similar to: ppmtolss16 and RedHat 8.0/perl 5.8.0

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "ppmtolss16 and RedHat 8.0/perl 5.8.0"

2003 Jun 05
ppmtolss16, Permature EOF!
Hi , I am using syslinux-2.04. I used the isolinux boot loader, to create a customized boot cd. As an add on to that process, i thought of displaying the product logo in the bootup screen. So as the document suggested i went on to create the lss from png. But it failed with following message. $ ~archives/syslinux-2.04/ppmtolss16 < ipm-white.pnm > ipm-white.lss './ppmtolss16:
2002 Oct 15
AMENDED: Ppmtolss16 trouble...
Upon finding a different image conversion program, I have eliminated the Premature EOF problem that I had(apologies if I post this before the moderator approves my first can ignore it if/when it shows up). Now, I am seeing the script complete with no error. I tested my syslinux.dpy file with the syslogo.lss file from the samples, and it's fine. The lss file I created, however,
2003 May 30
Disk error 01: AX=4200, drive 82
Hi, I get the error message isolinux: Disk error 01: AX=4200, drive 82 booting the new College Linux CD on my Dell GX100. What does this message mean, and what is the recommended workaround? Please cc me on any replies; I'm not subscribed to this list. Thank you for your help. --jkl
2003 May 05
ppmtolss16 fix
Hi! using ppmtolss16 tool from syslinux-2.04 with an input .pnm file created with gimp 1.2.3, I bumbed into the following error: [root at azur syslinux-2.04]# ./ppmtolss16 < /home/sr/try.pnm > /tmp/t ./ppmtolss16: Input format error 1 [root at azur syslinux-2.04]# The problem is that gimp adds the comment # CREATOR: The GIMP's PNM Filter Version 1.0 at 2nd line. Suggested fix for
2003 Apr 11
Making logos...
Hi! I'm trying to create a custom logo for syslinux but keep bumping my head on the conversion to LSS16. The sample syslogo.png works fine so I decided to start with a known quantity by loading it into the Gimp. I cleared the canvas, color filled a blue background (0x000033) placed some yellow letters on the blue (0xffff00) and saved the file back out with the default compression. The
2002 Dec 27
Syslinux 2.00 build problems on redhat 8.0
I apologize if this has already been covered, I did a half-hearted search of the mail archives but couldn't find anything, although I did find a couple of posts elsewhere of people having similar trouble with ppmtolss16. I'm having a few build problems on redhat 8.0, the first failure in the build is a fatal error from early in the build. Bumbling through that problem there
2003 Jun 02
Re: Problems with Memdisk 2.04
Hi.. I'm Jaspreet Oberoi and i'm new to this forum.. Actually i am using Bootscriptor to make multibootable cd's and it is using your 2.04 version of syslinux and memdisk.. What my problem is that when i boot any image i.e .img file which has a Win98 it works alright but when i try to boot any image with a WinME it just hangs on Loading .. then Starting....
2005 Nov 24
ppmtolss16 not working
Commandline (under Debian): ./ppmtolss16 #FFFFFF=7 #000000=1 < missile2.ppm > splash.rle Permissions do allow execution. Script begins to execute, but seems to be reading in from the console, rather than from the file. I can enter all the whitespace I want, but after entering anything else, it complains about stdin not being a standard ppm file. So, the problem is in my command line...
2007 Mar 06
I 've installed the syslinux on a opensuse10.2 system and also installed the nasm version but how do I use the ppmtolss16 to create a custom display text to flash before the system boots.
2004 Feb 27
BIOS disk geometry and Linux 2.6
I am working on a Linux-based boot disk for my project (, and I have hit a snag. Under Linux 2.6, the kernel (via HDIO_GETGEO) always reports the C/H/S geometry of an IDE drive as X/16/63. But most BIOSes want to use the geometry Y/255/63. Most partitioning tools (including Parted) will take clues from an existing partition table and adapt to the BIOS values.
2004 Jan 10
ppmtolss16: input format error 1
I am using "syslinux-1.62-375" and got the following message $ /usr/share/syslinux/ppmtolss16 <planet.ppm /usr/share/syslinux/ppmtolss16: Input format error 1 The file planet.ppm was created by "xv" and has the following header: $ head -3 planet.ppm P6 # CREATOR: XV Version 3.10a Rev: 12/29/94 (PNG patch 1.2) 640 340 Removing the comment line by a filter fixed the
2003 Jan 21
How to convert jpg into lss format
I would like to to know about conversion from jpg file to lss format. I used ppmtolss16. It is giving following errors. for .jpg file: ppmtolss16: stdin is not a raw PPM file at ppmtolss16 line 105, <STDIN> line 1. for .png files: ppmtolss16: stdin is not a raw PPM file at ppmtolss16 line 105, <STDIN> line 1. from .ppm file: ( I converted .jpg file in to .ppm file using irfanview)
2002 Oct 16
SUMMARY: Ppmtolss16 trouble...
Success! Had to build a linux box, gcc, gtk, gimp, etc, but I can now make .pnm files that convert correctly into lss16 format using ppmtolss16. Now I guess I have to go back to getting some *real* work done :) Thanks for the kick in the right direction. Adrian. -----Original Message----- From: H. Peter Anvin [mailto:hpa at] Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 2:50 PM To: Stovall,
2004 May 15
Linux CIFS client with Samba 2.0.x or 2.2.x ?
Hi. I am experimenting with the Linux CIFS client included with Linux 2.6.6, and I am having some problems. First, I tried to map shares from a Samba 2.0.10 server (old machine). Is this supposed to work at all? The mount succeeds, and I can traverse and list directories, but any attempt to open a file for reading results in "permission denied". The Samba server logs this message:
2004 Jan 12
Issue - vmail.cgi on Redhat 9 (Apache) ?
An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- Hello I found related question on vmail.cgi in the mailing list but that didn't answer my question. I did copy the vmail.cgi to /var/www/cgi-bin/ but still gets the following error message when I access
2003 Jun 20
PXELINUX keeppxe mem footprint
Hi, I want to use PXELINUX to load a DOS disk image which I currently use for Win2K/XP unattended installs. I want to move away from reliance on specific NDIS2 drivers and use the 3Com UNDIS3C driver instead. I have used this successfully to start the MSClient, but the problem is that the UNDI and PXE layer take about 90K of base memory, which means that WINNT.EXE has insufficent memory to run
2003 Dec 04
vmail.cgi with Redhat 9.0
I recently switched from Mandrake to Redhat and I noticed that vmail.cgi does not work with the default apache installation that comes with Redhat. Here is what I get in my error logs: [Thu Dec 04 11:59:57 2003] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec) [Thu Dec 04 11:59:58 2003] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ... [Thu Dec 04 11:59:58 2003]
2003 Jan 15
LSS-16 perl scripts and Unicode
Hi, I've just been playing with the Logo for the Knoppix bootable CD, which is in the LSS-16 format used by your ppmtolss16 and lss16toppm perl scripts from syslinux-1.75. On my standard Red Hat 8.0 distribution these both fail due to Unicode errors. After a little investigation, it turns out that my LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 environment causes perl (5.8.0-55) to treat standard I/O as Unicode. I
2005 Jul 12
Cetos 4 with Secure Linux - Apache perl problems...
I'm trying to get perl working correctly on a new server and have a tough time. The server works fine for all standard web pages and hosts about 10 domains. Here's is my test.cgi CGI script I'm trying to run: #!/usr/bin/perl print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Hello!"; When I attempt to access the file via a web browers, I get this: [Tue Jul 12
2004 Sep 04
Help Running Perl/CGI on Apache Server
Hi all, I've installed Asterisk on Linux Red Had 9. Now, I was trying to set up a GUI based system for the PBX. I downloaded some packages, but I have to have Perl running CGI scripts through the webserver. It does not allow me to. I am able to run a basic script that just just prints out html messages and nothing else. However, when I try to run or or any other