Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "bar chart issue"
2011 Feb 10
modifynig some elements of a vector
He everybody,
I want to add 1 to some elements of a vector:
x is a vector
u is a vector of idices, that is, integers
assumed to be within the range 1..length(x)
and I want to add 1 to the elements of x
each time their index appears in u
x[u]<-x[u]+1 works only when there are no
duplicated values in u
I found this solution:
tu <- table(u)
indices <- as.numeric(names(tu))
2010 Apr 29
randomness in stepclass (klaR) or lda (MASS) ?
a colleague ran a stepwise discriminant analysis
twice in a row and got different results, suggesting
some "sochasticity" in the algorithms involved.
I looked at her data and found that there was a lot
of collinearity, so that I reckoned that maybe "stepclass"
(klaR) cannot find a clear winner when trying to include a
new variable and makes a random choice. Is that true?
2007 Dec 19
FW: cgh package
I would like some extra information on the 'cgh' package in R. I noticed
that there isn't much activity regarding this package on the R and BioC
mailing list (I googled it).
I started using this package and I have few questions:
1/ As I have a custom tiling like array @8um features resolution (affy),
I have a lot of probes to work with. I'm assuming it is correct to
2011 Feb 03
interpret significance from the contr.poly() function
Hello R-help
I don’t know how to interpret significance from the contr.poly() function . From
the example below
: how can I tell if data has a significant Linear/quadratic/cubic trend?
> contr.poly(4, c(1,2,4,8))
.L .Q .C
[1,] -0.51287764 0.5296271 -0.45436947
[2,] -0.32637668 -0.1059254 0.79514657
[3,] 0.04662524 -0.7679594 -0.39757328
[4,] 0.79262909
2004 Sep 10
Re: nice idea
--- Miroslav Lichvar <lichvarm@phoenix.inf.upol.cz> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 09:51:02AM -0500, Brady Patterson wrote:
> > ... But it seems to me that you could make a decent guess
> > about when something "new" happens based on the second derivative
> of the signal
> > (where the first derivative is the difference between a given
> sample and the
2003 Jul 17
i need help in cluster analyse
My name is Rodrigo, I am using R program and I have a trouble.
I am trying to do a dendrogram with genetics information.
Let me explain...
The Similarity Matrix was already did, and with this matrix I want to construct a dendrogram.
So, the distance is done. I need to transform this matrix (that I have) in a dendrogram,
I woud be very grateful if someone could help me.
PS: I am sending
2009 Nov 09
prcomp - principal components in R
Hello, not understanding the output of prcomp, I reduce the number of
components and the output continues to show cumulative 100% of the
variance explained, which can't be the case dropping from 8 components
to 3.
How do i get the output in terms of the cumulative % of the total
variance, so when i go from total solution of 8 (8 variables in the data
set), to a reduced number of
2006 Dec 08
(no subject)
I have a data set like this:
if I want to less than 200000 obs from this data set.
How can I do these?
> str(p1982)
'data.frame': 465979 obs. of 6 variables:
$ p : Factor w/ 1982 levels "154l_aa","1A0P_aa",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ aa : Factor w/ 19 levels "ALA","ARG","ASN",..: 2 16 4 5 18 3 19 3 2 9 ...
$ as : num 152.0
2006 Dec 14
subset question
I have a data set p1982, its structure is the following
Then I take 20 observations from this dataset, and assign to pr.
in p1982, p has 1982 levels, in dataset pr, p should have 1 levels.
But I do str(pr), it shows that p still has 1982 levels.
also for these
> pr$aa
2006 Dec 12
Is my data set too large
I have a data set like this.
I want to do glm, but I get this error:
Error in model.matrix.default(mt, mf, contrasts) :
cannot allocate vector of length 932889958
I am wondering if my data set is too large or I did something wrong.
Is there some limitation for data size for R?
> p1982<- read.csv("p_1982_aa.csv")
> names(p1982)
[1] "p"
2010 Jan 27
selecting significant predictors from ANOVA result
Dear all,
I did ANOVA for many response variables (Var1, Var2, ....Var75000), and i got the result of p-value like below. Now, I want to select those predictors, which have pvalue less than or equal to 0.05 for each response variable. For example, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and X6 in case of Var1, and similarly, X1, X2.......X5 in case of Var2, only X1 in case of Var3 and none of the predictors in case
2006 May 17
I'm very intersted in developing a site using your platform. I was
wondering if you've tested the theoretical maximums for this software and
can show me some numbers. How many simultaneous users could I expect to
handle at 128k (hardware not being the limiting factor)?
If you'd like to speak please send a number and a good time to call.
Eric Haddad
2007 May 04
Predicted Cox survival curves - factor coding problems...
I am trying to use the survfit() function with the newdata argument to
produce predicted survivor curves for a particular covariate profile.
The main purpose of the plot will be to visualise the effect of snp1,
coded 0 and 1. In my Cox model I have stratified by one variable, edu, and
so I know I will automatically get a separate curve for each strata. My
problem is how to deal with the
2003 Apr 03
How to estimate 2-D principal curve using PCURVE?
Hey, R-listers
I am a new user of R and just found the package of PCURVE which can estimate principal curve for arbitrary
dimensional data set.
Now I have some 2-Dimensional data set X, which is stored as an Nx2 matrix in data.txt file and looks as following:
-1.5551 2.4183
1.0051 1.0102
0.90644 0.82163
1.3248 1.7551
-1.3626 1.8568
-1.3554 1.8371
0.039396 0.0015521
-0.99622 0.99245
2007 Oct 30
NAIVE BAYES with 10-fold cross validation
hi there!!
i am trying to implement the code of the e1071 package for naive bayes, but it doens't really work, any ideas??
i am very glad about any help!!
i need a naive bayes with 10-fold cross validation:
model <- naiveBayes(code ~ ., mydata)
tune.control <- tune.control(random = FALSE, nrepeat = 1, repeat.aggregate = min,
sampling = c("cross"),
2012 Dec 08
Hi List,
I have spent more than 30 minutes, but failed to read in this file using the read.table() function. I could not figure out how to fix the following error.
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 6 elements
Any help would be be appreciated.
Pradip Muhuri
####### below is the reproducible example
xd1 <-
2013 Mar 01
Conditional Weighted Average (ddply or any other function)
Hello R community,
I am computing weighted average statistic by using ddply function:
My data set is:
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-4 ROE11 EPS11 MKT11
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-3 ROE12 EPS12 MKT12
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-2 ROE13 EPS13 MKT13
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY-1 ROE14 EPS14 MKT14
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY0 ROE15 EPS15 MKT15
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY1 ROE16 EPS16 MKT16
N1 T1 S1 I1 C1 FY2 ROE17
2004 Jul 16
sas to r
I would be incredibly grateful to anyone who'll help me translate some
SAS code into R code.
Say for example that I have a dataset named "dat1" that includes five
variables: wshed, site, species, bda, and sla. I can calculate with the
following SAS code the mean, CV, se, and number of observations of
"bda" and "sla" for each combination of
2004 Jan 12
nmbd eats near of 40% of cpu with Samba 3.01
My operating system is Solaris 8 SPARC and it runs Samba 3.0.1
Any suggestions?
I have included configuration/logs and traces.
This is the smb.conf file:
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2003/09/17 20:34:48
# Global parameters
netbios name = dali
workgroup = DALIUNIX
passdb backend = tdbsam
os level
2009 Aug 07
lowess puzzle
I was trying to fit a curve to the number of people who identify as liberal
by age. I got some puzzling results which suggested to me that I don't
really understand how local polynomial fitting works. Why, I am wondering,
is lowess producing a local fit of zero for every age?
> liberal.bin
[1] 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0