Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "R CMD check: building indices error"
2001 Apr 24
New Package Released: PTAk
PTAk_1.1-1 ( Principal Tensor Analysis on k modes) has been released on
A multiway method to decompose a tensor (array) of any
as a generalisation of SVD also supporting non-identity
metrics and penalisations.
2-way SVD with these extensions is also available. The
package includes also some other multiway
methods: PCAn (Tucker-n) and
2001 Apr 24
New Package Released: PTAk
PTAk_1.1-1 ( Principal Tensor Analysis on k modes) has been released on
A multiway method to decompose a tensor (array) of any
as a generalisation of SVD also supporting non-identity
metrics and penalisations.
2-way SVD with these extensions is also available. The
package includes also some other multiway
methods: PCAn (Tucker-n) and
2000 Jul 05
function SAS dataset to R matrix (dataframe)
Is there such a function (like sas.get for S ...)
to be able to convert a SAS dataset (PC one .sd2)
to a dataframe or matrix in R?
Didier G. Leibovici didier at fmrib.ox.ac.uk +44 (0)1865 222 739
Image Analysis Group fax:+44 (0)1865 222 717
Oxford University, Centre For Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of
the Brain (FMRIB), John Radcliffe Hospital,
2012 Jun 22
removing NA from a data frame
Removing rows with NAs, using na.omit(), doesn't seem to be working for me.
> str ( ex10s )
'data.frame': 2189576 obs. of 5 variables:
$ LOPNR : int 58 58 58 58 64 64 64 64 64 64 ...
$ DIAGNOS: Factor w/ 173 levels "F20","F200","F2000",..: 128 128 128 128 105 105 105 160 105 105 ...
$ X_DATE : int 20060821 20061207 20080102 20090904
2012 Jul 17
Problem creation tensor
Hi guys,
I need some help to analyzing my data.
I start to describe my data: I have 21 matrices, every matrix on the
rows has users and on columns has items, in my case films.
Element of index (i, j) represent the rating expressed by user i about item j.
I have a matrix for each of professions.
An example of a this type of matrix is:
item 1 item 2 item 3 item4
2010 Jan 07
Quantreg - 'could not find function"rq"'
Hi all,
I'm having some troubles with the Quantreg package. I am using R
version 2.10.0, and have downloaded the most recent version of Quantreg
(4.44) and SparseM (0.83 - required package). However, when I try to
run an analysis (e.g. fit1<-rq(y~x, tau=0.5)) I get an error message
saying that the function "rq" could not be found. I get the same
message when I try to search
2002 Sep 13
Contrasts in ANOVA table
Hello All,
Is there a way of producing an ANOVA table split into contrasts, thus showing the contrasts sums of squares and associated p-values?
Martin Hoyle,
School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
NG7 2RD,
Webpage: http://myprofile.cos.com/martinhoyle
2005 Apr 13
Fluctuating asymmetry and measurement error
Hi all,
Has anyone tested for FA in R? I need to seperate out the variance due to measurement error from variation between individuals (following Palmer & Strobeck 1986).
Andy Higginson
Animal Behaviour and Ecology Research Group
School of Biology
University of Nottingham
This message has been checked for viruses but the contents of an attachment
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2003 Aug 27
Basic GLM: residuals definition
Dear R Users,
I suppose this is a school boy question, but here it is anyway. I'm trying to re-create the residuals for a poisson GLM with simulated data;
my.resids<-(log(x)- summary(model)$coefficients[1])
This shows that my calculated residuals (my.resids) are not the same as residuals(model).
p 65 of
2008 Nov 13
I want to form a 3x3 crosstabulation for the signs of two vectors (i.e.
Negative, Zero, Positive). The problem is that I am simulating the data so
for some iterations one of the categories is absent. Thus the resulting
table shrinks to 3x2. I want it to be 3x3 with zero column corresponding to
the missing category. Moreover, I have tried but failed to give the
dimension names.
Sohail Chand
2003 Apr 08
Basic LME
Hello R Users,
I am investigating the basic use of the LME function, using the following example;
Response is Weight, covariate is Age, random factor is Genotype
model.lme <- lme (Weight~Age, random=~ 1|Genotype)
After summary(model.lme), I find that the estimate of Age is 0.098 with p=0.758.
I am comparing the above model with the AOV function;
model.aov <- aov (Weight~Age + Genotype)
2007 Jan 17
Effect size in GLIM models
Dear All,
I wonder if anyone can advise me as to whether there is a consensus as
to how the effect size should be calculated from GLIM models in R for
any specified significant main effect or interaction.
In investigating the causes of variation in infection in wild animals,
we have fitted 4-way GLIM models in R with negative binomial errors.
These are then simplified using the STEP procedure,
2001 Aug 14
problems embedding R
I have a problem with embedding R into perl. I
downloaded the interface program/module from
omegahat.org, and I can't seem to understand how to
use it. This is all done under Win NT 4.0. If anyone
have any clue or any suggestions on how to interface R
into perl, I would be greatful. Please email me with
comments at racerdude911 at yahoo.com
2002 Apr 15
Nested ANOVA with covariates
Dear All,
I'm rather a beginner on nested ANOVAs, so here goes with my 2
Qu 1:
I'm modelling the number of galls on a leaf (the response variable) as
a function of;
the tree on which I find the leaf,
the branch on which I find the leaf.
Then, the tree and the branch are both random factors, and I'm quite
happy that I should write;
aov(galls~tree/branch +
2012 Oct 23
How to pick colums from a ragged array?
I have a large dataset (~1 million rows) of three variables: ID (patient's name), DATE (of appointment) and DIAGNOSIS (given on that date).
Patients may have been assigned more than one diagnosis at any one appointment - leading to two rows, same ID and DATE but different DIAGNOSIS.
The diagnoses may change between appointments.
I want to subset the data in two ways:
- define groups
2002 Oct 31
Re: gregmisc version 0.7.3 now available
Dear Greg,
Thanks for the new release. The decomposition of the SSQ is just what I need!
Martin Hoyle,
School of Life and Environmental Sciences,
University of Nottingham,
University Park,
NG7 2RD,
Webpage: http://myprofile.cos.com/martinhoyle
>>> gregory_r_warnes at groton.pfizer.com 10/30/02 07:16PM >>>
Version 0.7.3 of the gregmisc package
2002 Jan 18
RE: z-scores for different factor levels
Hi Stuart,
I often use this small function
standardize <- function(x) ( x - mean(x, na.rm=T) ) / sqrt(var(x,
to standardize variables.
You should be able to use this to do what you want by splitting the data
frame into sections based on the factor level, using standardize() to create
a new variable in each section, then paste the data frame back together.
Something like:
2002 Jan 08
Finding functions in uninstalled libraries
(Many thanks to David Barron & Jonathan Baron for pointing me to 'recode' in
the 'car' package).
I think I've been told this before, but how do I search for a
function/keyword in libraries I don't yet have installed?
(ie. on the CRAN site I tried the search engines with "recode" etc., but
didn't pick up the car package this way)
Dr Stuart Leask
2008 Jan 15
ZFS-DMU benchmark on Linux
Hi all,
You will find in attachment to this mail some benchmarks we made on
Linux with pios over ZFS-DMU.
There are some interesting things about ZFS tuning and some ideas for
breaking a bottleneck we identified in DMU.
CEA/DAM - Ile de France
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Name: ZFS_benchs_Linux.pdf
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2005 Oct 03
no config file
I've tried installing wine using synaptic on ubuntu, also compiling form
source and a couple of other ways but never get a ./wine/config file ?
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Dr. Jim Maas
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