similar to: Workflow for binary classification problem using svm via e1071 package

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2011 Sep 24
Assessing prediction performance of SVM using e1071 package
Dear R-Users! I am using the svm function (e1071 package) to classify two groups using a set of 180 indicator variables. Now I am confused about the cross-validation procedure. (A) On one hand I use the setting cross=10 in the svm function to run 10 cross-validation iterations and to get an estimate of the svm's performance in prediction. (B) On the other hand most tutorials I found
2009 Jul 18
classification task with RBF neural networks
Hello everybody, I'm looking for a way to build an RBF classification network with R but I can't find any. I know there is the 'neural' package, but apparently the RBF networks I can build with that are for approximation tasks only. Is there any package I can use to build an RBF network for a classification task? I've also looked on CRAN but couldn't find any. Thank you for
2003 Oct 29
svm from e1071 package
I am starting to use svm from e1071 and I wonder how exactly crossvalidation is implemented. Whenever I run > svm.model <- svm(y ~ ., data = trainset, cross = 3) on my data I get dirrerent values for svm.model$MSE e.g. [1] 0.9517001 1.7069627 0.6108726 [1] 0.3634670 0.9165497 1.4606322 This suggests to me that data are scrambled each time - the last time I looked at libsvm python
2007 Dec 31
SVM error
Hi all, I'm having this error, since I'm working with a data matrix I don't understand what's happening; I've tried several ways to solve this, even working with sparse matrix, but nothing seems to solve it, I've also tried svm (with a simple matrix 3*3 and still got the same error. > dados<-read.table("b.txt",sep="",nrows=30000) >
2009 Mar 12
e1071 SVM one-classification tune problem
Hello all, I am using the e1071 SVM with the tune options for classification, which work pretty well, given the examples of using tune.svm function for classification. But I have not found any example to tune the SVM novelty detection (one-classification) parameters (gamma, cost, nu), for example this are some of the options I have tried with no success: obj<-tune(svm, x,y, type
2008 May 13
Un-reproductibility of SVM classification with 'e1071' libSVM package
Hello, When calling several times the svm() function, I get different results. Do I miss something, or is there some random generation in the C library? In this second hypothesis, is it possible to fix an eventual seed? Thank you Pierre ### Example library('e1071') x = rnorm(100) # train set y = rnorm(100) c = runif(100)>0.5 x2 = rnorm(100)# test set y2 = rnorm(100) # learning a
2011 Jan 07
Stepwise SVM Variable selection
I have a data set with about 30,000 training cases and 103 variable. I've trained an SVM (using the e1071 package) for a binary classifier {0,1}. The accuracy isn't great. I used a grid search over the C and G parameters with an RBF kernel to find the best settings. I remember that for least squares, R has a nice stepwise function that will try combining subsets of variables to find
2010 Oct 21
SVM classification based on pairwise distance matrix
Dear all, I am exploring the possibilities for automated classification of my data. I have successfully used KNN, but was thinking about looking at SVM (which I did nto use before). I have a pairwise distance matrix of training observations which are classified in set classes, and a distance matrix of new observations to the training ones. Is it possible to use distance matrices for SVM, and
2005 Apr 26
Error using e1071 svm: NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
Hello, As far I saw in archive mailing list, I am not the first person with this problem. Anyway I was not able to pass this error once the information I got from the archive it is not very conclusive for this case. I have used linear, radial and sigmoid kernels for the same data in the same conditions and everything is ok. This problem just happens with the polynomial kernel. I send the
2012 Jun 15
Sugeestion about tuning of SVM
Dear list I've a generic question about how to tune an SVM I'm trying to classify with caret package some population data from a case-control study . In each column of my matrix there are the SNP genotypes , in each row there are the individuals. I correctly splitted my total dataset in training(132 individuals) and test (50 individuals) (respecting the total observed genotypic
2006 Feb 02
crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorrect results (PR#8554)
Full_Name: Noel O'Boyle Version: 2.1.0 OS: Debian GNU/Linux Sarge Submission from: (NULL) ( (1) Description of error The 10-fold CV option for the svm function in e1071 appears to give incorrect results for the rmse. The example code in (3) uses the example regression data in the svm documentation. The rmse for internal prediction is 0.24. It is expected the 10-fold CV rmse
2007 Oct 30
kernlab/ ksvm: class.weights & prob.model in binary classification
Hello list, I am faced with a two-class classification problem with highly asymetric class sizes (class one: 99%, class two: 1%). I'd like to obtain a class probability model, also introducing available information on the class prior. Calling kernlab/ksvm with the line > ksvm_model1<-ksvm(as.matrix(slides), as.factor(Class), class.weights= c("0" =99, "1" =1),
2006 Feb 02
crossvalidation in svm regression in e1071 gives incorre ct results (PR#8554)
1. This is _not_ a bug in R itself. Please don't use R's bug reporting system for contributed packages. 2. This is _not_ a bug in svm() in `e1071'. I believe you forgot to take sqrt. 3. You really should use the `tot.MSE' component rather than the mean of the `MSE' component, but this is only a very small difference. So, instead of spread[i] <- mean(mysvm$MSE), you
2004 Jun 29
wine and office 2000
Materiel : pc OS : Linux (Mandrake 10.0) Wine Version : 2004 02 13 I am studying Wine and when I want to install Office 2000 with Wine (from the cdrom or from the hard disk) , the install crashes with this message : " error 1311. Cannot find the source file : D:\OFFCD1_2.CAB. Check if this file exist and if you can access to it " But this file doesn't exist ! the cdrom
2004 Dec 13
Problem tuning an SVM
Hi all - (Re my previous question to the list, I managed to generate an ROC plot for my SVM by ranking the data using the Decision.Values property. Thanks for your responses) I have now started tuning the SVM to get optimal parameters for the RBF kernel and I ran into a problem. Whatever parameter ranges I specify, I always get the same error values for all combinations of parameters it
2006 Nov 21
variable selection with support vector machines (SVM)
Hello I am using support vector machine (from package kernlab) for a classification task (with RBF-Kernel). My data has dozens of variables and I need to identify which variables contribute most to the classification performance. What I did so far is comparing the classification performance (measured for example with the proportion of misclassified cases) of different sets of variables with
2010 Jan 01
Questions bout SVM
Hi everyone, Can someone please help me in these questions?: 1)if I use crossvalidation with svm, do I have to use this equation to calculate RMSE?: mymodel <- svm(myformula,data=mydata,cross=10) sqrt(mean(mymodel$MSE)) But if I don’t use crossvalidation, I have to use the following to calculate RMSE: mymodel <- svm(myformula,data=mydata) mytest
2003 Nov 27
Winword keeps on running Configuration Setup
Hi, I am currently running this version of wine (wine-20031118-1rh9winehq.i386.rpm) on a RH9 OS. I installed MS Word 2000 and everything went well. However, every time I run MS Word, the configuration setup screen would appear. But after that, it seems that MS Word runs OK. There are also a number of messages coming out (see below). Can anyone help me stop the configuration setup from
2009 Oct 06
Kernlab: multidimensional targets in rvm(), ksvm(), gausspr()
Hi there, I'm trying to do a regression experiment on a multidimensional dataset where both x and y in the model are multidimensional vectors. I'm using R version 2.9.2, updated packages, on a Linux box. I've tried gausspr(), ksvm() and rvm(), and the models are computed fine, but I'm always getting the same error message when I try to use predict(): "Error in
2012 May 21
fda modeling
Dear friends - We have 25 rats, 14 of these subjected to partial removal of kidney tissue, 11 to sham operation, and then followed for 6 weeks. So far we have data on 26 urine metabolites measured by NMR 7 times during the observation. I have smoothed the measurements by b.splines in fda including a roughness penalty, and inspecting the mean curves for nephrectomized and sham animals indicate