Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "A question about data frame"
2011 Feb 27
Database abstraction
Hi all -
I've been working on a lite ORM and database abstraction package for R.
Formatting complex queries by hand has always been an error-prone hassle, so
I've tried to do away with that as much as possible, instead, using R
objects to represent elements of a database system (statements, clauses,
operators, functions, fields, tables, etc.). R5 classes have made the
development of this
2011 Feb 10
Finding length of unique numbers in a vector
Hello there, would you please look into my codes? Here I have following:
> set.seed(100)
> samp <- sample(c(1,-1,0), 20, replace=T); samp
[1] 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 1 -1 0 1 -1 0 0 1 -1 -1 0
Here I want to calculate the length of each unique number for above vector.
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance
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2011 Mar 09
SQLDF - Submitting Queries with R Objects as Columns
Fellow R programmers,
I'd like to submit SQLDF statements with R objects as column names.
For example, I want to assign "X" to "var1" (var1<-"X") and then refer to
"var1" in the SQLDF statement. SQLDF needs to understand that when I
reference "var1", it should look for "X" in the dataframe.
This is necessary because my SQLDF
2009 Jan 06
Using apply for two datasets
I can run one-sample t-test on an array, for example a matrix myData1,
with the following
apply(myData1, 2, t.test)
Is there a similar fashion using apply() or something else to run
2-sample t-test with datasets from two groups, myData1 and myData2,
without looping?
2017 Jul 06
Efficient swapping
Thanks a lot, Ista! I really appreciate it.
How about a slightly different case as the following:
(tmp <- data.frame(x = 1:10, R1 = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 10, replace =
TRUE), R2 = sample(LETTERS[2:6], 10, replace = TRUE)))
x R1 R2
1 C B
2 B B
3 C E
4 E C
5 E B
6 D E
7 E E
8 D F
9 C D
10 A E
Notice that the factor levels between
2012 Feb 07
Setting up infile for R CMD BATCH
Suppose I create an R program called myTest.R with only one line like
the following:
type <- as.integer(readline("input type (1: type1; 2: type2)? "))
Then I'd like to run myTest.R in batch mode by constructing an input
file called answers.R with the following:
When I ran the following at the terminal:
R CMD BATCH answer.R output.Rout
it failed
2010 Mar 27
Calculate variance/covariance with complex numbers
Anybody knows what functions can be used to calculate
variance/covariance with complex numbers? var and cov don't seem to
> a
V1 0.00810014+0.00169366i
V2 0.00813054+0.00158251i
V3 0.00805489+0.00163295i
V4 0.00809141+0.00159533i
V5 0.00813976+0.00161850i
> var(a)
1 1.141556e-09
Warning message:
In var(a) : imaginary parts discarded in
2013 Dec 14
Change factor levels
Suppose I have a dataframe 'd' defined as
L3 <- LETTERS[1:3]
d0 <- data.frame(cbind(x = 1, y = 1:10), fac = sample(L3, 10, replace
= TRUE))
(d <- d0[d0$fac %in% c('A', 'B'),])
x y fac
2 1 2 B
3 1 3 A
4 1 4 A
5 1 5 A
6 1 6 B
8 1 8 A
Even though factor 'fac' in 'd' only has 2 levels, but it seems to bear the
2017 Jul 06
Efficient swapping
Untested, but I expect that setting the levels to be the same across the
two factors
levels(tmp$R1) <- levels(tmp$R2) <- LETTERS[1:6]
and proceeding as before should be fine.
On Jul 6, 2017 6:54 PM, "Gang Chen" <gangchen6 at gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks a lot, Ista! I really appreciate it.
How about a slightly different case as the following:
2010 Feb 05
metafor package: effect sizes are not fully independent
In a classical meta analysis model y_i = X_i * beta_i + e_i, data
{y_i} are assumed to be independent effect sizes. However, I'm
encountering the following two scenarios:
(1) Each source has multiple effect sizes, thus {y_i} are not fully
independent with each other.
(2) Each source has multiple effect sizes, each of the effect size
from a source can be categorized as one of a factor levels
2017 Jul 06
Efficient swapping
Suppose that we have the following dataframe:
(tmp <- data.frame(x = 1:10, R1 = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 10, replace =
TRUE), R2 = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 10, replace = TRUE)))
x R1 R2
1 1 B B
2 2 B A
3 3 C D
4 4 E B
5 5 B D
6 6 E C
7 7 E D
8 8 D E
9 9 D B
10 10 A D
I want to do the following: if the difference between the level index
of factor
2011 Jul 24
Deleting rows and store the deleted rows in new data frame
Dear all,
I am using grep but I did not understand the problem as I am doing something wrong.Please help me.
I am using this code-
sf=data.frame(sapply(df[],function(x) grep('\\.&\\,', df[,9])))
the thing is i have a data frame(df) like this-
10 135349467 g G 4 0 0 5 ,,,.,
10 135349468 t T 2 0 0 5 ,,c.,
10 135349469 g G 7 0 0 5 ,,a.,
10 135349470 c C 8 0 0 5 ,,,.,
10 135349471
2008 Apr 07
Extract values from a named array
Sorry for this dumb question. Suppose I have a named array ww defined as
ww <- 1:5
names(ww) <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
How can I extract the whole array of numbers without the names?
ww[1:5] does not work while ww[[1]] can only extract one number at a
2008 Mar 06
Array arithmetic
I have two arrays A and B with dimensions of (L, M, N, P) and (L, M,
N), and I want to do
for (i in 1:L) {
for (j in 1:M) {
for (k in 1:N) {
if (abs(B[i, j, k]) > 10e-5) C[i, j, k,] <- A[i, j, k,]/B[i, j, k]
else C[i, j, k,] <- 0
How can I get C more efficiently than looping?
2011 May 22
Convert dataframe with two factors from wide to long format
I know how to convert a simple dataframe from wide to long format with one
varying factor. However, for a dataset with two factors like the following,
Subj T1_Cond1 T1_Cond2 T2_Cond1 T2_Cond2
1 0.125869 4.108232 1.099392 5.556614
2 1.427940 2.170026 0.120748 1.176353
How to elegantly convert to a long form as
Subj Time Cond Value
1 1 1 0.125869
2017 Jul 06
Efficient swapping
How about
foo <- with(list(r1 = tmp$R1,
r2 = tmp$R2,
swapme = (as.numeric(tmp$R1) - as.numeric(tmp$R2)) %% 2 != 0),
tmp[swapme, "R1"] <- r2[swapme]
tmp[swapme, "R2"] <- r1[swapme]
On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:06 PM, Gang Chen <gangchen6 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose that we have the following
2010 Nov 24
Create new string of same length as entry in dataframe
I suspect that this is simple, but thanks in advance for any advice...
I have a dataframe, t2:
V1 V2
aaa 3
aaaa 4
aaaaaa 6
a 1
aa 2
V2 is the length of the string in V1 using nchar(as.character(t1$V1))
I'd like to create a third column, that contains a string of the length of
V2, but containing an alternate text, e.g.
V1 V2 V3
2009 Jan 23
Interpreting model matrix columns when using contr.sum
With the following example using contr.sum for both factors,
> dd <- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12)) # balanced 2-way
> model.matrix(~ a * b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.sum", b="contr.sum"))
(Intercept) a1 a2 b1 b2 b3 a1:b1 a2:b1 a1:b2 a2:b2 a1:b3 a2:b3
1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0 1 0
2011 Oct 06
Wide to long form conversion
I have some data 'myData' in wide form (attached at the end), and
would like to convert it to long form. I wish to have five variables
in the result:
1) Subj: factor
2) Group: between-subjects factor (2 levels: s / w)
3) Reference: within-subject factor (2 levels: Me / She)
4) F: within-subject factor (2 levels: F1 / F2)
5) J: within-subject factor (2 levels: J1 / J2)
As this is the
2010 Sep 16
If statements for multiple arrays
I wrote this code which works fine on a single observation:
if(x<z && y>z) {aa-z}
result: 25
I am trying to apply this logic where x,y,z,and aa are arrays but with very
little success. I have tried using loops and whiles but I always get errors
of various types. I have consulted a few manuals but with limited success.
My hopeful