plea.
Hello all, I'd like to see sshd_config directive AllowHosts implemented. This is about the only SSH 1.2.27 (etc.) thing not supported by OpenSSH. The reason for this would be drop-in compatibility. Sure, you can do about the same thing with hosts.allow, but the syntax is a bit different and you'd have to modify sshd_config and you lose the possibility to have multiple security layers
2013 Mar 06
Ggplot2: Moving legend, change fill and removal of space between plots when using grid.arrange() possible use of facet_grid?
Hi, # For publications, I am not allowed to repeat the axes. I have tried to remove the axes using: # yaxt="n", but it did not work. I have not understood how to do this in ggplot2. Can you help me? # I also do not want loads of space between the graphs (see below script with Dummy Data). # If I could make it look like the examples on the (nice) examples page: #
2017 Oct 15
denyhosts-2.9-4.el7 not resync'ing
Everyone, It is apparent that the epel version of denyhosts on Centos 7 which is denyhosts-2.9-4.el7.noarch does not resynch with : SYNC_SERVER = According to : the problem is related to a version update problem in the epel repositories. I submitted a bugzilla report :
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
Hi everyone (again), before you all start screaming that the reordering of factors has been discusse on several threads and is not particular to ggplot2, hear me out. I can easily reorder my x-axis factor in facet.grid() in ggplot2. What I cannot reorder are the factors represented on the strips. I can see that the graphs are changing, so I am afraid of what it is I am doing. Why is ggplot2
2010 Nov 10
need to block user by IP address (tried denyhosts, xinetd, iptables etc)
Hi, I am kind of restricted to using packaged versions of software due to company policy, and we have f12 on our mail server with dovecot-1.2.15-2.fc12.i686 package. we have recently had some brute force attacks on the pop3 and imapd and this results in many processes being used for login attempts. Our dovecot is hosted on a Virtual Private Server which restricts access to IPTABLEs and also
2003 Feb 11
Subscribe to list
Remote users on external networks unable to connect to the host using F-Secure SSH from their workstations. The Host is installed with openssh-3.4p1 from IBM. Previously the host was installed with F-Secure 1.2.26 and there wasn't any problems. What can we do. I've checked in the sshd_config file and the AllowHosts and Allow Users tags are in there with the host ips and usernames that
2009 Jul 09
Looking for recommendations for blocking hacking attempts
Hello: I have been looking into projects that will automatically restrict hacking attempts on my servers running CentOS 5. I think the two top contenders are: DenyHosts - Fail2ban - >From what I see, DenyHosts only blocks based on failed SSH attempts whereas Fail2ban blocks failed attempts for other access as well. The main benefit
2006 Aug 09
IMAP/POP3 proxying and capability
Hi, I setup a rather large POP3/IMAP configuration and want to use dovecot proxying feature. I have noted that the capability announce when connecting via the proxies are not the same before you are authenticated and after. Before you are authenticated the proxy announce is own capability and after it announce the final server capability. The problem is that some (most ? all ?) mail client ask
2006 Aug 09
Pb with ssl_disable in 1.0RC6
Hi, I have a problem after upgrading dovecot 1.0rc1 to 1.0rc6. I don't use SSL at all so I have 'ssl_disable = yes' in my configuration. This works fine in 1.0rc1 but dovecot 1.0rc6 failed to start with the following error message "dovecot: Login process died too early - shutting down". Setting 'ssl_disable = no' resolves the problem but now dovecot announce TLS
2004 Apr 05
normalized regression output
Hi: I would like to write a function that takes as its input a formula and outputs normalized coefficients ( coef(x)*sdv(x)/sdv(y) ). now, a formula is an object, and I cannot see how to extract the variables for obtaining sdv's. the intent is to write something like my.print.lm( formula ) { model <- lm(formula); coefs <- (t(summary.lm(model)))[1,]; tvals <-
2009 Aug 20
protecting multiuser systems from bruteforce ssh attacks
Hello, What is the best way to protect multiuser systems from brute force attacks? I am setting up a relatively loose DenyHosts policy, but I like the idea of locking an account for a time if too many attempts are made, but to balance this with keeping the user from making a helpdesk call. What are some policies/techniques that have worked for this list with minimal hassle? Thanks! -Eugene
2009 Jan 16
basic boxplot questions
dear R experts: I am playing with boxplots for the first time. most of it is intuitive, although there was less info on the web than I had hoped. alas, for some odd reason, my R boxplots have some fat black dots, not just the hollow outlier plots. Is there a description of when R draws hollow vs. fat dots somewhere? [and what is the parameter to change just the size of these dots?] Also, let
2006 Aug 30
No tcp wrappers, other ideas to help stop brute force attacks?
I'm looking for a way to deny access to dovecot from certain IP addresses, basically to help prevent brute force attacks on the server. Right now I'm using denyhosts which scans /var/log/secure for authentication failures which then can add an entry to /etc/hosts.deny, but since dovecot doesn't have tcp wrappers support, that doesn't do anything. It doesn't look like I can
2007 Feb 15
Defending againts simultanious attacks
Hi, i have one centos 4.3 box, exposed to the internet. since several weeks ago, i found numerous attemps to connect through SSH, but failed. they tried with many username, including root. it's comes from different IP. some of them are foreign website. How do i make my centos become smarter in handling this kind of attacks. eventhough i've disable all the user accounts, left only the