similar to: unicorn behind apache with file uploads

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "unicorn behind apache with file uploads"

2013 Nov 05
Handling closed clients
We have a service that clients use to upload files. We have a couple of clients that are on slow links and so their upload times out. We get errors in the logs that I''d like to get rid of. I was hoping that the recent commit 24b9f66dcdda44378b4053645333ce9ce336b413 would help us, but it does not. After digging in a bit, I have some ideas about why and a patch I''d like comments
2011 Jun 25
Unicorn and streaming in Rails 3.1
Streaming works with Unicorn + Apache. Both with and without deflating. My understanding is that Unicorn + Apache is not a good combination though because Apache does not buffer, and thus Unicorn has no fast client in front. (I don''t know which is the ultimate technical reason Unicorn puts such an emphasis on fast clients, but will do some research about it.) I have seen in
2013 Jan 29
unicorn 4.6.0pre1 - hijacking support!
Installing from gem install --pre unicorn >From db919d18e01f6b2339915cbd057fba9dc040988b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Eric Wong <normalperson at> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 21:02:55 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] unicorn 4.6.0pre1 - hijacking support This pre-release adds hijacking support for Rack 1.5 users. See Rack documentation for more information about hijacking.
2010 Jun 17
unicorn 1.0.0 - yes, this is a real project
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Rack applications designed to only serve fast clients on low-latency, high-bandwidth connections and take advantage of features in Unix/Unix-like kernels. Slow clients should only be served by placing a reverse proxy capable of fully buffering both the the request and response in between Unicorn and slow clients. * * mongrel-unicorn at
2011 Sep 16
Rainbows! or unicorn?
I''m putting together a small web frontend for a client to upload files into an existing application. It''s trivial - there will never be more than a (small) handful of concurrent connections, but I need a streaming rack.input for upload progress on files up to 500MB or so. I was planning on using Rainbows! with ThreadSpawn and worker_connections=1, then noticed that unicorn is
2010 Jun 14
Unicorn future plans
Hi all, Some of you are wondering about the future of the project, especially since we''re nearing a 1.0 release. == 1.x - bugfixes and Rack-compatibility synchronization The 1.x series will focus mainly on bug fixes and compatibility with Rack as it evolves. If Rack drops the rewindability requirement of "rack.input", Unicorn will follow ASAP and allow TeeInput to be
2011 Jul 11
Unicorn vs Apache
Hello all, I have always deploys rails apps with unicorn and nginx as a reverse proxy in the past. However, I am working with a new firm and they would like to use Apache with mod_pagespeed in front of unicorn. We will be deploying a rails 3.1 app with streaming. To me, mod_pagespeed does not seem like a magic bullet, as it appears to be a collection of best practices which have to be rewritten
2011 Aug 16
Unicorn logging in production env
Hi All, as I can see on the?Rack::CommonLogger used only in development env and in weird evn called "deployment". Any chance to add "production" to this case? Serg Podtynnyi
2010 Nov 20
unicorn 3.0.0 - disable rewindable input!
Changes: Rewindable "rack.input" may be disabled via the "rewindable_input false" directive in the configuration file. This will violate Rack::Lint for Rack 1.x applications, but can reduce I/O for applications that do not need a rewindable input. This release updates us to the Kgio 2.x series which should play more nicely with other libraries and applications. There are
2013 Feb 07
does unicorn fork like phusion?
Does unicorn work like phusion in that it automatically forks based on traffic levels? Or is that what thin does also? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rubyonrails-talk+unsubscribe-/JYPxA39Uh5TLH3MbocFF+G/
2012 Dec 04
403 Forbidden from nginx when unicorn started in debug mode
I am using nginx with unicorn as a reverse proxy. Has been fantastic, but needed to look through some code for first time. Using ruby 1.9.3p194 with rails 3.2.9, development mode with ssl enabled, I start unicorn with -d ...and it does not get served up by nginx. Any ideas, or more information needed? Thanks! Jet Below is my unicorn.rb for developent: # config/unicorn.rb env =
2012 Dec 05
Fwd: Issue starting unicorn with non-ActiveRecord Rails app
Hi, I''m trying to use unicorn in a test deployment of a Rails app that uses Mongoid, so Activerecord isn''t included in the app. When I start unicorn through Capistrano though, the stderr log fills up endlessly with identical ActiveRecord-related errors: I, [2012-12-05T04:19:25.375952 #5096] INFO -- : Refreshing Gem list I, [2012-12-05T04:19:32.941249 #5096] INFO -- :
2013 May 20
Unicorn + RUnit Rails Not Killing Old Master
Hi, I''m deploying Unicorn on a Rails application with RUnit. Technically I''m using Chef''s deployment tools, if any of you are familiar with it ( but to be clear they aren''t doing anything magical, so this is purely an issue with RUnit and Unicorn. The TL;DR of the following post, which has lots of
2012 Jun 08
File creation mode in Rails + Unicorn
Hi, I''m currently giving Nginx + Unicorn a try, to eventually replace Apache + Passenger. So far so good. I have a Rails 3.2.5 app behind Unicorn, itself behind Nginx. In this Rails app, I have set page caching for some resources. They are created in Rails.root/public/ to be directly available to Nginx. When I first hit such a page, the static cache file is not present, so the Rails
2010 Sep 09
Unicorn fails to restart gracefully on capistrano deploy
First off thanks very much for all the hard work on unicorn. Alas, we''ve encountered an issue where unicorn fails to spawn new workers that have loaded the incoming revision on a capistrano deploy. I''m not entirely sure the issue is due to unicorn as it appears that bundler was responsible for a similar issue in the past:
2009 Oct 13
Unicorn Nginx Issue
I''ve setup nginx with this server { listen 80; server_name unicorn.local; location / { proxy_pass http://unicorn; } } upstream unicorn { server unix:/Users/mattmongeau/projects/test/unicorn/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock; } When I run unicorn_rails -c config/unicorn.rb -E development I can access the application just fine on unicorn.local When I run unicorn_rails -c
2011 Jan 13
Unicorn 3.3.1 "Too many open files" error in kgio_tryaccept
Strange error which took down my server today: Unhandled listen loop exception #<Errno::EMFILE: Too many open files - accept>. /usr/local/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/unicorn-3.3.1/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:606:in `kgio_tryaccept'' /usr/local/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.01/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/unicorn-3.3.1/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:606:in
2012 Jul 19
Detecting unicorn / defining after_fork after master startup
Hey everyone, Working on an engine for rails that needs specialized behavior with forking and I had a couple questions. 1. What is the best way to determine whether the app is indeed running inside a unicorn server? Most of the attempts I can find to detect check to see if the main modules for Unicorn are defined, but this really only checks to see that Unicorn is present, not that you are
2011 Nov 14
nginx + unicorn deployment survey
Hello all, I''m wondering if you deploy nginx: 1) on the same machine that runs unicorn (exclusively proxying to that) 2) on a different machine that doesn''t run unicorn 3) both, nginx could forward to either to localhost or another host on the same LAN And of course, the reason(s) you chose what you chose. I''m inclined to believe many folks are on 1) simply
2011 Oct 08
How to automate the restarting of Unicorn?
Hi, I have a question about automating the restarting of Unicorn with the following steps, and much appreciate your help. Assumption: (i) "pid" is set to in the config file; (ii) a Unicorn process is already running. (1) kill -USR2 `cat` (via Capistrano deployment task for example) (2) Inside the "before_exec" hook in the config file, do: kill -QUIT