similar to: Change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot.

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Change the text size of the title in a legend of a R plot."

2008 Jul 29
Graphics function question
Hello I have created a graph using the following commands: <<< startBReP3O1T <- diffs$BReP3O1T - diffs$diff_BReP3O1T endBReP3O1T <- diffs$BReP3O1T x <- seq(47,89, length = 10) ymin <- min(min(startBReP3O1T), min(endBReP3O1T)) ymax <- max(max(startBReP3O1T), max(endBReP3O1T)) y <- seq(ymin, ymax, length = 10) plot(x,y, type = 'n', xlab = 'Age', ylab =
2006 May 10
Legend titles in log plots broken? (ver. 2.2.1)
Legend titles work in linear plots: curve(1/x, xlim = c(0, 1)) legend(x = 'topright', inset = 0.04, legend = '1/x', lty = 1, title = 'Legend Title') But when you change to a log plot on either dimension things get screwy: curve(1/x, xlim = c(0, 1), log = 'y') legend(x = 'topright', inset = 0.04, legend = '1/x', lty = 1,
2011 Jul 18
line jump in plot legend title
Hello, In order to reduce the width of my legend in a plot I introduced line jumps in the title. Here's the problem; the legend box hasn't adapted accordingly and part of the title is printed out of the frame. See the example below: plot(1:10) legend("bottomright", bg="white", fill=c(7,8,12,13,19),
2019 Mar 26
GSoC19: Improve LLVM binary utilities
(Adding just a bit to Jake's response) On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 11:31 AM Jake Ehrlich via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > Hi Seiya, > > What should I prioritize? I suppose that improving llvm-objcopy is the >> most crucial work in this summer. > > > This is an opinion that will vary a lot from person to person. > +1! And don't forget that
2013 May 18
OT: Script Help
Sorry for the off topic, but don't a better resource. I'm not great at scripting, but need a quick script to modify a file. I have a long file that has lines like this: some text some text2 CN=DATA.OU=XYZ.O=CO some text3 some text4 And this repeats, but XYZ changes. "DATA" is always called data. (it's being renamed basically) I need to change the middle line but leave
2009 Oct 26
regular expressions
Dear list, I have the following text to parse (originating from readLines as some lines have unequal size), st = c("START text1 1 text2 2.3", "whatever intermediate text", "START text1 23.4 text2 3.1415") from which I'd like to extract the lines starting with "START", and group the subsequent fields in a data.frame in this format: text1 text2
2010 May 03
Plotting legend outside of multiple panels
Hello, I have used layout() to produce to 2 plots on a page, leaving a plotting space above them. I would like "Legend", which will actually be a real legend, to be centered above the two graphs. Right now I am only able to position "Legend" above the second graph that I create... obviously I am stuck in its margin space. Is there a way to draw the legend in the empty
2009 Sep 04
transforming a badly organized data base into a list of data frames
Dear R-ers! I have a badly organized data base in Excel. Once I read it into R it looks like this (all variables become factors because of many spaces and other characters in Excel):
2006 Mar 26
Shared Columns in an STI
I have a an STI table which acts_as_tree, that has a large number of classes/types. My common fields are: id parent_id name description with 4 more text fields, I could cover most of my classes if I could redefine the name of the field like this. text1 AS address1 text2 AS address2 text3 AS zipcode For one class and text 1 AS model_number text2 AS vendor Is there a construct that will allow
2013 Jan 27
Unexpected behavior with abbreviation of an argument to paste
R 2.15.1 OS X Colleagues, I encountered the following unexpected behavior today: The following command yielded the expected result: paste(c("TEXT1", "TEXT2"), collapse="|") Result: [1] "TEXT1|TEXT2" However, abbreviating "collapse" by even one character: paste(c("TEXT1", "TEXT2"), collaps="|") yielded the
2010 Feb 10
prompts and running means
G'day, I am new user to R, and have been thrown in the deep end with a something my company want me to write. my code is as follows: kenttemp=read.csv("mnowak.11.1.csv") rows=nrow(kenttemp)-5 kent=kenttemp[1:rows,] #have to remove the last 5 lines of the graph as they interfere with rest of data max(kent[,16],na.rm=TRUE)->ymax ymax=ymax+200 #This is to get
2009 Sep 06
struggling with "split" function
I am very sorry for such a simple question, but I am struggling with "split". I have the following data frame: x<-data.frame(A=c(NA,NA,NA,NA,"split",NA,NA,NA,NA,"split",NA,NA,NA,NA,"split",NA,NA,NA,NA),
2007 Feb 28
legend question
Hi to all, I'm sorry for posting this question, I am sure I am missing something important but after reading the documentation I cannot find where the problem is. I want to add a legend to a figure. If I use a simple example drawn from the R Reference Manual such as, for instance: x <- seq(-pi, pi, len = 65) plot(x, sin(x), type="l", col = 2) legend(x = -3, y = .9,
2011 May 28
ggplot pale colors
Hello i am new to ggplot and i observed a strange behavior. I want to display two groups of points, each group with a different color. But i encountered a problem with the colors. Here is a first example: dataset <- data.frame(Main = c("A", "A", "B", "B"), Detail = c( "b", "c", "1", "2"), resp = runif(4, min
2017 Sep 28
Searching for Enumerated Items using str_count() from the stringr package
Hi all, I have a large number of text strings to search for enumerated items. However, I am receiving this error message even though I thought that I properly escaped the special character closed parenthesis: > Count<-str_count(text3,keywords) Error in stri_count_regex(string, pattern, opts_regex = opts(pattern)) : Syntax error in regexp pattern. (U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX) === Here is
2012 Feb 03
incomplete final line found on <name of my sourced function file>
Dear R-ers, I hope there is a really simple solution to my problem. I've written a function that I saved in an .r file. I source this file in my code. For a while it worked fine. But then when I run the line: source("F mylineplot.r") I started getting a warning: In readLines(file) : incomplete final line found on 'F mylineplot.r' I have no idea why - I tried to check and
2006 Dec 15
xyplot: legend title + legend on 1 line
Does anybody know how in xyplot to put the legend title on one line with the legend? I can get the legend on one line with columns=... but the title is always on top. I tried a custom key with key=... and text=... but I can't put the title text in front of the plotting symbol. I am looking for the following layout of the legend, on one line: "Legend Title:" + plot symbol1 + legend
2001 Aug 27
colorbar legend for image()
Hi, are there any plans to add a colorbar legend to image()? Or such a possibility already implemented which I just haven't discovered yet. Anyway, I will be willing to spent some time on the implementation if there isn't anyone working on that already. Thanks Thomas -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-devel mailing list -- Read
2011 May 25
barplot groups of different size i.e. height is NOT a matrix
Hello, I want to use the function barplot do display several group of bars. A standard example is given at this link But in their example the 4 groups of bars are all composed of 8 bars. I want to be able do display the same kind of graph but where the number of bars in each group are not the same. For example the
2008 Dec 22
Align legend title
Dear R developers, I needed to align the title of legend for some of my plots. If there is interest to include this into base R, bellow are the examples and the relevent diffs. Regards, Gregor x <- 1:10 y1 <- 1.5 * x y2 <- 2.0 * x y <- cbind(y1, y2) source(file=url("")) matplot(x, y, type="l", lty=c(1, 2)) ##