similar to: multiple comparisons on a between factor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "multiple comparisons on a between factor"

2005 Apr 05
extracting Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values from factanal
Hi R users, I need some help in the followings: I'm doing factor analysis and I need to extract the loading values and the Proportion Var and Cumulative Var values one by one. Here is what I am doing: > fact <- factanal(na.omit(gnome_freq_r2),factors=5); > fact$loadings Loadings: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5 b1freqr2 0.246 0.486 0.145
2010 Sep 07
repeated measurements ANOVA
Dear list, i am setting up a GLM for a repeated measurement ANOVA using the lm and ANOVA function. my design contains four factors with 5, 5, 2 and 2 (= 14) levels, respectively. the data are stored in a data.frame with six columns, one for the data themselves and the remainings for the factors where strings indicate the factor levels in each row. now i would like to restructure this
2008 Dec 26
lm() with same formula but different column/factor combinations in data frame
Hi, I am trying to find an efficient way of applying a linear regression model to different factor combinations in a data frame. I want to obtain the output with minimal or no use of loops if possible. Please let me know if this query is unclear. Thanks, Murtaza
2014 Dec 10
Renaming directories with subdirectories over IMAP
Hi, I?ve a problem with renaming directories with subdirectories. In root directory I create directory named ?lvl1? with subdirectory ?lvl2? When I rename directory lvl1 to lvl1-new I get: 1. /lvl1-new with subdir lvl2 but I can use only /lvl1-new and not /lvl1-new/lvl2 2. /lvl1 with subdir lvl2 but I can use only /lvl1/lvl2 and not /lvl1 Is it a feature or a bug? If bug is there a fix? PS:
2010 Oct 06
ANOVA boxplots
Dear list, i have a quick and (hopefully) straightforward question regarding the plot-function after running aov. if i plot an equation like this: plot(dataSubjects~factorA, data=mydata) R gives me the boxplots for this particular factor A. my model, however contains several factors. is there a straightforward way to plot barplots for a specific factor with the constraint that those values
2013 Mar 06
Ggplot2: Moving legend, change fill and removal of space between plots when using grid.arrange() possible use of facet_grid?
Hi, # For publications, I am not allowed to repeat the axes. I have tried to remove the axes using: # yaxt="n", but it did not work. I have not understood how to do this in ggplot2. Can you help me? # I also do not want loads of space between the graphs (see below script with Dummy Data). # If I could make it look like the examples on the (nice) examples page: #
2013 Mar 07
ggpliot2: reordering of factors in facets facet.grid(). Reordering of factor on x-axis no problem.
Hi everyone (again), before you all start screaming that the reordering of factors has been discusse on several threads and is not particular to ggplot2, hear me out. I can easily reorder my x-axis factor in facet.grid() in ggplot2. What I cannot reorder are the factors represented on the strips. I can see that the graphs are changing, so I am afraid of what it is I am doing. Why is ggplot2
2009 Dec 08
{Lattice} help.
Hi All, I have a 4-dimensional data. I'm using barchart() function from lattice package. The R code and data are below - code includes one for stack=TRUE and other for stack=FALSE. I would like to present the data in another form which would be plotting Factor3 levels (P, Q, R, S) as two stacked bars (side by side). Like, for each level of Factor1 there should be two bars: first bar showing
2010 May 24
--delete and --files-from
Hi, I've read as much as I can regarding the many problems people seem to have with -delete and none of the solutions seems to work for me. I have tried all combinations of using the trailing slash but it seems to have no effect. Does anyone know if -delete can work with -files-from? Here's the code: DIR="/mnt/backup/machine/oracle" FILES=".test_files.files"
2009 Aug 11
loadings function (PR#13886)
Full_Name: Mike Ulrich Version: 2.9 OS: Mac OSX Submission from: (NULL) ( The help documentation for loadings() lists more then one parameter. The function call only expects one parameter. The digits, cutoff, and sort parameters are not used in the function. ## S3 method for class 'loadings': print(x, digits = 3, cutoff = 0.1, sort = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class
2009 Dec 03
(Grouped + Stacked) Barplot
Hi All, I have googled and tried finding if someone has ever tried producing (Grouped + Stacked) Barplot. I couldn't find one. My data needs to be reshaped, but once it is done it would be something like this: Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Value A X P 10 A X Q 20 A Y P 20 A Y Q 5 A Z P 20 A Z Q 10 B X P 20 B X Q 10 B
2009 Mar 31
Factor Analysis Output from R and SAS
Dear Users, I ran factor analysis using R and SAS. However, I had different outputs from R and SAS. Why they provide different outputs? Especially, the factor loadings are different. I did real dataset(n=264), however, I had an extremely different from R and SAS. Why this things happened? Which software is correct on? Thanks in advance, - TY #R code with example data # A little
2010 Jan 12
How to get minimum value by group
I'd like to get a long data set of minimum values from groups in another data set. The following almost does what I want. (Note, I'm using the word factor differently from it's meaning in R; bad choice of words) myframe = data.frame(factor1 = rep(1:2,each=8), factor2 = rep(c("a","b"),each=4, times=2), factor3 = rep(c("x","y"),each=2, times=4),
2003 Jan 20
make check for R-1.6.2 on IBM AIX
Dear all, The 'make check' step fails for the pacakge mva on IBM AIX. The tail of the Rout log file looks like: > for(factors in 2:4) print(update(Harman23.FA, factors = factors)) Call: factanal(factors = factors, covmat = Harman23.cor) Uniquenesses: height arm.span forearm lower.leg weight 0.170 0.107 0.166
2006 Aug 11
- factanal scores correlated?
Hi, I wonder why factor scores produced by factanal are correlated, and I'd appreciate any hints from people that may help me to get a deeper understanding why that's the case. By the way: I'm a psychologist used to SPSS, so that question my sound a little silly to your ears. Here's my minimal example: *********************************************** v1 <-
2006 Feb 24
Extracting information from factanal()
Dear list members, I apologize for putting this (probably) very basic question on the mailing list. I have scanned through the R website (using search) but did not found an answer. (code included below) A factor matrix is simply extracted (which can then subsequently be exported using write.table) by FACT$loadings[1:6,]. I would also like to specifically extract and export
2003 Nov 09
How to create unique factor from two factors? + Boostrap Q
This might be easy but I'm very new to R and this question doesn't seem to have any nice keywords that bring up relevant search results when I search the CRAN search engine. Therefore, I'll plead (as I have in the recent past) Newbie status. I have a data frame with two factors (Factor 1 and 2) which together specify another unique level. I want to create a third factor in the
2004 Nov 30
I am having difficulty obtaining the scores from my principal component analysis. I have used this method before and have had no problems. The data set that I am using this time is similar to what I have used in the past. What do I need to do to my dataset in order for me to obtain these scores? R screen says the following message Error in factanal(covmat = pasa.cov, factors = 4) :
2007 Jan 09
posthoc tests with ANCOVA
dear all, I want to perform a posthoc test for my ANCOVA: a1<-aov(seeds~treatment*length) With summary(glht(a1, linfct = mcp(treatment = "Tukey"))) R tells me: "covariate interactions found -- please choose appropriate contrast" How do I build these contrasts? Ideally, I would like to have the posthoc test for the ANCOVA including a block-effect
2008 Jun 10
Problem with by(... , median)
Hello everyone, I am new to R, I have been using SAS for a while. Not surprisingly, I find R much better in graphics, which is publication ready right away. Recently, I have been trying to calculate some basic statistics using R. I have a dataset of multiple rows per subject. For example: Subject Date Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 P1 0.5 1 1 3 P1 1 3 2 5 P1 2 3 5 NA ... P2 0.5 1 6 4 P2 1 2 NA 7 P2