similar to: help with hclust and cutree

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "help with hclust and cutree"

2011 Sep 13
help with hclust
Hello, how can I get the similarity value (i.e., the inner cluster similarity) that was used to cut a hierarchical tree at a specific height? I would appreciate your help! Best regards, Madeleine
2002 May 14
cutree() and horizontal dendrograms
When I use the function cutree(), the numbers of the clusters are not in the same order as the plotted dendrogram. Is there any way of sorting them so that they match the tree? Is it possible to plot a dendrogram horizontally, preferably with the branches to the right? This would enable some practical composite plots, e.g. labels that were an entire table with several columns of information, or
2006 May 08
finding centroids of clusters created with hclust
Hello, Can someone point me to documentation or ideas on how to calculate the centroids of clusters identified with hclust ? I would like to be able to chose the number of clusters (in the style of cutree) and then get the centroids of these clusters. This seems like a quite obvious task to me, but I haven't been able to put my hands on a relevant command. Thank you, Moritz
2006 Mar 29
which function to use to do classification
Dear All, I have a data, suppose it is an N*M matrix data. All I want is to classify it into, let see, 3 classes. Which method(s) do you think is(are) appropriate for this purpose? Any reference will be welcome! Thanks! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2015 Jun 06
Request: making cutree S3 in R?
Hello all, A question/suggestion: I was wondering if there is a chance of changing stats::cutree to be S3 and use cutree.hclust? For example: cutree <- function(tree, k = NULL, h = NULL,...) { UseMethod("cutree") } cutree.hclust <- stats::cutree # This will obviously need the actual content of stats::cutree This would be nicer for people like me to add new methods to
2003 Dec 11
cutree with agnes
Hi, this is rather a (presumed) bug report than a question because I can solve my personal statistical problem by working with hclust instead of agnes. I have done a complete linkage clustering on a dist object dm with 30 objects with agnes (R 1.8.0 on RedHat) and I want to obtain the partition that results from a cut at height=0.4. I run > cl1a <- agnes(dm, method="complete")
2003 Dec 11
cutree with agnes
Hi, this is rather a (presumed) bug report than a question because I can solve my personal statistical problem by working with hclust instead of agnes. I have done a complete linkage clustering on a dist object dm with 30 objects with agnes (R 1.8.0 on RedHat) and I want to obtain the partition that results from a cut at height=0.4. I run > cl1a <- agnes(dm, method="complete")
2012 Mar 29
hclust and plot functions work, cutree does not
Hi, I have the distance matrix computed and I feed it to hclust function. The plot function produces a dense dendrogram as well. But, the cutree function applied does not produce the desired list. Here is the code x=data.frame(similarity_matrix) colnames(x) = c(source_tags_vec) rownames(x) = c(source_tags_vec) clust_tree=hclust(as.dist(x),method="complete") plot(clust_tree)
2005 Sep 15
about cutree
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to use cutree to get the clusters after hclust. What I used is: mycluster<-cutree(cnclust,h=0.5) Now, my problem is, how can I get the actual clusters? Thanks! Best, Baoqiang Cao
2011 Sep 16
cutree() and rect.hclust(): different labelling of classes
I've found that while cutree() and rect.hclust() make the same classes for a given height in the dendrogram, the actual labeling of the classes is different. For example, both produce the same 4 classes but class 1 according to cutree() is class 4 according to rect.hclust(). Would it be possible that future versions provide the same labeling? rect.hclust() is useful to display the classes
2001 Aug 22
cutree (PR#1067)
Full_Name: Anja von Heydebreck Version: 1.3.0 OS: Alpha Unix Submission from: (NULL) ( Hi, I repeatedly obtained meaningless results from the function 'cutree' in the 'mva' package, when the argument 'h' was greater or equal to the maximum height occuring: > library('mva') > y [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [1,] 0 1 -1 1 [2,] 0 -1
2011 Sep 12
hclust and cutree: identifying branches as classes
Good afternoon, After cuting a hierarchical tree using cutree(), how to check correspondances between classes and branches? This is what we do: srndpchc <- hclust(dist(srndpc$x[1:1000,1:3]),method="ward") #creation of hierarchical tree plclust(srndpchc,hmin=20000) #visualisation srndpchc20000 = cutree(srndpchc,h=20000) #returns 4 classes table(srndpchc20000 ) srndclass20000 =
2002 Jan 22
cutree using a vector for h giving meaningless results
I try to use the routine cutree to cut a tree (created by hclust) into several groups by specifiing the hight of the cut. a<-1:10 cutree(tree, h=a*100) The Matrix with group meberships returned is ok for most of the hights, but in some cases (as for example h=800 and h=900) the results don't make sense (group membership=0 or 58965231, it looks like the range of data allowed by the data
2013 Aug 22
Interpreting the result of 'cutree' from hclust/heatmap.2
I have the following code that perform hiearchical clustering and plot them in heatmap. __ library(gplots) set.seed(538) # generate data y <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5, dimnames=list(paste("g", 1:10, sep=""), paste("t", 1:5, sep=""))) # the actual data is much larger that the above # perform hiearchical clustering and plot heatmap test <- heatmap.2(y)
2011 Dec 09
Help understanding cutree used for Dunn Index
Basic question: Is it correct to assume that when using cutree to set the # clusters (say k=4), cutree determines the clusters by the largest distances among all potential clusters? I've read the R help for cutree and am using it to define the number of groups to obtain Dunn Index scores (using clValid library) for cluster analysis (using Euclidean Distance and Ward's method) More
2003 Sep 24
splitting clusters
Hi All: I am clustering 500 genes using hclust of R. Visualizing cluster membership becomes difficult with so many genes in each cluster...Is there a way of printing the dendrogram in multiple pages so that I can clearly see what is in each cluster? Thanks in advance. Karthi.
2007 Oct 26
cut.dendrogram and cutree
Hi! In the example: hc <- hclust(dist(USArrests), "ave") dend1 <- as.dendrogram(hc) dend2 <- cut(dend1, h=70) Do the branches "Branch 1", "Branch 2", "Branch 2" dend2$upper str(dend2$upper) --[dendrogram w/ 2 branches and 4 members at h = 152] |--[dendrogram w/ 2 branches and 2 members at h = 77.6] | |--leaf "Branch 1" (h=
2010 Aug 02
OT -- apcupsd messages
Does anyone here have any "feel" for the "Battery disconnected" and "Battery reattached" log entries? The rebooting came as a result of me turning off modems, router, external drives, monitor, cordless phone and finally, the computer, trying to locate a quiet but annoying "chirp". The "chirps" stopped when I tilted the UPS to look at the front
2010 Aug 24
ATI, Catalyst and a new kernel
Please bear with me for a really stupid question... I have a Radeon HD 4550 video card and currently run the Catalyst driver, fglrx_6_9_0-8.741-1. I use the "package managed" method for installing, allowing me keep track of what's what: [rj at madeleine ~]$ su Password: [root at madeleine rj]# grep fglrx /var/log/yum* /var/log/yum.log:May 20 12:37:07 Updated:
2005 Jul 29
Rails Wiki down
Howdy - Someone''s probably already reported this, but anyhow, going here: results in: ==================== > Bad Gateway > The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. > ==================== Yours, Tom