similar to: OpenBUGS and glmmBUGS package

Displaying 13 results from an estimated 13 matches similar to: "OpenBUGS and glmmBUGS package"

2011 Oct 27
glmmBUGS fails to accept higher level covariates
Hello I am using glmmBUGS to fit a multilevel model. Treatments are nested in Course are nested in Patients. The predicted variable in total EEG duration. The predictors are: at the observation level : Medication dose at the Course level: Weight in KG and Age at the Patient level: Weight in KG and Age I am trying to fit a multilevel model as in lmer, but in BUGS. Here is an example of the
2009 Feb 08
glmmBUGS: logistic regression on proportional data
Hello, I am trying to run a logistic regression with random effects on proportional data in glmmBUGS. I am a newcomer to this package, and wondered if anyone could help me specify the model correctly. I am trying to specify the response variable, /yseed/, as # of successes out of total observations... but I suspect that given the error below, that is not correct. Also, Newsect should be a
2012 Oct 30
issues with krige function
Greetings all, Ran into a strange problem with the krige function from geoR. The problem that I am having is that while the krige function seems to work well, the resulting predicted values are all NAs. Given the size of the datasets I am working with can't attach it, but I can provide snippets of the datasets. > casedata station year month day obs mpe bias type
2000 Jul 01
convergence value in optim
Dear all, I have a problem with the value of the function optim optim(startingvalues,fct,NULL,method="BFGS", control=list(maxit=300,trace=TRUE,REPORT=1)) In the helpfile for it is said that $convergence is an integer code and 0 indicates successful convergence 1 indicates that the iteration limit maxit had been reached So while using it, I played with different values for
2013 Feb 06
[LLVMdev] Process the initializers of a C++ class properly
Hi, I have been trying to get information from the initializers of a C++ class. For example if I have something like this: classA { }; classB :public A { float f; public: B(A& a) : A(a), f(3.14159) { } }; I wold like to get the initialization values for each member. In this example the values a and 3.14159 for the members A and f respectively. What I have done so far is
2008 Jan 15
things that are difficult/impossible to do in SAS or SPSS but simple in R
Hi all, I'm giving a talk in a few days to a group of psychology faculty and grad students re the R statistical language. Most people in my dept. use SAS or SPSS. It occurred to me that it would be nice to have a few concrete examples of things that are fairly straightforward to do in R but that are difficult or impossible to do in SAS or SPSS. However, it has been so long since I have used
2013 Feb 17
What value to put in range when I make kriging interpolation?
Hi, I am trying to make an automatic kriging interpolation algorithm.When I use the fit.variogram function what would it be a good startingvalue for the range? ThanksDimitris [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Aug 18
"nested" getInitial calls; variable scoping problems
Hi All, Another nls related problem (for background, I'm migrating a complicated modelling package from S-plus to R). Below I've reduced this to the minimum necessary to demonstrate my problem (I think); the real situation is more complicated. Two similar selfStart functions, ssA and ssB. The 'initial' function for ssB modifies its arguments a little and then calls getInital
2011 Sep 15
MCMCglmm heteroscedasticity dependent on predictor
Hi, I have a dataset where the residual variance decreases with on one of the predictors (population size). Currently, the full model looks like this: prior<-list(R=list(V=1e-16, nu=-2),G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=2)) m<-MCMCglmm(response~poly(population size,2)*poly(other predictor,2)+time, random=~us(1+time):population, data=data, prior=prior) Basically, it's a random regression with
2010 Apr 21
Leer datos de Unicode
Hola, Tengo un problema cuando trato de leer datos que contienen caracteres en Unicode en R 2.10 (windows). La tabla que trato de leer tiene caracteres en Unicode en el nombre de las columnas ( si los tiene en el nombre de las filas no falla aunque me modifica el nombre ) La linea que utilizo es: read.table("example_unicode.txt", sep="\t", dec=".", header=T,
2008 Dec 18
autologistic modelling in R
Hi, I have spatially autocorrelated data (with a binary response variable and continuous predictor variables). I believe I need to do an autologistic model, does anyone know a method for doing this in R? Many thanks C Bell
2013 May 08
lme4 y residuales
Buenos días; Estoy intentando aprender algo de sobre los modelos lineales mixtos. Estoy siguiendo el libro "Multilevlel analysis: techniques and applications" de Joop Hox. Estoy intentado reproducir las tablas y gráficos que trae el libro con el paquete lmer. En este libro se indica que en la comprobación de los supuestos del modelo hay que estudiar los gráficos de residuales tanto
2009 Sep 27
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * bdoc (1.0) Michael Anderson This package contains a function that will classify DNA barcodes as well as a few test and reference data sets. * bdsmatrix (1.0) Terry Therneau This is a special case of sparse matrices, used by coxme and