similar to: Per user Namespaces From SQL

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "Per user Namespaces From SQL"

2009 Aug 14
About sftp chroot dev!
I have an question, why you guys do not let chroot be owned by the user ? It would be a good way to chroot the users Cause like I want to chroot user in /chroot/%u But they can not write in this directory... i need to set another dir to them to be able to write, even when /chroot/ is onewd by root i want to be able to do this user1 be able to write in /chroot/user1 but not able to go
2011 Feb 02
Ofcs2 Questions!
Hello, First of all, i am new at the list and i have several questions about ocfs2 performance. Where i am working i am having huge performance problens with ocfs2. Let me tell my envoriment. 3 Xen VirtualMachines withs ocfs2 mounting an LUN exported over iSCSI. ( acctualy 3 LUNS, 3 ocfs2 clusters ) I am not the one who configured the envoriment, but it is making the performance of my MAIL
2010 Aug 03
Dsync fatal error.
#dsync -D -vv -u stak at mirror maildir:/CX4/vdomains/ dsync(root): Fatal: Mail locations must use the same virtual mailbox hierarchy separator (specify separator for the default namespace) My mail.conf *mail_location = mbox:/CX4/vdomains/%d/home/%n/mail:INBOX=/CX4/vdomains/%d/var/spool/mail/%n:INDEX=/tmp/imap-index/%d/%n *What that error means ? Before when i
2010 Dec 02
Hello people! I have huge problems with IO wait becase dovecot configured to use maildir is under OCFS2 1.4. Now i have an question to OCFS2 each disk action is really heavy becaue it has no index. Now i am thinking in what can be done to heltp my system to use less disk. Looking for index and etc in dovecot i found this, this disables the index file on disk and leave it on ram or it
2010 Nov 05
Keep a copy of email.
Can dovecot-lda, keep a copy of any email that it receives in a diferente folder ? Like if user at get an email. It goes to user at inbox and goes to other folder..diferente that his mailboxes ? I want this with all users. Can it be done ? If not, does any one have any ideia how could it be done ? We are having serius problems with backups, with this we gona be able to
2007 Oct 04
Auditing software for a CentOS server
Hi, I'm running some databases's software on a CentOS 4.5 server and I'd like to know if there are any audit software in CentOS4.5 CDs packages?.....I need some software to audit all the files on the server, I mean, if some one delete a file, or change some permissions on any filesystems, if someone copy files to my server and some of this stuff... take in mind I'm not lookign for
2011 May 17
Queues.conf Language Agents
Hello folks, I have a litle problem here, i did not run into this problem yet, but it will be in the future! Let think! I have 8 agents, 2 of them speak english and Portuguese. Now i have many clients most of them speaking english... And we send all users to the queue app. Now lets thinks all Agents are ocupied, and have 6 other english speakers at waiting line end now one portuguese speaker
2010 May 28
Auto Block!
There is an plugin that makes dovecot lock an imap/pop/smtpauth if the user miss passowrd more than N times ? I would like to avoid brute force! Thanks []'sf.rique
2011 Jan 27
Best way to calculate concurrent users?
Well, i am having some problens to figure out how many concurrent users into the server! In my envoriment now, most people are using the webmail interface, and it just conect and disconct pretty quickly so i can not get it with "doveadm who" doveadm who only gets the ones that are connect with clients. O use ipvs to balance betwaeen 2 servers does anyone have an ideia ? With ipvs i
2002 Oct 17
Samba as a NT PDC
Hello, I have had Samba running for a long time now as a domain controller to win98 computers with no issues. I have started to modify to allow for the new XP machines we are having. I added CARTER$ (machine name) to the unix account. I added it with smbpasswd. I go to add itself to the domain (smbpasswd -j CHERRY_HILL) and I get this error: No password server list given in smb.conf - unable
2020 Jan 09
Hello, Is there a reason for the following behaviour? > mean(c("1","2","3")) [1] NA Warning message: In mean.default(c("1", "2", "3")) : l'argument n'est ni num?rique, ni logique : renvoi de NA But: > var(c("1","2","3")) [1] 1 And also: >
2018 Feb 08
I have a time series of 1095 data corresponding to a daily data of three years. I want to know how to use ma(timeserie, order=??, centre=??) to detect the trend: which order is suitable and what is the difference between centre= true or false. How to avoid these errors: 1-Error in timeserie - trend : ? argument non num?rique pour un op?rateur binaire="non-numeric argument for a binary
2008 Nov 03
Unable to install sqlite3
I am new to Ruby. Try out a web application, but when I tried to access the page, it has the following error (see ERROR 1 below). So I thought I may have not installed "sqlite3" and tried downloading "" and "", unzipped it and place it in ruby''s bin directory. Then I run the command: gem install sqlite3-ruby But found
2011 Apr 25
dovecot & OCFS2 Cluster
There is a bug in ocfs2 1.4 if you are using it you should be looking for upgrading to ocfs2 1.6 I have several performance problens with ocfs2 but now i guess the problem is the webmail client that we are using. I have several post here about it. I will write a new one as soon as i found the solution. Anyway, why use lmtp over lda ? My setup have about 5000 active acounts all in maildir.
2018 Jul 18
Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm
Hello, please excuse my bad englisch. I am not a native speaker. I try to install Samba 4 as a active directory domain controller but I get always this message in the /var/log/syslog: Jul 18 11:42:41 file winbindd[1100]: [2018/07/18 11:42:41.609594,  0] ../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3235(initialize_winbindd_cache) Jul 18 11:42:41 file winbindd[1100]:   initialize_winbindd_cache:
2004 Aug 02
CallPres screening DDI
Hello, we had a running configruation where asterisk passed the phone number and the ddi to the pstn (i.e. 595-431) Now only the rootnumber arrives: 5950 I do not know, what to do. I tried to use callingpres (now i am just hiding every number, because 595-0 is no valid extension..) but that did not worked. > Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8) len=44 > Call Ref: len= 2 (reference
2020 Jan 09
I think median() behaves as designed: As long as the argument can be ordered, the "middle observation" makes sense, except when the middle falls between two categories, and you can't define and average of the two candidates for a median. The "sick man" would seem to be var(). Notice that it is also inconsistent with cov(): >
2007 Feb 08
Impossible to get jpeg or png output
Hi, When I want to output a png file, I have the following error message : Error dans X11(paste("jpeg::", quality, ":", filename, sep = ""), width, : inpossible de d?marrer le p?riph?rique JPEG De plus : Warning message: impossible d'ouvrir le fichier JPEG 'Test.jpeg' or in english Error in X11(paste("jpeg::", quality, ":",
2007 Apr 16
2 samples KS-test...
Dear R-users, I have some trouble to perform a 2-samples KS test. Apparently my 2 samples are numerical (see below) but R complains that the "y" term is not.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > str(subset(mydata,Identified=="NO",select=KD)) 'data.frame': 2889 obs. of 1 variable: $ KD: num -0.272 -0.080
2017 Nov 03
Maria 10 breaks unixodbc mysql connector
I think the solution may exist. The compatibility of mysql-connector-odbc with maria may just means the driver can access the mariadb - but my experience suggests not live on the same host. maria has its own connector: it does not look like this is in the sig, so I'll have to turn to the maria repo. I'll try replacing the driver first, then