similar to: Kernel RPM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Kernel RPM"

2007 Nov 12
distribution CD
Hi All, I am trying to create own distribution . distribution CD proceeds for installation and asking for the driver CD . But it's not dictates the driver CD. i customized the ks.cfg also .can anyone can tell me why it is happening ?? Thanks in advance juliet
2007 Jul 18
post Installation
Hi, I made my own distribution CD . when i am installing this before post installation /usr/sbin/mouseconfig no such file a message displays . can anyone can suggest why it's happens??/ Thanks in advance Regards juliet
2006 May 08
kernel source rpm
Hi All, I attaching a source code kernel 2.6.9.tar.gz . I want to make the source rpm of this file which is patched and also includes the SATA driver controller . Is it possible to get source rpm of this ,so if i reuired to change the kernel , i can do that make the rpm out of this src.rpm which creates the initrd .img . I want to attach the source code . But it gives some problem Please
2007 Sep 24
Getting host IP address?
Hi, I''m gradually moving my site''s config over to Puppet (still in the testing phases at the moment!). Is there any way of getting/referring to a host''s IP address? I want to set up iptables via Puppet, & can use a template but need to get the IP address into the template somehow. I''m getting my node definitions (& thus classes) from LDAP. I
2008 Aug 23
graphs for pretest data
Is there an easy way to make graphs for the following data. I have pretest and posttest scores for men and women. I would like to form a 'titlted segment' plot for the data. That is, make segments joining the scores, with different types of segments for men and women. Example data: menpre <- c(43,42,26,39,60,60,46) menpost <- c(40,41,36,42,54,58,43) womenpre <-
2007 Oct 09
Failure to find definition
Hi, I''m trying to set up apache2 under puppet, as in this recipe: I have a file "apache2.pp" as shown there, and then a webserver.pp file (see below). On running puppetd on the client, I get this message: err: Could not retrieve configuration: Could not find definition site in file
2008 Jul 09
randomly select duplicated entries
Using this data as an example dat <- read.table(textConnection("Id myvar 12 1 12 2 12 6 34 9 34 4 34 8 65 15 65 23"), header = TRUE) closeAllConnections() how can I create another data set that does not have duplicate entries for 'Id', but the included values are randomly selected from the available ones. Thanks! Juliet
2010 Jul 15
replace negative numbers by smallest positive value in matrix
Hi Group, I have a matrix, and I would like to replace numbers less than 0 by the smallest minimum number. Below is an small matrix, and the loop I used. I would like to get suggestions on the "R way" to do this. Thanks, Juliet # example data set mymat <- structure(c(-0.503183609420937, 0.179063475173256, 0.130473004669938, -1.80825226960127, -0.794910626384209, 1.03857280868547,
2009 Mar 02
ways to put multiple graphs on single page (using ggplot2)
Hi, Here are three plots: library(ggplot2) data(diamonds) randind <- sample(nrow(diamonds),1000,replace=FALSE) dsmall <- diamonds[randind,] qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.1) qplot(carat, data=dsmall, geom="histogram",binwidth=.01) What are ways to put these three plots on a single
2003 Jan 20
A little off topic this morning...I'm thinking about switching out of Comast's clutches to another high-speed service. I've tried TDS DSL, but they were half the speed comast was/is. I''ve looked into Speakeasy, since I heard a few of ya talking about them. Since I had TDS, that kinda tells me I can get DSL. I live in Mount Juliet, on MT juliet road, behind the
2008 Sep 22
adding layers in ggplot2 (data and code included)
Here is some sample data: mydata <- read.table(textConnection("Est Group Tri 0 0 4.639644 1 0 4.579189 2 0 4.590714 0 1 4.443696 1 1 4.588243 2 1 4.650505 0 2 4.296608 1 2 4.826036 2 2 4.765386"),header=TRUE); closeAllConnections(); I can form two plots,
2007 Nov 13
Facter and arrays
Hi, Is it possible to have an array as the output of a custom fact? And then to pass it into a template in Puppet? I currently have a fact that looks like this: Facter.add("exports") do setcode do case Facter.hostname when (/thishost/i): [ "/local", "/local2" ] end end end & a template like this: <%
2009 Feb 08
how to make this qq plot in lattice and/or ggplot2
Hi Group, Here is some data. p <- runif(1000) # sample data groups <- rep(c(1,2),each=500) #conditioning variable mydata <- cbind(p,groups) n <- length(p) u <- (1:n)/(n + 1) # uniform distribution reference for qqplot logp <- -log(p,base=10) logu <- -log(u,base=10) qqplot(logp,logu) How can I make the above qqplot in lattice and/or ggplot2. The sample is uniform, and I take
2008 Nov 19
ggplot2; dot plot, jitter, and error bars
With this data x <- c(0,0,1,1,2,2) y <- c(5,6,4,3,2,6) lwr <- y-1 upr <- y+1 xlab <- c("Low","Low","Med","Med","High","High") mydata <- data.frame(x,xlab,y,lwr,upr) I would like to make a dot plot and use lwr and upr as error bars. Above 0=Low. I would like there to be some space between the 5 and the 6 corresponding
2009 Jan 24
how to prevent duplications of data within a loop
Hi All, I had posted a question on a similar topic, but I think it was not focused. I am posting a modification that I think better accomplishes this. I hope this is ok, and I apologize if it is not. :) I am looping through variables and running several regressions. I have reason to believe that the data is being duplicated because I have been monitoring the memory use on unix. How can I avoid
2012 Mar 21
glmnet: obtain predictions using predict and also by extracting coefficients
All, For my understanding, I wanted to see if I can get glmnet predictions using both the predict function and also by multiplying coefficients by the variable matrix. This is not worked out. Could anyone suggest where I am going wrong? I understand that I may not have the mean/intercept correct, but the scaling is also off, which suggests a bigger mistake. Thanks for your help. Juliet Hannah
2010 Jan 30
convert data frame of values into correlation matrix
Hi Group, Consider a data frame like this: mylabel1 <- rep(c("A","B","C"),each=3) mylabel2 <- rep(c("A","B","C"),3) corrs <- c(1,.8,.7,.8,1,.7,.7,.7,1) myData <- data.frame(mylabel1,mylabel2,corrs) myData mylabel1 mylabel2 corrs 1 A A 1.0 2 A B 0.8 3 A C 0.7 4 B
2009 Apr 20
what is R best for; what should one learn in addition to R
Hi, I've been working with R for a couple of years, and I've been able to get most of the things done that I needed (sometimes in a roundabout way). A few experienced statisticians told me that R is best for interactive data analysis, but for large-scale computations, one needs something else. I understand that this all depends on what you are trying to accomplish, and R offers many ways
2008 Sep 15
modifying this barplot
Here is an example barplot that needs some tweaking: library(gplots) ratios <- data.frame(c(0.05,0.10,0.9),c(0.06,0.15,0.76)) rownames(ratios) <- c("T1","T2","T3") colnames(ratios) <- c("A1","A2") ratios <- as.matrix(ratios) myplot <- barplot2(ratios, beside = TRUE,col = c("blue",
2008 Sep 19
reproduce this graph in ggplot2 (code and data included)
How can I reproduce this graph in ggplot2 (regression lines and data point superimposed). Thanks, Juliet filename="" heating=read.table(filename,header=TRUE) symb=c(19,25,3,23) colors=c("black","red","green","blue")