Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Multi-page plots (Trellis)"
2008 Apr 14
boxplot tick locations
hi all-
i am creating a boxplot and would like to shift the x-axis tick marks
(named 1:23) so that the ticks are in between the boxes and not centered
in the middle of the boxes. i have searched the help files and google
and have not found what i am looking for.
does anyone know how to do this?
University of Colorado, Boulder
2007 Jul 18
nested for loop
I am new to programming and R. I am reading the manual and R books by Dalgaard and Veranzo to help answer my questions but I am unable to figure out the following:
I have a data file that contains 1080 data points. Here's a snippet of the file:
[241] 0.3603704000 0.1640741000 0.2912963000 NA 0.0159259300 0.0474074100
I would like to break the file up into 30
2007 Dec 01
creating conditional means
Hi all-
I have a dataset (year, month, hour, co2(ppm), num1,num2)
[49,] 2006 11 0 383.3709 28 28
[50,] 2006 11 1 383.3709 28 28
[51,] 2006 11 2 383.3709 28 28
[52,] 2006 11 3 383.3709 28 28
[53,] 2006 11 4 383.3709 28 28
[54,] 2006 11 5 383.3709 28 28
[55,] 2006 11 6 383.3709 28 28
[56,] 2006 11 7 383.3709 28 28
[57,] 2006
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot ?
(Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let
me know if this is a known issue)
I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse
overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in
I am using R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15
*** To replicate the bug:
1.- display an xyplot. For example, from the xyplot help page:
2005 Jun 16
smbldap adding machine error
Hi all,
I'm currently working on getting the whole samba with ldap working. I'm
having an error trying to join a computer to the domain, when windows
goes to change to the new domain
I get the dialogue box to enter the user/pass to join I do that and it
the following error occurred.... the username could not be found.
taking a look at the smbd.log file it shows:
2010 Jun 16
multiple plots without for loops
Dear All-
I am trying to plot over one hundred figures. I do not want to save
them, just walk through them to take a look. If I run the code as it
is below, then the plots just rapidly run through. I tried adding a
new device, but I reached the device number limit. I have gone through
the online manuals, done google searches and the R Site help pages and
haven't found anything to
2005 Mar 29
regression tree xerror
I am running some models (for the first time) using rpart and am getting
results I don't know how to interpret. I'm using cross-validation to prune
the tree and the results look like:
Root node error: 172.71/292 = 0.59148
n= 292
CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd
1 0.124662 0 1.00000 1.00731 0.093701
2 0.064634 1 0.87534 1.08076 0.092337
3 0.057300 2
2008 Sep 02
boxplot - label outliers
Hi All-
I have 24 boxplots on one graph. I do not have the whiskers extending
to the outliers, but I would like to label the maximum value of each
outlier above the whiskers. I have the stats but am having trouble
figuring out how to label the whiskers.
Any suggestions would be great!
2008 Sep 04
adding NA to "subset"
Hi All-
I have a data set (spdco2)
> spdco2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 5.4 382.4212
[2,] 2 5.1 383.0315
[3,] 3 4.8 383.9520
[4,] 4 4.7 384.4376
[5,] 5 4.7 384.5929
[6,] 6 4.4 384.8864
[7,] 7 4.1 385.2156
[8,] 8 3.8 385.2919
[9,] 9 3.7 385.5925
[10,] 10 3.9 385.6801
I am subsetting it to output when [,2] is >= 4.7 .
2013 Mar 10
Editing figure without re-running the plotting code?
Dear all,
I am curious if anyone knows of a command/program that would enable one to
edit a figure in R once it is created (akin to Matlab). Currently, if I
need to make any changes to the figure I do so and then have to run the
plotting portion of the code again. I have searched the R site mailing
lists, etc to no avail. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
2009 Feb 26
windows vs. linux code
Dear All-
I have been given some Rcode that was written using a Linux OS, but I
use Windows-based R. The person that is giving it to me said that it
needs to run on a Linux system. Does anyone have any insight and/or can
verify this. I haven't yet obtained the code, so I haven't been able to
try it yet.
2005 Jun 15
Plotting second axes outside xyplot
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a way to get xyplot to produce a second set of axes outside the right hand side of the graph. This is my progress so far:
EE <- equal.count(ethanol$E, number=9, overlap=1/4)
xyplot(NOx ~ C | EE, data = ethanol,
prepanel = function(x, y) prepanel.loess(x, y, span = 1),
xlab = "Compression Ratio", ylab = "NOx (micrograms/J)",
2008 Mar 22
Simulating Conditional Distributions
Dear R-Help List,
I'm trying to simulate data from a conditional distribution, and
haven't been able to modify my existing code to do so. I searched
the archives, but didn't find any previous post that matched my
pop = data.frame(W1 = rbinom(n, 1, .2),
W2 = runif(n, min = 3, max = 8), W3 = rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=2))
pop = transform(pop,
A = rbinom(n, 1,
2001 Nov 28
trellis plot
I'd like to plot 4 groups of data using xyplot and panel.superpose so
that the points are overlayed on a single plot. For each group of data
I'd also like a loess smoothed function (using panel.loess). I have
tried the following:
xyplot(series ~ time | gr, data=etable,
panel = function(x,y, ...) {
panel.superpose(x,y, ...)
2008 Nov 19
Buggy trellis.focus() with xyplot in JavaGD ?
(Tried to find a bug report about this issue, but was unable to find it, let
me know if this is a known issue)
I have been working on an interface to highlight xyplot panels on mouse
overs in JavaGD but I have stumbled with what seems to be a bug in
I am using JGR R 2.8 with lattice 0.17-15
Note: It's important to you use JGR to use the Java Graphics Device.
*** To
1998 Jan 06
R-beta: losing attributes in binary ops
Thanks to Thomas Lumley for the very quick fix of the NextMethod(.Generic)
bug. The patch enclosed in his message to r-help fixed that problem
But..., I've got another one.
x <- 1:4
attr(x,"foo") <- "bar"
attributes(x < 4)
returns NULL.
The "foo" attribute has been lost in the "x < 4" operation.
The blue book says that the
2008 Jan 29
Using Predict and GLM
Dear R Help,
I read through the archives pretty extensively before sending this
email, as it seemed there were several threads on using predict with
GLM. However, while my issue is similar to previous posts (cannot
get it to predict using new data), none of the suggested fixes are
The important bits of my code:
n0=200 #number of observations
2009 Apr 10
Plot legend
Dear All-
I am trying to create a legend where the first 9 terms are represented as pch=16 in one column (which I am able to do); but, I would like the last two terms in that column to be 'lines" (which are black and red - just as it looks like in the plot). I have read through many help pages and searched the help listserv, but haven't figured this one out yet. Does anyone have
2008 Dec 21
data format issue
Dear all-
I have a dataset (see a sample below - but the whole dataset is June
2005 - June 2008). The "LST" format is "YYMMDDHHmm" and I would like to
get the hourly average of the "mph" for the summer months (spanning all
years). I have been trying to use "aggregate" but am not having much
success at all! any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
2009 Jul 08
R 2.9.0 plot still forcing current time zone
the help page for plot.POSIXct says
"As from R 2.9.0 the date-times for a '"POSIXct"' input are
interpreted in the timwzonw give by the '"tzone"' attribute it
there is one, otherwise the current timezone. (Earlier vrsions
always used the current timezone.)"
however I am using 2.9.0 on linux and the following still happily
produces an