similar to: Re: [Xapian-commits] 9092: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/api/ trunk/xapian-core/common/ trunk/xapian-core/include/xapian/

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Re: [Xapian-commits] 9092: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/api/ trunk/xapian-core/common/ trunk/xapian-core/include/xapian/"

2006 Nov 09
patch for xapian-spec(0.9.9)
Missed %{_mandir}/man1/xapian-progsrv.1* diff -u RPM/BUILD/xapian-core-0.9.9/xapian.spec RPM/SPECS/xapian.spec --- RPM/BUILD/xapian-core-0.9.9/xapian.spec 2006-11-09 09:14:38.000000000 -0500 +++ RPM/SPECS/xapian.spec 2006-11-09 09:14:03.000000000 -0500 @@ -1,10 +1,10 @@ # RedHat-style .spec file for Xapian # xapian.spec. Generated from by configure. -Summary: The Xapian
2007 Oct 27
Remote database search issues
Hi all. First, a note about remote database connection over Perl. We actually found an easy way to work around the unwrapped Renote::open issue.. We use a stub file. You might say that open_stub in also not wrapped.. which is true... HOWEVER... looking at the code, we realized that Database::open() opts to using stub_open if the argument is a string pointing to a stub file rather than a
2006 Apr 06
build error : xapian-core-0.9.4_svn6707
I posted this message first. But it was missing so I post again. I think there is a some bug in build configration files. Can you check up the following errors and fix it? The error has no concern with UTF-8 patch. Environment : CentOS 4.3 x86_64 Sungsoo Kim ---------------------------------- [root at saturn xapian-core-0.9.4_svn6707]# make ... ... mkdir .libs/libxapian.lax/libqueryparser.a
2016 Mar 13
Unable to generate lcov test coverage reports (Out of memory error)
Hi all, I was trying to generate lcov test coverage reports for xapian-core but got an out of memory error: $ lcov --capture --directory . --output-file Capturing coverage data from . Found gcov version: 4.7.3 Scanning . for .gcda files ... Found 270 data files in . Processing bin/xapian-progsrv.gcda Out of memory! These are the steps I followed in xapian-core directory
2007 Jun 23
Test failures
Tinderbox is showing failures in Search::Xapian on atreus with g++ 4.1 (which looks like tests out of date at a *very* cursory examination, and in any case everyone should know about); I'm also getting different test failures on the same system -- valgrind (I assume) is finding potential memory leaks for every test against the remotetcp backend. (Incidentally, I've just installed
2006 Oct 06
Re: [Xapian-commits] 7289: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/tests/
On Fri, Oct 06, 2006 at 05:36:47PM +0100, richard wrote: > tests/ Cache result of test for $VG_LOG_FD if we find the new > option. Saves 2 seconds for each invocation on my machine, which is half the > time when running just a single simple test. Nice speed up, although we might as well just remove the option and send valgrind's output to /dev/null as things currently
2017 Mar 15
xapian core missing link to math on MSYS2
Dear All, I've tried to build xapian-core 1.4.3 on MSYS2. It fails with attached error (undefined reference to `exp10'). I think it might be missing an explicit link to 'm'. I'm not able to fix this myself as I do not know autotools sufficiently well, but I hope you might be able to help. Cheers, Mario Emmenlauer -- BioDataAnalysis GmbH, Mario Emmenlauer Tel.
2012 Aug 06
Windows link.exe error : libbrass.lib(brass_table.obj) : unresolved external symbol _inflateEnd
Hi guys, I discovered xapian today and I'm trying it because it looks promising compared to other FTS engines. However I'm in a windows environment so it's a bit painful to set up as there is no official binaries. I've heard about And I'm trying to build their latest release (1.2.8). After a few tries I manage to compile everything with
2008 Nov 26
Trying to patch xapian perl add/remove_spelling
Greets, I'm giving a stab at patching the CPAN module to add the missing WritableDatabase::add_spelling and remove_spelling, but need a bit of guidance since I'm coming in cold, and pressed for time (aren't we all). I've modified XS/WritableDatabase.xs and added the two necessary functions, and also added the two basic tests in t/index.t. Compilation completes cleanly, but
2016 Jul 28
Weighting Schemes: Implementing Piv+ Normalization
> Two of those are compile errors, suggesting you aren't pulling in the > right header file (it's in common/serialise-double.h I believe). Thanks, fixed those errors. > I can't tell for sure without seeing the diff. You may mean just > `ptr++`? But it could be something else, depending on what you're > trying to do. I'm trying to unserialise normalization
2007 Apr 05
Re: [XapianBug 117] Invalid data in remote protocol can cause buffer overflow wrote: > > > ------- Additional Comments From 2007-04-05 13:52 ------- > I've actually already implemented a fix. If bugzilla stops sending me mail, I > might even manage to check it in soon! Sorry Olly - just about finished sorting things out now! For everyone
2014 Jun 19
About memory index/search in multithread program
hi, Why xapian don't support memory index/search ? I know there is a method can create memory datebase, like this: Xapian::WritableDatabase db(Xapian::InMemory::open()); *But, if i use these in multithread program, i need create many datebases!!* Xapian::WritableDatabase db1(Xapian::InMemory::open()); //used in thread1 Xapian::WritableDatabase db2(Xapian::InMemory::open()); //used in
2016 Jul 09
Xapian 1.4.0 released
The issue is that delve was renamed to xapian-delve but documentation is still saying that delve is delve. Who has access to update the documentation? Installed Programs: copydatabase, delve, quest, simpleexpand, simpleindex, simplesearch, xapian-check, xapian-chert-update, xapian-compact, xapian-config, xapian-inspect,
2008 Feb 28
Can't get xapian-core 1.05 to build under windows xp
Here is the output I get from nmake. I am not a guru at getting C programs to build under windows, I never had any troubles I could not solve on OSX :-( I am using the released sources, I have Visual Studio 2005, I have the make files from lemur. I read ALL the readme.txt file before starting. And this is what I get. C:\Documents and Settings\jroberson\My Documents\DOWNLOADS\xapian-
2015 Sep 15
xapian porting to Interix / conclusion
Report by Eric Lindblad 14-09-2015 cf: The 'gmake check' compile error on xapian-core-1.2.21/tests/ was resolved by the modification (at the suggestion of a mailing-list member) of the offending string from "q.OP_PHRASE" to "Xapian::Query::OP_PHRASE".
2007 Apr 23
Re: [Xapian-commits] 8351: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/flint/
olly wrote: > SVN root: svn:// > Changes by: olly > Revision: 8351 > Date: 2007-04-23 01:44:44 +0100 (Mon, 23 Apr 2007) > > Log message (2 lines): > backends/flint/ Update the flint format version > since older flint versions can't read compressed tags. Am I correct in assuming that this means that when
2007 Apr 09
Re: [Xapian-commits] 8157: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/flint/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/quartz/
olly wrote: > Log message (6 lines): > backends/flint/ Delete the corresponding entry > (if any) from doclens in delete_document(). Add assertion to > add_document_() that the corresponding entry in doclens isn't > already set, but in a non-debug build overwrite any existing > entry as that's more likely to be correct. >
2007 Jan 12
Re: [Xapian-commits] 7603: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/flint/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/quartz/
On Tue, Jan 02, 2007 at 03:55:59PM +0000, richard wrote: > * backends/quartz/,backends/flint/flint_io.h: Patches from > Charlie Hull to allow 2GB+ index files work when compiled using > Visual C++. I suspect that (and if you can be bothered) will also need fixing since they use off_t. You need to make sure that the stat() function called
2007 Jan 30
Re: [Xapian-commits] 7603: trunk/xapian-core/trunk/xapian-core/backends/flint/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/quartz/
hi, I'm using Xapian on Windows with large files. My index directory is about 65 607 466 693 bytes: 2007-01-30 09:28 17 position_baseA 2007-01-30 10:06 17 position_baseB 2007-01-23 14:18 0 position_DB 2007-01-30 10:06 360 496 postlist_baseB 2007-01-30 10:06 23 623 852 032 postlist_DB 2007-01-30 10:06 88 432
2007 Apr 09
Re: [Xapian-commits] 8153: trunk/xapian-core/ trunk/xapian-core/backends/flint/
On Mon, Apr 09, 2007 at 11:26:44AM +0100, richard wrote: > backends/flint/ Fix bug with document lengths > in replace document. Was using doclens.insert() to set the new > document length, but this has no effect if the entry already > exists. Argh! That issue has bitten us at least once before. I'll audit all uses of insert to see if there are any other