similar to: PHP Total document

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "PHP Total document"

2011 Feb 11
PHP Binding and SWIG Director for XapianMatchDecider
Hi, I try to use XapianMatchDecider to filtering results, but the code : $Decider = new MatchDecider_Search($XapianDatabase->_cPtr); $mset = $XapEnquire->get_mset(0, 3000, null, $Decider); Always return : PHP Fatal error: No matching function for overloaded 'Enquire_get_mset' in xapian.php on line 1082 I saw that SWIG was not supporting Directors for PHP, but now, it seems to
2020 Aug 27
Xapian on Android?
Friends, I would like to hear from anyone who has experience deploying Xapian on Android. I'm new to Xapian, but I know it is used by a couple partners for offline projects on Linux and Windows. Our small nonprofit, WiderNet, provides off-line access to thousands of Web sites for people who lack Internet connectivity ( Over 2,000 universities, schools, health care sites,
2010 Jun 21
How to search in many database?
Hi, I'm newbie in xapian. I just use xapian for a few week ago and I would like to know: How I can search in many database at once time? Please send some answer to me. p.s. Sorry about my english. Regrad Mr.T _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail: ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
2010 Jan 16
PHP XapianTermIterator/XapianPositionIterator usage
Hello again, /thanks to Peter for previous response. I've been digging around trying to find sample usage of XapianTermIterator/XapianPositionIterator in PHP. The idea is to code up a test case in PHP to perform snippet extraction (with a possible view to coding a pecl extension in C). I found a C++ sample, but that wasn't much help. I must be dense this morning though, since I
2011 May 30
How to check docid
I have a bit of code (Python) to delete a number of documents: for f in Flist: xapian_store.delete_document(f.pri_key) in which I am using a unique primary key from an SQL database as the docid for the Xapian database. The problem I have is that some of the documents may not have been created - so I get an error. Now I could just ignore the error (try-recover), but what would be the
2009 Jul 08
php error parse_query
I'm having trouble getting a search via php working, I get the following error: *Fatal error*: No matching function for overloaded 'QueryParser_parse_query' in */usr/local/share/php5/xapian.php* on line *1409 *The error occurs at this code $query = $qp->parse_query( $query_string , XapianQueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE |
2007 Jul 24
Xapian::DocNotFoundError on replace_document? (Called from Search::Xapian)
Hello, I'm using Xapian 1.0.2 (flint) and matching Search::Xapian. I'm getting: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Xapian::DocNotFoundError', which dumps core. at first it was after adding my 2nd document (to an empty db, although I don't know if that has any bearing) to the database with a replace_document() call. I shifted the first document off the
2010 Jun 24
Quickest way to retrieve data for a large match set?
We're using the Perl binding to access Xapian in a simple search of image metadata (title and keywords). Due to the specification for the search engine, by default we have to sort the results using a function of the search rank, age (well, newness) and popularity (rated by sales of the image). As a result, we have to fetch the complete result set and then calculate a new ranking based on
2011 Sep 20
Understanding API Documentation for PHP
Hey everyone, I am brand new to Xapian so forgive me if I am just being noob. I looked over the sparse documentation for the Xapian library and its PHP hooks and I am really confused how to complete my index. I understand how to add documents etc etc etc and how to build queries but how I do specify in add_value what field type xapian should take (i.e. tokenized, unindexed, indexed)? Is there
2009 Apr 23
Expanding the search in PHP
I tried using the simpleexpand.php from I get different results between PHP and the Omega expand (see below), I'd like to have the same functionality in PHP. Could anyone suggest how to do it? Is there an example I could use? Thanks, Frank And got the following results from PHP: Zdefin: weight = 46.963883268652 Zconfigur:
2015 Mar 11
stub-file and get_doccount
Hello, i switched from one big index to a stub file with many indexes and running into a problem. i have a tool to fetch a random document via: get_doccount random id up to get_doccount get_document with that id after changing to stub file this failes. Is there a nice way to get a random document from a stub file? ?MfG? Felix Ostmann
2010 Oct 21
In-memory databases vs PHP Bindings
I can't quite connect the dots on this, perhaps someone can help. I'm simply trying to create an in-memory database comprising a single document, so that I can run a load of queries against it and see if any of them match the new document (this is to enable users to have 'subscriptions' to saved searches and be alerted every time a new item is published that matches their
2009 Apr 29
"DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions"
Ocassionally when I'm searching using Omega I get: "DatabaseCorruptError: Cannot open tables at consistent revisions" If I click reload it's all ok, is this the database being updated?, is there a way to avoid the message? Frank
2008 Jul 30
Dealing with image PDF's
Guys, I was just playing around and added a bit of code to so I could ocr tiff and tif with gocr which seems to work. Here's what it looks like: // Tiff: } else if (startswith(mimetype, "image/tif")) { // Inspired by string safefile = shell_protect(file); string cmd = "tifftopnm " + safefile + "
2008 Jul 30
Dealing with image PDF's
Guys, I was just playing around and added a bit of code to so I could ocr tiff and tif with gocr which seems to work. Here's what it looks like: // Tiff: } else if (startswith(mimetype, "image/tif")) { // Inspired by string safefile = shell_protect(file); string cmd = "tifftopnm " + safefile + "
2009 Jul 15
I'm playing around with a machine that has 2 GB of memory. Indexing about 5GB of data average of 2MB per document. The documents are plain text. I notice the omindex's memory fott print get's biger an bigger then the machine starts to swap and it all slows down to a crawl. In regards to export XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD I know the default is 10000 Am I right in saying that for my setup
2011 Jan 17
Hi there, My web app uses Xapian via the PHP bindings. I'm getting this error thrown occasionally when atempting to instantiate a XapianDatabase object for searching. DatabaseCorruptError: Expected block 107 to be level 1, not 0 Here's the line that invokes it: $database = new XapianDatabase(PROJROOT.'/data/xapian/posts'); And my version is xapian-core 1.2.3 with matchspy.
2011 Aug 16
Xapian pdf document
Hi, I don't see Xapian document in pdf format. Nowadays, many software packages have both html and pdf format document (see perl, python, etc). May I suggest adding pdf document to Xapian website? -- Regards, Peng
2016 May 09
Given a document, how do you get its ID? (perl bindings)
I am writing an indexer that will crawl our web site. Following the recommendation here: I'm using the URL as the unique ID for each document. I see how to get a document from the xapian database if I know its URL, but what I need is also to be able to find out the URL from the document. Does this mean I need to store the URL in a value in
2007 May 23
Debian etch packages of php5-xapians have old style flat function interface
I'm running Debian stable (etch) on a server, and have the following Xapian packages installed. root@seagrass:/etc/php5/apache# dpkg -l | grep xap ii libxapian-dev 0.9.9-1 Development files for Xapian search engine l ii libxapian13 0.9.9-1 Search engine library ii php4-xapian