Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "SVM accuracy question"
2012 Nov 20
data after write() is off by 1 ?
I am new to R, so I am sure I am making a simple mistake. I am including complete information in hopes
someone can help me.
Basically my data in R looks good, I write it to a file, and every value is off by 1.
Here is my flow:
> str(prediction)
Factor w/ 10 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 3 1 10 10 4 8 1 4 1 4 ...
- attr(*, "names")= chr
2013 Jan 08
bagging SVM Ensemble
Dear Sir,
I got a problem with my program. I would like to classify my data using
bagging support vector machine ensemble. I split my data into training data
and test data. For a given data sets TR(X), K replicated training data sets
are first randomly generated by bootstrapping technique with replacement.
Next, Support Vector Mechine (SVM) is applied for each bootstrap data sets.
Finally, the
2012 Dec 02
How to re-combine values based on an index?
I am able to split my df into two like so:
dataset <- trainset
index <- 1:nrow(dataset)
testindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)*30/100))
trainset <- dataset[-testindex,]
testset <- dataset[testindex,-1]
So I have the index information, how could I re-combine the data using that back into a single df?
I tried what I thought might work, but failed with:
2009 Mar 27
ROCR package finding maximum accuracy and optimal cutoff point
If we use the ROCR package to find the accuracy of a classifier
pred <- prediction(svm.pred, testset[,2])
perf.acc <- performance(pred,"acc")
Do we?find the maximum accuracy?as follows?(is there a simplier way?):
> max(perf.acc at x.values[[1]])
Then to find the cutoff point that maximizes the accuracy?do we do the
following?(is there a simpler way):
> cutoff.list <-
2011 Feb 23
svm(e1071) and scaling of weights
I expected, that I will get the same prediction, if I multiply the
weights for all classes with a constant factor, but I got different
results. Please look for the following code.
> library(e1071)
> data(Glass, package = "mlbench")
> index <- 1:nrow(Glass)
> testindex <- sample(index, trunc(length(index)/5))
> testset <- Glass[testindex, ]
> trainset <-
2010 Nov 23
cross validation using e1071:SVM
Hi everyone
I am trying to do cross validation (10 fold CV) by using e1071:svm method. I
know that there is an option (?cross?) for cross validation but still I
wanted to make a function to Generate cross-validation indices using pls:
cvsegments method.
Code (at the end) Is working fine but sometime caret:confusionMatrix
2012 Nov 29
Help with this error "kernlab class probability calculations failed; returning NAs"
I have never been able to get class probabilities to work and I am relatively new to using these tools, and I am looking for some insight as to what may be wrong.
I am using caret with kernlab/ksvm. I will simplify my problem to a basic data set which produces the same problem. I have read the caret vignettes as well as documentation for ?train. I appreciate any direction you can give. I
2011 Oct 19
R classification
hello, i am so glad to write you.
i am dealing now with writing my M.Sc in Applied Statistics thesis, titled " Data Mining Classifiers and Predictive Models Validation and Evaluation".
I am planning to compare several DM classifiers like "NN, kNN, SVM, Dtree, and Naïve Bayes" according to their Predicting accuracy, interpretability, scalability, and time consuming etc.
I have
2007 Oct 03
Hi, my name is Luis, and I have a problem with a dataset.
Its name is algae and count the collection of data in a lake and respective
proliferation of algae.
The parameters that it has are: "mxPH", "mnO2", "Cl", "NO3" "NH4", "oPO4",
"PO4", "Chla" and "a1" all numerics.
a1 - algae1
If I try to do SVM with
2009 Jul 08
SVM cross validation in e1071
Hi list,
Could someone help me to explain why the leave-one-out cross validation results I got from svm using the internal option "cross" are different from those I got manually? It seems using "cross" to do cross validation, the results are always better. Please see the code below. I also include lda as a comparison.
I'm using WinXP, R-2.9.0, and e1071_1.5-19.
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
I am running SVM and showing the results with ggplot2. The results
include the decision boundaries, which are two dashed lines parallel
to a solid line. I would like to remove the dashed lines and use a
shaded area instead. How can I do that?
Here is the code I wrote..
x1 = rnorm(100, mean = 0.2, sd = 0.1)
y1 = rnorm(100, mean = 0.7, sd =
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
Did you try google? I got several answers using your question
> -----Original Message-----
> From: R-help <r-help-bounces at r-project.org> On Behalf Of Luigi Marongiu
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 9:59 AM
> To: r-help <r-help at r-project.org>
> Subject:
2020 Oct 27
R for-loop to add layer to lattice plot
I am using e1071 to run support vector machine. I would like to plot
the data with lattice and specifically show the hyperplanes created by
the system.
I can store the hyperplane as a contour in an object, and I can plot
one object at a time. Since there will be thousands of elements to
plot, I can't manually add them one by one to the plot, so I tried to
loop into them, but only the
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
also from this site: https://plotly.com/ggplot2/geom_ribbon/
I get the answer is geom_ribbon but I am still missing something
#! plot
p = ggplot(data = trainset, aes(x=x, y=y, color=z)) +
geom_point() + scale_color_manual(values = c("red", "blue"))
# show support vectors
df_sv = trainset[svm_model$index, ]
p = p + geom_point(data = df_sv, aes(x=x, y=y),
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
What about something like
p+geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = slope_1*x + intercept_1 - 1/w[2],
ymax = slope_1*x + intercept_1 + 1/w[2], fill = "grey70", alpha=0.1))
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Luigi Marongiu <marongiu.luigi at gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 11:11 AM
> To: PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at precheza.cz>
> Cc: r-help
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
Thank you, but this split the area into two and distorts the shape of
the plot. (compared to
p + geom_abline(slope = slope_1, intercept = intercept_1 - 1/w[2],
linetype = "dashed", col = "royalblue") +
geom_abline(slope = slope_1, intercept = intercept_1 + 1/w[2],
linetype = "dashed", col = "royalblue")
Why there
2020 Oct 28
R for-loop to add layer to lattice plot
On Tue, Oct 27, 2020 at 6:04 PM Luigi Marongiu <marongiu.luigi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using e1071 to run support vector machine. I would like to plot
> the data with lattice and specifically show the hyperplanes created by
> the system.
> I can store the hyperplane as a contour in an object, and I can plot
> one object at a time. Since there will be
2020 Oct 26
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
Put fill outside aes
p+geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = slope_1*x + intercept_1 - 1/w[2],
ymax = slope_1*x + intercept_1 + 1/w[2]), fill = "blue", alpha=0.1)
The "hole" is because you have two levels of data (red and blue). To get rid
of this you should put new data in ribbon call.
Something like
newdat <- trainset
newdat$z <- factor(0)
p+geom_ribbon(data=newdat, aes(ymin =
2011 Jan 24
Train error:: subscript out of bonds
I am trying to construct a svmpoly model using the "caret" package (please
see code below). Using the same data, without changing any setting, I am
just changing the seed value. Sometimes it constructs the model
successfully, and sometimes I get an ?Error in indexes[[j]] : subscript out
of bounds?.
For example when I set seed to 357 following code produced result only for 8
2012 Dec 10
splitting dataset based on variable and re-combining
I have a dataset and I wish to use two different models to predict. Both models are SVM. The reason for two different models is based
on the sex of the observation. I wish to be able to make predictions and have the results be in the same order as my original dataset. To
illustrate I will use iris:
# Take Iris and create a dataframe of just two Species, setosa and versicolor, shuffle them