similar to: plot of tree

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "plot of tree"

2009 Feb 04
Target Plot?
I've done a little snooping around the R Gallery Site ( and the "Statistics with R" site (, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.  Here is the type of plot I would like to draw: (1) 2-D three axis plot where each axis is separated by 120-degrees (would be great if the number of axis
2010 Feb 19
plot circular histogram
In conducting studies of animal orientation and displacement, I need to produce circular histograms of angles (bearings in radians 0-2pi) where the centre of the circle indicates very few observations for a given bin of angles and outwardly concentric circles indicate greater frequencies of observations for a given bin of angles. I'd like not to have to write the function myself but I
2008 Jun 04
Creating a "simple" Radar/Spider Plot from Statgraphics
I'm new to R - and trying to create a plot similiar to the spider plot at . I can't figure out several things... most of which I would think would be straightforward.... How can I change the lines for each series plotted instead of creating a filled area? How can I get the labels for each of the radial axes at the outside of the plot
2010 Mar 15
Frequencies from a matrix - spider from frequencies
First of all, I really like R! Still being a newbie, I find things (the difficult ones) to be very simple. Alas, some 'simple' things still escape me. (Maybe the tutorials are often too much focused on the 'difficult' items??) Here comes my 'problem', over which I have sweated for the last 2 hours: My data are of a matrix 10x31, Likert Scale (1-5). 10 questions, 31
2006 Aug 03
bullseye or polar display of "circular" data
I have data for several rings of a left heart chamber, and which I would like to display in concentric rings, with color-encoding of the values. Each ring corresponds to one slice through the heart, and the rings correspond to positions from the base to the apex of the heart as you move from the outermost ring to the innermost one. The data have a circular pattern. These types of displays are
2013 Jun 03
Mixed effects model with a phylogenetic tree/ distance matrix as a random effect
Hi, I'm trying to build a mixed-effects model in which I'd like to include either a distance matrix or a phylogenetic tree as a random effect. The troubles I've had are that: 1. Function lmer() in package lme4 only accepts a data frame column as a random factor and not a distance matrix. 2. Function MCMCglmm() in package MCMCglmm only accepts a rooted and ultrametric phylogenetic
2011 Apr 14
Overlaying images at nodes of phylogenetic tree
Can you recommend an R library that will help me create a diagram of a phylogenetic tree on which specific images are placed at appropriate nodes of the tree? For example, I have specific image files associated with each member of the phylogenetic tree, and I would like to automate the display of the image next to the correct node of the tree. I can provide an image file with an example.
2007 Jan 26
Package for phylogenetic tree analyses
Hi I am looking for a package that 1. reads in a phylogenetic tree in NEXUS format 2. given two members/nodes on the tree, can return the distance between the two using the tree. I came across the following packages on CRAN ouch, ape, apTreeShape, phylgr all of which seem to provide extensive range of functions for reading in a Nexus-format tree and performing phylogenetic analyses, tree
2010 Sep 16
Help with customizing a histogram figure
Hi all, Please consider the following code: require(plotrix) l <- list(rnorm(50),rnorm(50,sd=2),rnorm(50,mean=3)) multhist(l) I have two things I need help with: (1) In the output, there are empty spaces on the x-axis. How would I eliminate these spaces? I want a nice, smooth, empty-spaceless x-axis. (2) How could I add tracing lines to each histogram? I am undoubtedly using the wrong
2005 Aug 25
Help about R
Hello, My name is Philippe Favrot, I'm a french occupational doctor (working in Luxembourg), and I'm an "R beginner". I would be happy you could help me about the utilization of "R". Recently, I measured sound levels in a plant. Before the measuring, I divided the plant in 3 virtual rows and 8 virtual columns. I measured the sound level at each intersection of rows
2005 Apr 18
the graph gallery strikes back
Hello useRs and helpRs, Some time ago, in a gallaxy far away (here is the thread : ) we discussed about a graph gallery showing the power of R in that domain. I did some work around that, and there is a (pretty advanced) draft here : For instance, there are some of my graphs,
2005 Oct 26
hclust leaf color
Hello everyone, I wanted to know if it was possible to change the color of certain leaves in a hclust object in order to make my graph more readable. I know I can color certain groups but I would like to enter a vector telling the plot function which leaves to color in which color. Thanks in advance, William.
2006 Sep 06
histogram in the background?
I intend to draw a plot of y against x. In the background of this graph I wish to creat a histogram of the horizontal variable x. Does any expert know how to produce such a plot? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2006 Feb 13
Plotting contour & filled.contour in one graph
Dear All, I have a question on overlaying a filled.contour (e.g. on soil properties data) and contour (by elevation) in one graph. Both have the same z matrix dimension. I'm able to overlay both graph, but the plots dimension did not overlap well on the same plots. How can I have both filled.contour and contour on the same graph? The commands that I have written are as follows:
2009 Oct 05
Visualizing some data
Hi all, I have an easy data set. It has three columns: Subject, Condition, dprime. A small excerpt follows, in order to illustrate: Subject Condition dprime HY s 3.725846 CM s 2.877658 EH s 5 HY st 2.783553 CM st 2.633955 EH st 5 I want to visualize this. What I thought of was having dprime on the y-axis (scale 0-5), Subject on the x-axis, and then two lines plotted to show the dprime value for
2010 Sep 21
Combined plot: Scatter + density plot
Hi, in order to save space for a publication, it would be nice to have a combined scatter and density plot similar to what is shows on I wonder if anybody perhaps has already developed code for this and is willing to share. This is the reproducible code for the histogram version obtained from the site: def.par <-
2007 Jun 25
how to plot this?
Hi, there: Suppose I have a couple of data.frames and each one has five columns (one for x-axis, two for y-axis and two for std of y's.) There is another dimensions (besides x and y) which is continuous. My question is, how to plot such series of data frames in one plot (thus, 3-dimensional plot) AND multiple 2-D plots. I am not familar with R's plotting utilities. Thanks. -- Weiwei
2005 Sep 28
scatterplot3d + density() + polygon(color)
Hi R Users, How to use the function polygon() together with the package scatterplot3d? I am trying to color below of the curves defined for the function density(). I tried to use the site: R GRAPH GALLERY as tutorial. I tried to adapt the example of this page: [figure]: [code]:
2007 Nov 12
help on drawing a tree with "ape"?
Dear all, I'm using the "ape" package in R and want to draw a phylogenetic tree with not only the tip labels but also some labels for the edges. e.g. Mark the edge AB as "m" in the tree ABC. Couldn't find a way to do that. Can someone help? Thanks, Hua
2008 Sep 13
bubble(circle) plot help.
I need help creating a bubbleplot, like a simple pseudo three dimensional scatterplot of circles whose sizes index a 3rd variable. I initially came across this at but the circleplot function does not exist in fbasic as listed in the document. _________________________________________________________________