similar to: isolinux and multisession cds

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8000 matches similar to: "isolinux and multisession cds"

2003 Jan 01
iso 2.00 isolinux: Checksum error, sorry...
Hi, I tried to install redhat 8.0 on a laptop and ran into the following problem. ISOLINUX 1.75 2002-06-14 isolinux failed to get sector size, assuming 0800 isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry... At that point, I followed the advice on the isolinux webpage, and reburned a CD using isolinux 2.00 with debug. The error message was: ISOLINUX 2.00 2002-10-25 Copyright (C) 1994-2002 H. Peter
2002 Apr 11
isolinux puzzle
Peter, Thank you for isolinux. What a relief to be rid of floppy images! ISOLINUX works great except in one puzzling instance. I recently upgraded my system with a Promise Ultra 133 (PDC20269) controller. In order to boot from either the hard drive or CDROM drive connected to this controller I set the boot device in the motherboard BIOS to SCSI. Everything seemingly works great. Until we get
2002 Jul 27
Isolinux doesn't boot
hi, i've been trying around for a month or so to get isolinux on my toshiba satellite 4010cdt running. It doesn't really work. The debug version says the following: ISOLINUX 1.75 2002-06-14 ... isolinux: Startinug up, DL = 82 isolinux: Loaded spec packed OK, drive = 82 and that's it. No boot there. If I chain-load (or however that's called) my Isolinux - CDs with "Smart
2008 Oct 07
Looking for testers and advise about ISOLINUX within ISO 9660
Hi, we are the developers of an alternative to mkisofs: program xorriso from . The current development cycle is about support for creating bootable CDs, DVDs, BDs. So we look for testers and for advise about ISOLINUX specifics. The example from the ISOLINUX wiki is supposed to work if you replace "mkisofs" by "xorriso -as mkisofs". I.e: xorriso -as
2006 Sep 22
isolinux/el torito
hello a while ago i posted a question about my troubles remastering isolinux bootable cds. after that Steffen Winterfeldt helped me out a lot and now my problems are gone. i wrote a document about my experiences and i thought i'd share it with you: and since i'm in pimping mode, my interest in isolinux is purely because of iso master (
2006 Sep 04
problems copying distro files
At this point in my lab, the only solid servers I have are Win2000. So I xcopy the distro CDs into a directory that I make available for install via ftp. Well I have had problems copying files from this distro. I had to use the /c option in xcopy to get past the problem files.. A few examples are: The following files in the image directory of disk 1 has 'File creation error - The
2003 Sep 29
ISOLINUX: why -boot-load-size 4?
Hello, i'm just curious, why the -boot-load-size 4 for mkisofs with isolinux.bin is needed. I searched the list archive and found nothing and found nothing anywhere else. Since the isolinux.bin is much bigger than 4 * 512 byte, I'd suspect, it wont get completely loaded. With -boot-load-size 4, mkisofs reports: Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation Without it, mkisofs
2004 Dec 08
isolinux needing mkisofs
Due to limitations of equipment, I have need of using the isolinux boot loader with .iso files generated by roxio. After trying (and of course failing) with an off the shelf version of isolinux, I grabbed the source for isolinux (syslinux 2.11 package) and started looking. It took a few hours to orient myself, but I ended up doing the modification below to isolinux.asm. I then had to write
2017 Mar 24
"isolinux.bin missing or corrupt" when booting USB flash drive in old PC
Hi, i am looking now at the code which i assume loads the rest of isolinux.bin. The entry point for program execution from the MBR is obviously at (Do i get it right that this is the Intel syntax ? (Gronfff)) If POP yields the victim of the most recent not yet popped PUSH, then this does not look correctly coordinated
2002 Jul 02
Tr: ISOLINUX failure with Connectix Virtual PC 4.3.2
In fact, I discovered that the bug is caused when there is no primary hard disk image (no hard disk 0). When an HD image is created and attached, ISOLINUX works well: ISOLINUX 1.75 2002-06-14 Copyright (C) 1994-2002 H. Peter Anvin isolinux: Starting up, DL = 99 isolinux: Loaded spec packet OK, drive = 99 isolinux: Sector size appears to be 0800 isolinux: Loading main image from LBA = 0000001C
2013 Dec 01
request backport fix for isolinux 4.xx branch
Recently a patch by HPA was added to the elflink branch, "isolinux: Clear upper half of EDX before using...";a=commit;h=870b84dd8714d dfccc9288025331423efa6d76b7 The patch was then applied to the firmware branch too. The patch solves an issue introduced by a prior commit "isolinux: Update LBA in getlinsec loop". Since the
2004 Dec 17
ISOLINUX users - debugging on by default?
I'm considering the suggestion which was raised before about turning the debugging messages on by default in isolinux, or specifically, not building the non-debugging-messages version in the standard distribution. What do people think (especially distro maintainers?) -hpa
2002 Mar 09
isolinux failing to boot on SCSI system
H. Peter, I came across the first system where isolinux failed to load: ======================================================= Isolinux 1.63 2001-8-6 Copyright ... isolinux: Starting up, DL = F0 isolinux: Loaded spec packet OK, drive = F0 isolinux: Sector size appears to be 0800 isolinux: Loading main image from LBA, 0003F25D isolinux: Sectors to load = 0004
2002 Apr 07
ISOLINUX -- how many BIOSs don't support this?
Hi, The reason I ask, is that we (the Debian GNU/Linux CD creation team) are currently contamplating switching to using some form of multi-boot to allow our users the oppotunity to select which kernel to install Debian with.
2003 Apr 05
isolinux boot issue...
I'm creating a Linux "live" CD that boots just fine on our newer machines... but isolinux is not working on some of our older ones. The older boxes work fine with boot floppy image systems like Knoppix... so I'm wondering if there's something more I can do to make them happier with isolinux? By "older", I mean a generic P-120 motherboard with an Award v4.50PG
2020 Apr 07
ISOLINUX stuck at boot menu. How do I debug ?
I have just created an ISO containing Fedora and ISOLinux as the bootloader. This is the ISO creation command: genisoimage -U -r -v -T -J -joliet-long -V "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -volset "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -A "Fedora-WS-Live-31-1-9" -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -eltorito-alt-boot -e
2003 Feb 19
Isolinux error report
When I boot from a MoviX cd, Isolinux gives an error: isolinux: Image checksum error, sorry... Boot failed, press a key to retry.... I searched the internet, but I couldn't find a solution, in the changelogs, there where no changes reported on this problem my specs are: AMD k6-2 300 Riva TNT2 M64 32MB 64 MB RAM RedHat and Knoppix work fine on this PC Somebody on the MoviX forum had the same
2003 Apr 01
ISOLINUX problem booting with no Hard Disk
I am experiencing a problem booting a machine with ISOLINUX on a machine that has no hard drive (CD-ROM only). I've tried two different machines, a Dell Poweredge 2600 and a Dell Poweredge 1300, both exhibit identical symptoms. When I boot the exact same cd on a system with a hard drive, the boot is just fine. I had been using ISOLINUX 1.66, but I just upgraded to 2.02 and I am having the
2002 Oct 07
Multiboot with isolinux
I used to use multiple syslinux floppy images to implement what I call CD-ROM-multiboot (EL Torito supports up to 64 bootable images, Award BIOS 8 images, if not wrey old). Now that floppies are getting too small, I find that I must find a workaround for hard coded isolinux directory name in isolinux. Not a big deal, but there might be also others who would like to have multiboot feature. --
2002 Jun 21
Syslinux/isolinux: is this possible?
Hello Peter I know very little (currently) about the BIOS interfaces/APIs available at boot time except that most of them are buggy to some extent. However, I have had an idea regarding another way to boot Linux and wanted to run it past you. As you'd be aware, many of the distributions now require multiple floppies to hold their initial root fs to be used during installation. I was