similar to: handling constant factors in prediction using svm

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "handling constant factors in prediction using svm"

2011 Oct 11
Problem executing function
Hello All, I have a series of steps that needs to be run many times. Hence I put them all into a function. There is no problem in function creation, but when I call the function, the steps are not getting executed or only the first step gets executed. What possibly could be the reason? Sample Function and the result: fun <- function () { # Package load into R; a <-
2011 Sep 07
predictive modeling and extremely large data
Hi, I am new to R and here is what I am doing in it now. I am using machine learning technique (svm) to do predictive modeling. The data that I am using is one that is bound to grow perpetually. what I want to know is, say, I fed in a data set with 5000 data points to svm initially. The algorithm derives a certain intelligence (i.e.,output) based on these 5000 data points. I have an additional
2011 Sep 13
Help in SVM prediction
Hello, I am trying to use SVM from e1071 package for doing binary classification and I am having problems in prediction using SVM. I ran a SVM for X~as.factor(X1)+as.factor(X2)+as.factor(X3),data=data1,cross=10. str(data1) gives me data.frame': 5040 obs. of 5 variables: $ X4: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... $ X : int 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 ... $ X2: int 1 8 15 18 1 14 10 9 8 8 ... $ X3
2004 Nov 17
Samba share to access windows folders in linux.
Hi, I am trying to access folders on a windows system on a linux system using the command, smbmount '//a.b.c.d/CCViews/abcd/abcd_Linux_dev' '/root/pqrs/LinuxDev' -o username=abcd/<domain>,uid=abcd,gid=abcd This prompts for a password and I give the correct domain password here. It gives me the error: 21896: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an
2016 Apr 01
(no subject)
dear sir/madam, while i am trying to convert the data into timeseries using xts command.i am getting this error. please help me to resolve this issue xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') + xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') Error: unexpected symbol in: "xts(mydata$MCP, as.Date(rdate, format='%d-%m-%Y') xts"
2006 Dec 12
surface plot
Hi, I have been trying to make a surface plot using R - I came across functions like plot.surface, surface but I could not use these functions as they seem to be in FOO package which I cannot load. I also want to make a plane that fits the surface plot. Can anyone help? divya [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Aug 24
Error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz for R 2.15.1
Hi, I am getting the follwoing error while installing gsubfn_0.6-4.tar.gz library for R. R version is 2.15.1 and i am installing on Redhat linux version 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5 (mockbuild at<mailto:mockbuild at>) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-50)) * installing to library ?/home/mapred/installables/R/library? * installing
2007 May 16
Running R function as a Batch process
Hi, I am struggling with using R CMD BATCH command. Kindly suggest solution to the following problem. I have a function named CinC with accept two input parameters. This can be shown as: CinC <- function(start, end) where start and end both are character strings. Please suggest me how can I run this function using command R CMD BATCH. Currently I am trying to do like this -> R CMD
2007 Jul 18
How to open an URL using RGtk2
Hi I am working on R 2.5.0 on window. I am trying to provide a Hyper-link to the user as a result, I have tried using gtkLinkButton to exercise the facility, however, i am not able to perform the required task, i.e. when I clicked on the LinkButton actually nothing happened. I have gone through the documentation for the same and found that GtkLinkButtonUriFunc is a function which is require to
2011 Feb 02
SVM Prediction and Plot
Hi I'm trying to predict using a model I fitted with SVM. I constructed the model (called Svm) using a training set, and now I want to use a test set (called BankTest) for prediction. The response variable is in the first column of BankTest. > SvmPred = predict(Svm, BankTest[,-1], probability=TRUE) > SvmPredRes = table(Pred = SvmPred, True = BankTest[,1]) I get this error: Error in
2011 Sep 24
Assessing prediction performance of SVM using e1071 package
Dear R-Users! I am using the svm function (e1071 package) to classify two groups using a set of 180 indicator variables. Now I am confused about the cross-validation procedure. (A) On one hand I use the setting cross=10 in the svm function to run 10 cross-validation iterations and to get an estimate of the svm's performance in prediction. (B) On the other hand most tutorials I found
2011 May 26
R svm prediction kernlab
Hi All, I am using ksvm method in kernlab R package for support vector machines. I learned the multiclass one-against-one svm from training data and using it to classify new datapoints. But I want to update/finetune the 'svm weights' based on some criteria and use the updated svm weights in the predict method framework. I don't know if its possible or not, how do classify new
2009 Dec 24
Error with Package "Kernlab" for SVM prediction
Hi All, I am trying to use the "Kernlab" package for training and prediction using SVM's. I am getting the following error when I am trying to use the predict function: > predictSvm = predict(modelforSVM, testSeq); Error in `contrasts<-`(`*tmp*`, value = "contr.treatment") : contrasts can be applied only to factors with 2 or more levels The training file is a
2011 Apr 09
In svm(), how to connect quantitative prediction result to categorical result?
Hi, I am studying using SVM functions of e1071 package to do prediction, and I found during the training data are "factor" type, then svm.predict() can predict data directly by categories; but if response variables are "numerical", the predicted value from svm will be continuous quantitative numbers, then how can I connect these quantitative numbers to categories? (for
2010 Dec 22
Fwd: Urgently Required System Administrator
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Survik Software Limited <divya.surendran at> Date: Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 3:09 PM Subject: Urgently Required System Administrator To: aswakhare at *For Internal Use of Employer (Please don't delete or modify while replying to this email)* Monster Resume ID: 22361001 Personal Folder ID: 9114090 *Dear anil, *
2017 Jul 06
svm.formula versus svm.default - different results
Dear community, I'm performing svm-regression with svm at library e1071. As I wrote in another post: "svm e1071 call - different results", I get different results if I use the svm.default rather than the svm.formula, being better the ones at svm.formula I've debugged both options. While debugging the svm.formula, I've seen that when I reach the call: ret <-
2009 Jul 18
svm works but tune.svm give error
Hello, I'm using the e1071 library for SVM functions. I can quickly train an SVM with: svm(formula = label ~ ., data = testdata) That works well. I want to tune the parameters, so I tried: tune.svm(label ~ ., data=testdata[1:2000, ], gamma=10^(-6:3), cost=10^(1:2)) THIS FAILS WITH AN ERROR: 'names' attribute [199] must be the same length as the vector [184] I don't
2012 Mar 29
TR: [e1071] Load an SVM model exported with write.svm
Un texte encapsul? et encod? dans un jeu de caract?res inconnu a ?t? nettoy?... Nom : non disponible URL : <>
2003 Apr 03
SVM module: scaling data applied to new test set without using SVM again
Hello! We are new in using R. We use the SVM module from the library ''e1071'' for training. Problem formulation: a classification has been performed using SVM module (linear kernel). Later, a new data set (test set) comparable to the training data shall be scaled in the same way as the training set (using the same scaling parameter set, but without using the SVM again
2012 Sep 17
How to use tune.svm or tune(svm...) for regression
I dont know how to tell to the function 'svm' in this two cases: tune.svm or tune (svm...) the type (I want regression, but by default it works with classification) and the specify kind of kernel (by default it work with radial)... thank you so much!!! -- View this message in context: Sent