similar to: tamaño de letra en Sweave

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "tamaño de letra en Sweave"

2008 Jul 27
Colors in Sweave
Hi list, I was using Sweave and was wondering if anyone has had any luck changing the font colors of the code chunks. For instance, in my .Rnw preample I tried including: === \usepackage[usenames]{colors} \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.545,0,0} \definecolor{midnightblue}{rgb}{0.098,0.098,0.439} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}{fontshape=sl,formatcom={\color{midnightblue}}}
2012 Apr 04
Rgui maintains open file handles after Sweave error
Hello Folks, When I run the document below through sweave, rgui.exe/rsession.exe leaves a file handle open to the sweave-001.pdf graphic (as verified by process explorer). Pdflatex.exe then crashes (with a Permission Denied error) because the graphic file is locked. This only seems to happen when there is an error in the sweave document. When there are no errors, no file handles are left open.
2009 Mar 17
Combining Sweave and fancyvrb
I find Sweave very useful and I was trying to combine it with the latex package fancyvrb. I was trying to get line numbering and labels in order to reference the lines where particular commands occur. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Maybe somebody can help me. The following is a sample Rnw file: the first part shows what I would like to get, the second what I
2009 Apr 19
Sweave: Changing the background color, adding a border
Hi all, I am using Sweave to produce a document. Unfortunately, I have to print several copies and I can't print them in color. So I would like to change the way of printing the code. I would like to print the code in a box with a black borderline and a grey background (quite classic). Is it possible to do it by changing some Schunk options? Christophe
2012 May 25
knitr customization
I am trying to transition from Sweave to knitr, but there are a few things about customization of the appearence of R input and output that I did not get yet. Maybe somebody on the list can help me. In my Sweave presentations I used a slanted font for the R input and a normal font for the output, both in a small font. I also indented everything by an extra 2em. All this was achieved by the
2005 Mar 18
Hi! I am currently using Sweave for writing my bachelor thesis - and I have a problem: I am using a LaTeX style (report) with quite big margin spaces. The Sweave generated LaTeX code "floats" into the margin - and it looks ugly. The text is blocked and fine... then there comes some flattering code running over the margin... and blocked text again. Considering the LaTeX output, I guess
2012 Sep 19
cambiar tamaño de letra de la leyenda con ggplot2
Hola a todos. Estoy realizando un gráfico con ggplot2, tal que así p <- ggplot(evolucion.alumnos, aes(x=CURSO, y=value, group=variable)) p + geom_line(aes(color=variable)) + labs(list(x="Curso", y="Alumnado extranjero", colour="Grupos Geopolíticos")) + opts(title='Evolución España') Y mi duda es que no encuentro en la ayuda cómo cambiar el tamaño del
2011 Mar 07
Sweave with scan()-ed data
In an Sweave slide, I want to use sem::read.moments() and sem::specify.model(), which work by using scan() to read the following lines, up to the first blank line. However, Sweave throws an error: > Sweave("sem-thurstone.Rnw") Writing to file sem-thurstone.tex Processing code chunks ... 1 : term hide (label=arrests-setup) 2 : echo term hide (label=thurstone-data) Error:
2010 Jun 15
cambiar tipo de letra en sweave y lyx
Hola. Estoy utilizando sweave y Lyx (aún no me atrevo a escribir directamente en latex) para integrar resultados de R en los informes, pero no sé como cambiar el tipo de letra de las órdenes de R ni de los resultados. ¿alguna idea? Gracias
2011 Apr 15
Sweave and Slides (Beamer)
I'm posting this for two reasons: one is to see if anyone has a better way of solving the problem or suggestions for improving my existing approach; and the other is to show what I'm currently doing in case anyone else might find it useful. The background is that I've been using Sweave for several years now to produce class notes, and I sometimes include quite a lot of raw R input and
2013 Sep 13
Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples
Estimando Javier Villacampa González Yo guardo las gráficas en un archivo, no las copio. Javier Marcuzzi -----Original Message----- From: Javier Villacampa González Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 12:43 PM To: R ayuda Subject: [R-es] Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples Hola buenas, Actualmente me hayo haciendo unas gráficas que han de tener un tamaño de letra
2012 Dec 16
lyx knitr y toLatex
Hola. Estoy utilizando lyx con el módulo de knitr y tengo un problemilla con la función toLatex del paquete memisc. Pongo un ejemplo mejor. En Rstudio lo puedo hacer como sigue en un fichero Rnw. y la tabla en el pdf aparece alineada en el pdf. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{dcolumn} \begin{document} <<>>= library(memisc) X1 <- rnorm(1000) X2 <-
2010 May 13
Using Sweave in hostile environments
I'm trying to put together a poster using the LaTeX a0poster package and including some things from pstricks to get gradient shading, etc. The problem is that the default environments used by Sweave don't work where I need them. A simple code chunk like <<eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ buried in a minipage within a psshadowbox gives the error Runaway argument? > x <- 1
2018 Jul 12
Problemas con la funcion "apply"
Buenos dias! Os escribo para ver si me podeis ayudar con un asunto en el que me he quedado un poco encallado. Lo que tengo que hacer es sacar los percentiles (0.001, 0.005, 0.95 y 0.999) de varias distribuciones beta, concretamente 418. Cada distribucion esta definida por los parametros "shape1" y "shape2". Por lo tanto tengo una base de datos de 418 filas y en cada una de
2013 Sep 13
Problema con el tamaño de las letras en R en gráficos multiples
Hola buenas, Actualmente me hayo haciendo unas gráficas que han de tener un tamaño de letra determinado. Para ello empleo los parametros ps de las funciones x11() y en par(). Mientras hago gráficas de uno y gráficas de dos plots todo va bien. Pego las gráficas en power point y veo que las gráficas son del tamaño recomendado (pego una caja de texto y compruebo que todo es correcto de manera
2009 Sep 25
Letra cursiva en legend()
Buenas tardes para todos, Consideren la siguiente gráfica: # Algunos datos set.seed(123) D <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol = 2) # Gráfico matplot(D, type = ''l'', lty = 1, col = c(3,4), las = 1, xlab = "Observación", ylab = ''Valores'') # Leyenda legend(''topleft'', c(''A1'',''A2''), text.col =
2009 Jun 26
Modifying Sweave.sty to allow escapes with fancyvrb package in LaTeX
Dear Colleagues: In an attempt to have things like # See page \pageref{this} inside comments in R code chunks I have modified Sweave.sty as below. I have followed fancyvrb's manual with regard to the use of the commandchars argument. But when compiling with LaTeX (using attached test file) I get a LaTeX error (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/ae/t1aett.fd) ! Missing \endcsname
2012 Mar 25
avoiding for loops
I have data that looks like this: > df1 group id 1 red A 2 red B 3 red C 4 blue D 5 blue E 6 blue F I want a list of the groups containing vectors with the ids. I am avoiding subset(), as it is only recommended for interactive use. Here's what I have so far: df1 <- data.frame(group=c("red", "red", "red", "blue",
2012 Apr 04
Fwd: Emplo de uso de knitr
Hola, reenvío un ejemplo de uso de knitr por si alguien quiere echarle un vistazo rápido. Saludos, Javier ----- Hola Por si es de tu interés te envio un documento del uso de knitr (tejiendo con R) que, me parece, supera con creces a Sweave. Para compilar el documento, que se llama eje.Rnw debe utilizarse: Rscript -e "library(knitr); knit2pdf('eje.Rnw')" Se puede ulizar
2004 Feb 19
latex problem with Sweave output file under Debian
Could someone tell me how to end the trouble I'm encountering when running latex on the .tex file produced by Sweave()? Sweave() seems to process the example file ( without problems, and the file example-1.tex produced is the same as in the Sweave manual. However, when I run latex on example-1.tex, many error messages and requests for