similar to: splom Tick Location

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "splom Tick Location"

2012 Aug 07
Repeated Aggregation with data.table
I have been using ddply to do aggregation, and I frequently define a single aggregation function that I use to aggregate over different groups. For example, require(plyr) dat <- data.frame(x = sample(3, 100, replace=TRUE), y = sample(3, 100, replace = TRUE), z = rnorm(100)) f <- function(x) { data.frame(mean.z = mean(x$z), sd.z = sd(x$z)) } ddply(dat, "x", f) ddply(dat,
2012 Jul 31
Error Installing Package with Dependency on "Matrix"
I'm attempting to update to R 2.15.1, and I'm having trouble with a package that depends on the "Matrix" package. I've created a dummy package consisting only of a DESCRIPTION file that specifies the dependence on "Matrix", a NAMESPACE file, and an R directory, containing a single function, "square <- function(x) { return (x*x) }". When I try to
2012 Jul 30
Thinning Lattice Plot
Is there an easy way to "thin" a lattice plot? I often create plots from large data sets, and use the "pdf" command to save them to a file, but the resulting files can be huge, because every point in the underlying dataset is rendered in the plot, even though it isn't possible to see that much detail. For example: require(Hmisc) x <- rnorm(1e6)
2011 Feb 18
Scaling Lattice Graphics for tikzDevice
I'm trying to use lattice graphics to produce some small plots for inclusion in a LaTeX file. I want the LaTeX fonts to be used in the plots, but to be scaled down to match the size of the plot. I have written the following code to apply a scaling factor to all the "cex" and "padding" entries in the trellis parameters, but there is still a large white space between the key
2010 Nov 17
Multiple Line Plots with xyplot
I'm trying to make multiple line plots, each with a different color, using the xyplot command. Specifically, I have an NxK matrix Y and an Nx1 matrix x. I would like the plot to contain a line for each (x, Y[,i]), i=1:K. I know something like xyplot(Y[,1] + Y[,2] + Y[,3] ~ x, type='l') will work, but if Y is large, this notation can get very awkward. Is there a way to do something
2012 Jun 25
combineLimits and Dates
I'm having some trouble using the latticeExtra 'combineLimits' function with a Date x-variable: require(lattice) set.seed(12345) dates <- seq(as.Date("2011-01-01"), as.Date("2011-12-31"), "days") dat <- data.frame(d = rep(dates, 4), g = factor(rep(rep(c(1,2), each = length(dates)), 2)), h =
2011 May 06
Cumsum in Lattice Panel Function
I'm trying to create an xyplot with a "groups" argument where the y-variable is the cumsum of the values stored in the input data frame. I almost have it, but I can't get it to automatically adjust the y-axis scale. How do I get the y-axis to automatically scale as it would have if the cumsum values had been stored in the data frame? Here is the code I have so far:
2010 Dec 26
lattice splom: how to adjust space between tick marks and tick labels?
Dear expeRts, how can I decrease the space between the tick marks and the corresponding labels in an splom? See here: library(lattice) U <- matrix(runif(4000), ncol = 8) splom(U, axis.text.cex = 0.2) # => space between the [small] tick labels and tick marks is/seems to be too large I checked ?panel.pairs but could not find an option for that. Cheers, Marius
2007 Aug 01
Splom custom superpanels
I thought one nice addition to a splom figure would be to have the scatterplots in the upper triangle and a color-coordinated correlation matrix on the bottom. So I tried my hand at customizing panel.pairs(), and was rebuffed. Many times. Four hours of fruitless debugging later, I turn to you for help: panel.pairs(z=teststatfull[,6:12], pscales=0, panel.subscripts=FALSE, subscripts=,
2008 Sep 21
How to put given values in lower triangle of splom-plot?
Dear R-experts, I have found a splom-modification online which is given below. This works perfectly, but I would like to have a matrix of given correlation values to be used in the lower triangular part (lower.panel) of the splom-plot instead of calculated correlation values. Here is the matrix I would like to use (it can be any other convenient data structure):
2010 Jan 15
Lattice: How to color the data points in splom() according to the panel they are plotted?
Dear ExpeRts, I have the scatter plot matrix as given below. I would like the different "sub-plots" in the scatter plot matrix to be colored differently. How do I get all points shown in the upper-left plot (on position (1,1) in the scatter plot matrix) to be plotted in blue, and the points shown in the plot to the right (on position (1,2) in the scatter plot matrix) to be plotted in
2010 Oct 07
Lattice: Histogram in splom diagonals
Dear list, I want to plot several variables with splom and in the main diagonal, instead of the variable names, I'd like to plot an histogram of corresponding variables. Searching I did not find the correct syntax, only some tips in an old post in the list, but this comments help to plot only density lines instead of histograms. I had some code, but it fails to plot (I've commented the
2010 Jan 31
accessing column and row numbers inside splom in lattice
Hi, When using splom() in the lattice package, I would like to be able to access the row and column number of each individual pairs plot , similar to the way that current.row() and current.column() can be used in other lattice plotting functions such as xyplot. For example, I would like to be able to write something along the lines of library(mvtnorm) library(lattice) y <-
2010 Sep 30
panel.pairs in splom
Hello, I have a customized pairs () fonction as follows that displays correctely my data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ panel.cor1 <- function (x, y, digits=2, prefix="") { usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr)) par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) r <- cor(x, y,use="pairwise.complete.obs",
2012 Dec 11
Focus on a sub-panel of a splom with trellis.focs() -- return coordinate of sub-panel, or names of variables therein
Hi, I'd like to be able to generate a splom plot in R and then use my mouse to click on one of the sub-panels (panel.pairs, specifically) and have R return either the coordinates of that sub-panel, or even better, the names of the corresponding variables plotted in that sub-panel. Here's an example to work with: > library(lattice) > splom(~iris[1:4], groups = Species, data = iris,
2007 Feb 21
Splom plot:how to plot with different symbols?
Hi, Kindly let me know if I posted a wrong question in the forum. I want to draw a splom plot with different symbols in plot. My command is as follows: splom(~ log10(splomData[2:3]), groups = programs, data = splomData, panel = panel.superpose, key = list(title = paste(splomLoop,"Programs of Hog Analysis (Sorted by LR(GB))"), panel = panel.superpose, columns =
2007 Oct 16
Adding axis lines to splom plots
Hi, I am trying to produce a 30x30 lattice grid. The 30 variables naturally fall into three groups of ten and I would like to add thicker axis lines around these to highlight this. However, I can only do this separately, so far, and I don't know how to superimpose the grid with the thicker lines (separating the 10x10 groups) onto the overall grid of all 30x30 plots. I enclose a
2004 May 06
modifying the text size in splom
All, I have long variable names that are being fed through splom (R 1.8.1). I'd like to resize the text printed on the diagonals to better display the names (unless anyone can suggest another approach - creative use of varnames). I've looked at the code, R-Help, ?splom and the Trellis User's Guide to no avail. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance, Max Kuhn, Ph.D. Becton Dickinson
2012 Nov 19
lattice: defining grouping variable only for the upper/lower panel with splom
Using the mtcars dataset, how to define the grouping variable to be valid only for the upper or lower panel? The following doesn't work: # Code start splom(~data.frame(mpg, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec), data=mtcars, pscales=0, auto.key=list(columns=3), upper.panel = function(...){ panel.grid(...) panel.xyplot(groups=cyl,...) } ) # Code end -- View
2007 Feb 09
How to add the variable name to a qqplot or densityplot in the diagonal of an splom?
splom() doesn't complain here, but writes no names in the diagonal boxes. What am I missing? I believe that I need to add something like grid.text(x, ...) to the diagonal panel, but I don't know how to get it cycle through the column labels. And should varname.col = 'blue', varname.cex = 1 be inside the diag.panel() function? splom(szw[, n], pscales = 0, diag.panel