similar to: Help creating a scatterplot with errorbars using gplot

Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Help creating a scatterplot with errorbars using gplot"

2011 Jun 17
Hi, Does anyone know how i get rid of the marker point in my error bars? The bars default function (it seems) is to have a dot in the middle of the bar, however i don't want it there. I am using Hmis to draw my errorbars and code is a<-as.vector(tapply(Sporangia,list(Host,Isolate),mean)) b<-as.vector(tapply(Sporangia,list(Host,Isolate),sd)) c<-sqrt(b/36)
2006 Mar 15
errorbars with xyplot
Hi everyone, I'm very new to R and I like to learn a lot... actually I have a little problem concerning errorbars with xyplot. My data look like run target hemi x 1 1 Nichts Links 0.0007743240 2 2 Nichts Links -0.0008153365 3 1 Target Links -0.0015825950 4 2 Target Links 0.0088743785 5 1 Nichts Rechts 0.0015898995 6 2 Nichts Rechts -0.0011465190 7 1
2011 Feb 17
barplot with errorbars
Dear all I have six variables of the average metal concentrations Var1 4.77 Var2 23.5 Var3 5.2 Var4 12.3 Var5 42.1 Var6 121.2 I want to plot them as a barplot with error bars. Could you help me? Cheers Maria [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Feb 03
ggplot2 plotting errorbars.
Hi, i'm using this lines of code: dodge <-position_dodge(width=0.9) ggplot(dfm,aes(x = X,y = value)) + geom_bar(aes(fill = variable), position=dodge, stat="identity") + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=value-er, ymax=value+er),width=0.25, position=dodge,stat="identity") to plot this data frame X variable value er 1 A X4 58.74 9.44 2 B X4
2005 Apr 21
Need help with R date handling and barchart with errorbars
Hi All.. Have a question.. For the following r code testdata <- "1/1/04","LV1",3.8,2,87, "2/1/04","LV1",3.2,3,28, "3/1/04","LV1",3.4,3,88, "4/1/04","LV1",3,2,26, "5/1/04","LV1",3.8,2,87, "6/1/04","LV1",3.2,3,28,
2004 Aug 25
Beginners Question: Make nlm work
Hello, I'm new to this and am trying to teach myself some R by plotting biological data. The growth curve in question is supposed to be fitted to the Verhulst equation, which may be transcribed as follows: f(x)=a/(1+((a-0.008)/0.008)*exp(-(b*x))) - for a known population density (0.008) at t(0). I am trying to rework the example from "An Introduction to R" (p. 72) for my case and
2014 Feb 18
Hi All, Can anyone show me how to add a error bar to my graphs. I am currently using this code g<-ggplot(means,aes(x=variable,y=value)) > g<-g+geom_bar(stat="identity")+facet_wrap(~Site+Season) > g Thanks, Akaalz [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Sep 16
How to plot two lines, and only one line with errorbar by qqplots of R
Here is my code, which plots three lines with errorbar. How could I add an extra line without errorbar to the plot? Thank you very much. <- data.frame ( method = rep(c("Wrong", "Correct", "Full Bayes"), each = T_obs), mean.beta = c(mean.beta1, mean.beta2, mean.beta3), t = rep(points, 3), std.beta = c(std.beta1, std.beta2, std.beta3) ) limits =
2013 Oct 23
Hi all, I couldn't install gplots package. > install.packages("gplot") Warning message: package 'gplot' is not available (for R version 3.0.2) i want to use heat maps.2 function. can you please tell me how to install this package or are there any alternatives. Thanks in advance :) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2014 Sep 04
gplot heatmaps: clustering according to rowsidecolors + key.xtickfun
Hi there, I have two questions about heatmap.2 in gplot. My input is a simple square matrix with numeric values between 75 and 100 (it is a similarity matrix based on bacterial DNA sequences). 1. I can sort my input matrix into categories with rowsidecolors (in this case, very conveniently by bacterial taxa). I do a clustering and reordering of my matrix by Rowv=TRUE (and
2007 Dec 28
gplot function - error
Hi all, i installed the ggplot2 package via install.packages(), but the gplot function was not recognized in R console command. Is there any paths to configure? The error message reports that the function was not found. Thanks Ricardo ____________________________________________________________________________________ Be a better friend, newshound, and
2012 Jan 28
gplot heatmap
Hi, I am drawing a heat map using gplots of R package. The file (new4) is having values 0 and 1 only. library(gplots) library(marray) x=read.table("new4", header=TRUE) mat=data.matrix(x) heatmap.2(mat, col=colorRampPalette(c("black","red"))(256), #col=greenred(75), Rowv=TRUE, Colv=TRUE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram = c("row"), scale =
2009 Jul 23
Another question on gplot
I am getting following strange error : library(sn) library(ggplot2) dat1 <- as.matrix(rsn(1000, 0, 1, 0))[,1] ggplot() + geom_histogram(aes(x = dat1, y = ..density.., fill = ..count..)) + xlab("Distribution") + scale_y_continuous("") Error: No data for layer Can anyone please tell me why it is coming? -- View this message in context:
2004 Nov 09
gplot.hexbin - how to set figure margin.
Hi, Would like to use to the hexbin package to plot a 2D hist - because it looks really _cool_. My problem is related to drawing a pdf hexbin graphic in series of other graphics. All other figures have a par(mar=c(3.2,3.2,1,1)). So the gplot.hexbin figure in this series looks a little alienated? Was trying a to specify the _mar_ using par, viewport, hexViewport etc. a little. My question. How
2012 Mar 18
problem saving gplot.hexbin using file save as pdf - "Error: invalid graphics state
I can save to png, TIFF and jpg but get an error "Error: invalid graphics state" when trying to save as pdf and I have to restart R. This happens when I add mtext lines. There are a few other questions e.g. I want to move the mtext on side 1 to the left, but that is the main issue for now. I'm not using the ylab inside gplot.hexbin because it writes over the numbers on the axis.
2007 Sep 28
errorbar il lattice plot
Hi Everyone, I would like to add errorbars to a lattice plot. I already have a function that adds error bars to a plot (originally written by George Gilchrist) which takes as arguments the coordinates of the point and then the size of the error bar. I would like to integrate it in my lattice code but I seem to be stumped. I can put the error bar function inside my code as if it were a panel
2009 Feb 26
gplot problems with faceting
Dear R-Listers, I am very confused with what seems to be a misuse of the faceting options with gplot function and I hope you might help me on this. z contains various simulation results from simulations with different set of parameters. I melt my data to have the following data.frame structure : > str(z) 'data.frame': 12383 obs. of 5 variables: $ vID : num 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2013 Feb 25
How to plot 2 continous variables on double y-axis with 2 factors: ggplot2, gplot, lattice, sciplot?
Hi, I have a data set with two continous variables that I want to plot MEANS (I am not intrerested in median values) on a double-y graph. I also have 2 factors. I want the factor combinations plotted in different panes. Dummy dataset: mydata <- data.frame(factor1 = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 40)), factor2 = factor(rep(c(1:4), each = 10)), y1 =