similar to: Finding the correlation coefficient of two stocks

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Finding the correlation coefficient of two stocks"

2010 Jun 05
How to get the closing price from the the GOOGLE FINANCE site for NSEINDIA stocks
Sir, How to get the closing price from this link I installed quantmod getSymbols('NSE:RCOM',src='google') gives me this error********************** Error in download.file(paste(google.URL, "q=",, "&startdate=", : cannot open URL
2010 Nov 29
Significance of the difference between two correlation coefficients
Hi, based on the sample size I want to calculate whether to correlation coefficients are significantly different or not. I know that as a first step both coefficients have to be converted to z values using fisher's z transformation. I have done this already but I dont know how to further proceed from there. unlike for correlation coefficients I know that the difference for z values is
2006 Oct 19
How to get multiple Correlation Coefficients
Hi I have used a polycor package for categorical correlation coefficients. I run the following script. But there were no results. Could you tell me how to correct the script? Thanks in advance, vars <- names(sdi) for (i in 1:length(vars)) { for (j in 1:length(vars)) { paste(vars[i]," and ", vars[j]) polychor(vars[i], vars[j]) # corr } } -- Kum-Hoe Hwang, Ph.D.Phone :
2005 Dec 03
Correlation matrix from a vector of pairwise correlations
I've a vector of pairwise correlations in the order low-index element precedes the high-index element, say: corr(1,2)=0.1, corr(1,3)=0.2, corr(2,3)=0.3, corr(3,4)=0.4 How can I construct the corresponding correlation matrix? I tried using the "combn"-function in "combinat" package: library(combinat) combn(c(0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4),2) , but to no avail... Thank you for your
2006 Mar 25
Please help on correlation matrix
hi everyone, Suppose I have three variables a, b, and c each with 10 values. Now I construct a corr matrix for them. Now I want to give the names of columns of corr matrix as a, b, c, i.e. the first column of corr matrix will have name as ‘a’ second column with ‘b’ and so on. Can anyone give me any code by which I can automatically assign the names of columns of corr matrix which are
2009 Aug 16
bootstrapped correlation confint lower than -1 ?
Dear R users, Does the results below make any sense? Can the the interval of the correlation coefficient be between *-1.0185* and -0.8265 at 95% confidence level? Liviu > library(boot) > data(mtcars) > with(mtcars, cor.test(mpg, wt, met="spearman")) Spearman's rank correlation rho data: mpg and wt S = 10292, p-value = 1.488e-11 alternative hypothesis: true rho is not
2009 Aug 24
robust method to obtain a correlation coeff?
Hi, Being a R-newbie I am wondering how to calculate a correlation coefficient (preferably with an associated p-value) for data like: > d[,1] [1] 25.5 25.3 25.1 NA 23.3 21.5 23.8 23.2 24.2 22.7 27.6 24.2 ... > d[,2] [1] 0.0 11.1 0.0 NA 0.0 10.1 10.6 9.5 0.0 57.9 0.0 0.0 ... Apparently corr(d) from the boot-library fails with NAs in the data, also cor.test cannot cope with a
2008 Mar 08
how to compute uncentered (pearson correlation) correlation efficiently
Hi, Seeking suggestions to compute uncentered (pearson correlation) correlation efficiently. corr from stats library works on x and y columns. dist from amap library works on x and y rows. My data layout is slightly different such that row(i) of matrix x is compared to row(i) of matrix y. Thanks [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 02
correlation with boot
Hi R users, I have one simple question but I really don't know why I can't get it work. The data was adopted from Efron's An introduction to the bootstrap book. > nlaw LSAT GPA [1,] 576 3.39 [2,] 635 3.30 [3,] 558 2.81 [4,] 578 3.03 [5,] 666 3.44 [6,] 580 3.07 [7,] 555 3.00 [8,] 661 3.43 [9,] 651 3.36 [10,] 605 3.13 [11,] 653 3.12 [12,] 575 2.74
2007 Aug 02
Multivariable correlation
Given a square matrix of variables X, is there any way to compute a multivariable correlation among all the variables in the array? It is possible to calculate the correlation of all pairs of variables in the array, but I want to know the correlation of all the variables taken together, i.e. for the matrix X=x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 I don't want the pair-wise correlations
2002 Dec 20
Printing correlation matrices (lm/glm)
Hi Folks, I'm analysing some data which, in its simplest aspect, has 3 factors A, B, C each at 2 levels. If I do lm1 <- lm(y ~ A*B) say, and then summary(lm1, corr=T) I get the correlation matrix of the estimated coeffcients with numerical values for the correlations (3 coeffs in this case). Likewise with 'glm' instead of 'lm'. However, if I do lm2 <- lm(y ~
2007 May 08
statistics/correlation question NOT R question
This is not an R question but if anyone can help me, it's much appreciated. Suppose I have a series ( stationary ) y_t and a series x_t ( stationary )and x_t has variance sigma^2_x and epsilon is normal (0, sigma^2_epsilon ) and the two series have the relation y_t = Beta*x_t + epsilon My question is if there are particular values that sigma^2_x and sigma^2_epsilon have to take in
2008 Apr 24
Obtaining correlation parameters for multiple rows
Hi, I would like to obtain correlation parameters (e.g., coefficients, p-value) for multiple samples in regard to a reference. I have my data in a table with the reference as the second row (first row are headers) and then each sample in a row. What I do so far is load up the data, get the reference sample and use "apply" and "lm" to do the regression: x <-
2010 Jun 08
Deleting duplicate values in a correlation matrix
I have a large correlation matrix that I'm trying to convert to a list of every connection (edge) between every two nodes with its accompanying correlation value (for Cytoscape). I figured out how to do this and to remove the connections that nodes have to themselves but I can't figure out how to get rid of the duplicate pairs (e.g. the edge b-a is a duplicate of a-b).
2004 Jul 13
Is there a statistics that can summarize the correlation for more than two random variables?
Hi, R people, I wonder if there is a statistics than can measure the correlation for more than two random variables, instead of computing the correlation coefficient matrix. If so, what R package should I use? Right now I can only think of the mean of all pair-wise correlation coefficients, e.g., (corr(x,y) + corr(x,z) + corr(y,z)) / 3 for three random variables (x, y, z). Thanks a
2004 Jul 21
RE: Comparison of correlation coefficients - Details
Dear all I apologize for cross-posting, but first it is accepted custom to thank the repliers and give a summary, and second I have still the feeling that this problem might be a general statistical problem and not necessarily related to microarrays only, but I might be wrong. First, I want to thank Robert Gentleman, Mark Kimpel and Mark Reiners for their kind replies. Robert Gentleman kindly
2011 Dec 19
calculating correlation coefficients on repeated measures
Dear list, I have 9 repeated measures (measurement variable == 'Delta13C') for individuals (ID variable == 'Individual_ID'. Each repeated measure is "indexed" (right term?) by the variable 'FeatherPosition' and given as c('P1', 'P2', 'P3', 'P4', 'P5', 'P6', 'P7', 'P8', 'P9'). I would like to
2008 Mar 05
Correlation matrix one side with significance
Hi there! In my case, cor(d[1:20]) makes me a good correlation matrix. Now I'd like to have it one sided, means only the left bottom side to be printed (the others are the same) and I'd like to have * where the p-value is lower than 0.05 and ** lower than 0.01. How can I do this? And another thing: Is there a way to output that table as a latex table? Thanks, Martin -- Ihr
2006 Sep 06
Covariance/Correlation matrix for repeated measures data frame
All, I have a repeated measures data frame and was wondering if the covariance matrix can be calculated via some created indexing or built-in R function. Specifically, say there are 3 variables, where potassium concentration is measured 6 times on each patient. Patient number (discrete) Time (1 to 6, discrete) Potassium (continuous variable) I want the covariance/correlation matrix for the
2010 May 24
retrieve path analysis coefficients (package agricolae)
Dear list, I'd like to use path.analysis in the package agricolae in batch format on many files, retrieving the path coefficients for each run and appending them to a table. I don't see any posts in the help files about this package or the path.analysis package. I've tried creating an object out of the call to path.analysis, but no matter what I try, the function automatically prints