Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Nested logit"
2011 Aug 12
Mixed Logit model mlogit error
I am new to R but I have managed to use mlogit to run multivariate logit
models successfully. My data violates the Independence of Irrelevant
Alternatives assumption and now I would like to run a mixed logit model. It
is a "wide" data set with 9 independent (individual) variables and three
choices (variable Y). The database is in a cvs file called CAU.
This is the code I have run
2011 Apr 10
Multinomial Logit Model with lots of Dummy Variables
Hi All,
I am attempting to build a Multinomial Logit model with dummy variables of
the following form:
Dependent Variable : 0-8 Discrete Choices
Dummy Variable 1: 965 dummy varsghpow at student.monash.edu.augh@gp1.com
Dummy Variable 2: 805 dummy vars
The data set I am using has the dummy columns pre-created, so it's a table
of 72,381 rows and 1770 columns.
The first 965 columns represent
2010 Nov 18
Mixed multinomial logit model (mlogit script)
Dear all,
I am trying to run a mixed multinomial logit model in R since my response variable has 4 non-ordinal categories. I am using the package mlogit that estimates the parameters by maximum likelihood methods. First of all, I prepared my data using the mlogit.data command. In the mlogit command, one can introduce alternative-specific (fixed factors??) and individual-specific (random
2011 Jan 31
Latent Class Logit Models in discrete choice experiments
Dear R users,
I would like to perform Latent Class Logit Models for the analysis of choice experiments in environmental valuation.
This kind of analysis is usually performed with NLogit Software (http://www.limdep.com).
I attach the results I usually obtain using NLogit and NLogit model specifications.
For Random parameter models and Logit Models I usually perform my analysis with the package
2010 Feb 23
Importing a file to r
I am trying to import the attached file Curva LIBOR to R. I am trying to use
the following commands and obtaining the following errors
> res <- read.xlsx("C:\\Users\\FELIPE
PARRA\\Documents\\Quantil\\Federacion\\Curva LIBOR.xlsx", 4)
Error en .jcall(rowCells[[ic]], "I", "getColumnIndex") :
RcallMethod: invalid object parameter
> res <-
2010 Mar 10
trouble getting multinimial logit model to work properly
Greetings all,
please consider the following data:
#Build Data frame
Slope<-c(1.291370, 12.208500, 2.110930, 0.578990, 5.019520, 0.807444,
, 1.257080, 0.241504 , 0.184337 , 0.383044 , 0.342021)
Exposure<-c(790.54, 1167.79 , 845.58 , 1082.47 , 1189.61 , 677.17 ,
2058.56 , 469.09
, 112.02 , 803.31 , 254.14 ,1336.16)
FwyDist<-c(11809.4222 ,10623.0458, 12279.6271,
2008 Apr 11
Multinomial Logit Regression
Hi all,
I have a dataset with a response variable with three categories (1, 2, 3)
and a lot of continuous variables. I'd like to make a MLR with these
variables. I've been watching the libraries nnet and zelig for this purpose
but I don't understand them well.
I use a training sample data to make the MLR.
train.set <- sample(1:1000,1000*0.7)
I have done this:
2012 Sep 11
splines package
Hello all,
I have been working with b-splines and noted that the splines package is
not available in CRAN. Does any body know what happened with it?
Or, is there any package that replaces it?
Thank you
Felipe Parra
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2010 Mar 29
Question about 'logit' and 'mlogit' in Zelig
I'm running a multinomial logit in R using the Zelig packages. According to str(trade962a), my dependent variable is a factor with three levels. When I run the multinomial logit I get an error message. However, when I run 'model=logit' it works fine. any ideas on whats wrong?
anes96two <- zelig(trade962a ~ age962 + education962 + personal962 + economy962 +
2010 Nov 22
Hello I am new to RExcel and I would like to run a source code form the
excel worksheet. I would like to run the following code
source("C:\\Quantil Aplicativos\\Genercauca\\BackwardSelectionNC.r")
from the excel wroksheet. Does anybody know how to do this?
Thank you
Felipe Parra
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2010 Sep 29
Hello, does somebody know in a boxplot, what does each element in the
boxplot represent?
1. lines at the extremes of the dotted lines?
2. Extremes of the boxes
3. Black line in the middle of the box?
4. notches?
Thank you
Felipe Parra
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2011 Apr 09
Memory allocation problem
Hello, I am runnning a program on R with a "big" number of simulations and
I am getting the following error:
Error: no se puede ubicar un vector de tamaƱo 443.3 Mb
I don't understand why because when I check the memory status in my pc I get
the following:
> memory.size()
[1] 676.3
> memory.size(T)
[1] 1124.69
> memory.limit()
[1] 4000
which should in theory allow to
2010 May 12
Calling a list element
Hello, i have the following list
and I would like to make a vector of the first element of each of the list
items, in this case ANTIOQUIA, META, CASANARE, etc . Do you know how
2010 Sep 26
Problem with unlist
Hello I want to unlist the attached element getting only the first element
in each element of the list. The last element of the list looks as this:
[1] 274.4
[1] 378.2667
[1] 23.33333
So I would like to get for each element of the list the element called
Pluv3Meses. The whole list has 5065 elements but when I try to
2010 Dec 15
Numbers in a string
Hello, I have stings which have all sort of characters (numbers, letters,
punctuation marks, etc) I would like to stay only with the numbers in them,
does somebody know how to do this?
Thank you
Felipe Parra
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2011 Mar 09
trunc function
Hello. I would like to know if there exists in R a function like trunc but
where i can choose how many decimal places can I stay with in the number I
have (sort of the same as the trunc function in excel). I would like, for
example if I have the number 0.974678 and I choose to stay with 3 decimal
places to have as ouput 0.974.
Thank you
Felipe Parra
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2010 Apr 05
Hello I am trying to use predict.lm, but I am having trouble getting out of
sample predictions. I am getting the same output if I use the following
three commands:
where ModeloLineal is the output from ModeloLineal<-lm(dataTS[,6] ~
predictors[1:720,]), so the first 720 observations of
2010 Sep 16
Problems creating a Panel
Hello, I am trying to create a panel with the attached data frame. using the
following code:
> PanelRio = DataRiopaila[which(duplicated(DataRiopaila$SEC_STE)==T),]
> PanelRio=plm.data(PanelRio,index=c("SEC_STE","FechaSiembra"))
are NA and have been removed
It tells me it removes
2012 Oct 01
mlogit and model-based recursive partitioning
Has anyone tried to model-based recursive partition (using mob from package
party; thanks Achim and colleagues) a data set based on a multinomial logit
model (using mlogit from package mlogit; thanks Yves)?
I attempted to do so, but there are at least two reasons why I could not.
First, in mob I am not quite sure that a model of class StatModel exists for
mlogit models. Second, as
2013 May 15
Problem with convergence in optim
Hello to all,
I have been using an optim with the following call:
depending on the intial values I'm getting the same solution but once I get
the convergence message=10 (no convergence) and for the others I get
convergence message = 0