Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Ordering box plots"
2011 Aug 16
Assignment working differently inside ifelse()
Hello all, I need to extract rows and columns from a data frame and put
them in a matrix. In some cases, there are no rows in the data frame
meeting the selection criteria. For those rows I want to put a row of
0's in the matrix. Here's my clumsy code:
tab1.m1 <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=4)
tab1.m1[1,] <- ifelse(length(as.matrix(tab1[tab1$comp==the.comp & tab1$schlid==the.schl
2010 Feb 19
Omitting members of a sequence
Hello, this is just a point of curiosity with me. I want a sequence of
numbers from 64 to 70, omitting the 2nd and 4th numbers. I can do it
these ways:
> seq(64, 70)[-c(2, 4)]
[1] 64 66 68 69 70
> foo <- 64:70
> foo[-c(2, 4)]
[1] 64 66 68 69 70
But how come this doesn't work?
> 64:70[-c(2, 4)]
[1] 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Just wondering.
Stuart Luppescu -=- slu .at.
2012 Mar 22
Order of terms in formula changes aov() results
Hello, This one is very perplexing. I have teacher observation data,
with factors teacher ID, observer ID, component, grade and subject. When
I do this,
aov(data=ratings.prin.22, rating ~ obsid.f + tid.f + subject.f + grade.f + comp.f)
I get this:
obsid.f tid.f grade.f comp.f Residuals
Sum of Squares 306.23399 221.38173 1.70000 14.52831 279.05780
Deg. of
2010 Apr 06
help in function in R akin to macro in SAS
Dear Whom it may concern,
I need help to figure the "macro" function in R: I need to plot the
different data sets by a plotxyf function, I want the title to be different
for different data set.
# get the data set
final.xyf<- xyf(data=as.matrix(my.final),
Y=classvec2classmat(final$outcome), xweight = 0.5, grid=somgrid(5, 4,
#plot function
2011 Apr 21
Stymied by plyr
Hello, This is my first time trying to use plyr, and I'm getting
nowhere. I have teacher ratings data (1:4), on 10 components, by
external observers and internal observers, in schools in areas. I want
to calculate the percentage of each rating given on each component, by
each type of observer, within each school, within each area. The data
look like this:
unit area ext.obs rating comp
2011 Nov 20
Need help with table() and apply()
Hello, I am having trouble getting counts of values in rows of a data
frame. I'm trying to use apply, but it's not working.
This gives a sample of the kind of data I'm working with:
rating.1 <- factor(sample(1:4, size=10, replace=T), levels=1:4)
rating.2 <- factor(sample(1:4, size=10, replace=T), levels=1:4)
rating.3 <- factor(sample(1:3, size=10, replace=T), levels=1:4)
2010 Jul 05
How to determine if R is 64 bit compiled under Unix-alike?
Under MacOS I had R64 executive and it was clear. Under Ubuntu, which I
do not have administrative rights to, there is only R executive. It
seems that I can allocate more than 3GB of memory, however not
everything seems to work the same/right as with R64 under MacOS.
2010 Jul 14
Multilevel IRT Modelling
Dear All,
does anybody know of a package (working under Linux) for multilevel IRT
I'd love to do this without having to go on WINSTEPS or the like..
thanks for the attention!
Federico Andreis
Dr. Federico Andreis
Universit? degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, PhD Student
MEB Department, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Visiting PhD Student
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2010 Aug 23
trajectory plot (growth curve)
Hi there,
I want to make trajectory plots for data as follows:
ID time y
1 1 1.4
1 2 2.0
1 3 2.5
2 1.5 2.3
2 4 4.5
2 5.5 1.6
2 6 2.0
That is, I will plot a growth curve for each subject ID, with y in
the y axis, and time in the x axis. I would like to have all growth
curves in the same plot. Is there
2010 Sep 01
[semi-OT] Using fortune() in an email signature
Hello, As you can see from my signature in this message, I use the R
fortune function to generate a fortune, which is then fed to the
signature program, which constructs a named pipe containing the
fortune-bearing sig, which is then included in mail messages. The
problem is that it's got extraneous junk in it and I can't figure out
how to get rid of it. This is the command that generates
2005 Apr 15
aggregation question
Is length(unique()) what you are looking for?
> From: Christoph Lehmann
> Hi I have a question concerning aggregation
> (simple demo code S. below)
> I have the data.frame
> id meas date
> 1 a 0.637513747 1
> 2 a 0.187710063 2
> 3 a 0.247098459 2
> 4 a 0.306447690 3
> 5 b 0.407573577 2
> 6 b
2011 May 12
separate date and time
I have a combined date and time. I would like to separate them out into two
columns so I can do things such as take the mean by time across all dates.
nTime<-seq(1303975800, 1304757000, 1800)
nDateT<-as.POSIXct(nTime, origin="1970-01-01")
means1<- aggregate(mat1$meas, list(nDateT), mean)
This doesn't do anything as each day
2010 Jun 29
Conditionally constructing columns in a data frame
Hello, I have to construct 5 new columns in a data frame depending on
the value of another of the columns in the data frame. The only way I
could figure out to do this was to subset the data frame five times, do
the variable construction, and then rbind the subsets back together.
Here's part of the code I used:
read001 <- read[read$existstr=="001",]
read001$era1end <- NA
2006 Jul 18
Reconfiguring wide frame to long frame
Greetings, fellow R'ers.
How can I get this frame in R:
ID meas ID.1 meas.1
1 1.1 3 1.2
2 2.1 4 2.2
to look like this (stacking):
ID meas
1 1.1
2 2.1
3 1.2
4 2.2
It's not really the reshape function (or is it?) because we can consider
the additional columns, viz., ID.1 and meas.1, as independent of ID and
meas so it is basically a stacking
2008 Jul 25
glht after lmer with "$S4class-" and "missing model.matrix-" errors
Hello everybody.
In my case, calculating multiple comparisons (Tukey) after lmer
produced the following two errors:
> sv.mc <- glht(model.sv,linfct=mcp(comp="Tukey"))
Error in x$terms : $ operator not defined for this S4 class
Error in factor_contrasts(model) :
no 'model.matrix' method for 'model' found!
What I have done before:
> sv.growth <-
2011 Jan 25
ANOVA table look
I need to get the look of a "standard" fixed effect ANOVA table:
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: meas
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
op 2 2.62 1.308 1.3193 0.2750
part 19 1185.43 62.391 62.9151 <2e-16 ***
op:part 38 27.05 0.712 0.7178 0.8614
Residuals 60 59.50 0.992
when I perform a
2007 Apr 18
[Bridge] Problem loading bridge.o
Hello, I want to add wireless capability to my Gentoo-linux based
firewall/router at home, so I bought a Netgear MA311 PCI and installed
the hostap package. I load the hostap_pci module and the wlan0 interface
comes up fine. I can detect the signal from a wireless enabled laptop.
Now I'm thinking I'm going to bridge the wlan0 interface and the eth1
interface, and run the firewall with br0
2008 Jul 25
glht after lmer with "$S4class-" and "missing model.matrix-" errors with DATA
maybe it's in the data? So here it comes.
> sv.growth
Grouped Data: length ~ meas | box_id
meas spec comp water box_id sprouts leaves length
1 1 Sv control moist 1 8.800000 37.80 211.2000
2 1 Sv xfull moist 2 7.000000 8.00 174.8000
3 1 Sv control moist 3 9.000000
2010 Mar 03
help R IRT simulation
hello R,
This is about simulation in psychomtrics in IRT in R. I want to simulate b
parameters(item difficulty) with moments of fixed values of mean, st.d,
skewness and kurtosis. Is there any specific IRT package in R with those
functions to control those moments? I have seen other programs that can
control mean and st.d but not skewness and kurtosis.
Thank you,
helen L
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2000 Jul 28
Language element manipulation
I am very confused about this. I want to convert a string to a name so I can
use it to extract an element of a data frame using `$'. Here is my
(non-working) code:
do.graph <- function (meas)
fn <- paste("a", meas, ".dat", sep='')
themeas <- read.table(fn, header=F)
ameas <- as.name(paste("a", meas, sep=''))