similar to: survexp - example produces error

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "survexp - example produces error"

2010 Dec 20
survexp - unable to reproduce example
Dear All, when I try to reproduce an example of survexp, taken from the help page of survdiff, I receive the error message "Error in floor(temp) : Non-numeric argument to mathematical function" . It seems to come from match.ratetable. I think, it has to do with character variables in a ratetable. I would be interested to know, if it works for others. With an older version of
2011 Apr 20
survexp with weights
Hello, I probably have a syntax error in trying to generate an expected survival curve from a weighted cox model, but I can't see it. I used the help sample code to generate a weighted model, with the addition of a "weights=albumin" argument (I only chose albumin because it had no missing values, not because of any real relevance). Below are my code with the resulting error
2009 Jan 19
further notes on model.frame issue
This is a follow-up on my note of Saturday. Let me start with two important clarifications - I think this would be a nice addition, but I've had exactly one use for it in the 15+ years of developing the survival package. - I have a work around for the current case. Prioritize accordingly. The ideal would be to change survexp as follows: fit <- survexp( ~ gender,
2010 Nov 11
Evaluation puzzle
The survexp function can fail when called from another function. The "why" of this has me baffled, however. Here is a simple test case, using a very stripped down version of survexp: survexp.test <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, rmap, times, cohort=TRUE, conditional=FALSE,, scale=1, npoints,,
2000 Apr 05
problem with survexp in survival5
survexp in survival5 doesn't seem to work for me. see below: > library(survival5) Attaching Package "package:survival5": The following object(s) are masked from package:base : sort.list > library(chron) > data(ratetables) > survexp(~ratetable(year=julian(6,1,1991), + sex=1,age=35*365.24),times=(0:30)/6*365.24) Error in as.character([, 3]),
2005 Dec 15
survexp ratetables for european contries?
Dear All, Does someone have, or know of survexp ratetables for european contries, especially Austria and Germany? I know only about slopop in the package relsurv. Thanks in advance Heinz T??chler
2009 May 21
Changelog for the survival package
> Several changes in print.survfit, plot.survfit and seemingly in the structure > of ratetabels effect some of my syntax files. > Is there somewhere a documentation of these changes, besides the code itself? I agree, the Changelog.09 file is not as comprehensive as one would like. Specific comments: 1. The ratetables were recently changed to accomodate a new option. I thought
2011 May 26
Survival: pyears and ratetable: expected events
Dear all, I am having a (really) hard time getting pyears to work together with a ratetable to give me the number of expected events (deaths). I have the following data: dos, date of surgery, as.Date dof, date of last follow-up, as.Date dos, date of surgery, as.Date sex, gender, as.factor (female,male) ev, event(death), 0= censored at time point dof, 1=death at time point dof Could someone
2018 Apr 16
strange warning: data() error?
A user asked me about this and I can't figure it out. tmt% R R Under development (unstable) (2018-04-09 r74565) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit) > library(survival) > data(cgd0) Warning message: In data(cgd0) : data set ?cgd0? not found ---- The data set is present and can be
2012 Oct 06
Expected number of events, Andersen-Gill model fit via coxph in package survival
Hello, I am interested in producing the expected number of events, in a recurring events setting. I am using the Andersen-Gill model, as fit by the function "coxph" in the package "survival." I need to produce expected numbers of events for a cohort, cumulatively, at several fixed times. My ultimate goal is: To fit an AG model to a reference sample, then use that fitted model
2010 Oct 07
model.frame deficiency
The model.frame function has trouble with a certain type of really long formula. Here is a test: tname <- paste('var', 1:50, sep='') tmat <- matrix(rnorm(500), ncol=50, dimnames=list(NULL, tname)) tdata <- data.frame(tmat) temp1 <- paste( paste(tname, tname, sep='='), collapse=', ') temp2 <- paste("~1 + cbind(", temp1, ")")
2011 Sep 28
survexp with large dataframes
Hello, and thank you in advance. I would like to capture the expected survival from a coxph model for subjects in an observational study with recurrent events, but the survexp statement is failing due to memory. I am using R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) on Windows XP. My objective is to plot the fitted survival with the Kaplan-Meier plot. Below is the code with output and [unfortunately]
2018 Apr 16
strange warning: data() error?
> On Apr 16, 2018, at 3:20 PM, David Winsemius <dwinsemius at> wrote: > >> >> On Apr 16, 2018, at 2:58 PM, Therneau, Terry M., Ph.D. via R-devel <r-devel at> wrote: >> >> A user asked me about this and I can't figure it out. >> >> tmt% R >> R Under development (unstable) (2018-04-09 r74565) --
2009 Apr 08
factor, as.factor and levels
Dear All, to my surprise as.factor does not accept a levels argument. Maybe I did not read the documentation well enough. See the example below. I wanted to use ch1 as factor in the newdata argument of survfit, so I assumed that I could write as.factor(ch1, levels=ch1), since the order should be kept. But as.factor(ch1, levels=ch1) results in the error: Error in as.factor(ch1, levels = ch1)
2005 Jun 15
Possible bug in file.choose() - how to tell?
Hi, I run a script file by dropping it on a windows batch file that runs R in --slave modus. In a subfunction there is the call to file.choose(). The problem is, that the dialog does show only folders but no files at all. It's quite strange: a) without --slave modus the files are shown, b) when I copy the whole script file in a different file it was also ok, but when I renamed the script, the
2016 Dec 20
Unexpected I(NULL) output
Hi all, I believe there is an issue with passing NULL to the function I(). class(NULL) # "NULL" (as expected) print(NULL) # NULL (as expected) is.null(NULL) # TRUE (as expected) According to the documentation I() should return a copy of its input with class "AsIs" preprended: class(I(NULL)) # "AsIs" (as expected) print(I(NULL)) # list() (not expected!
2010 Sep 13
using survexp and ratetable with coxph object that includes a factor term
Hello, I'm attempting to use the ratetable argument to survexp in the survival package. I use the example from the ?survexp help page below, and then slightly modify it to produce an error. library(survival) data(pbc) #fit a model without any factors pfit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status > 0) ~ trt + log(bili) + log(protime) + age + platelet, data=pbc) #this works as expected
2012 Nov 30
CreateThread failure since R 2.15.2 (32-bit)
Dear R users & developers, I coming across the following issue since R 2.15.2 32-bit (running on Windows XP 32.bit; some output left out for conciseness): > setInternet2(TRUE) > require(rJava) > .jinit() > getCRANmirrors() > system("ls" , intern = TRUE) Error in system("ls", intern = TRUE) : CreateThread failed My details are as follows: >
2008 Sep 10
relsurv package
Dear R-users, I have a couple of questions about the relsurv package: 1) when I try to run the example: fit <- rsmul(Surv(time,cens)~sex+as.factor(agegr)+ratetable(age=age*365.24,sex=sex,year=year),ratetable=slopop,data=rdata) with the datasets in the package (rdata and slopop) it gives me an error: Error in nrow(x) : object "x" not found 2) If I have a date format
2009 Jul 13
survSplit with data.frame containing a Surv object
Dear All, since years I am struggling with Surv objects in data.frames. The following seems to have to do with it. See below the modified example from the help page of survSplit. The original works, as expected. If, however, a Surv object is added to the data.frame, each record gets doubled. Is there some solution other than avoiding Surv objects in data.frames? Thanks, Heinz