similar to: nonparametric covariance analysis

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "nonparametric covariance analysis"

2011 Feb 16
hel on leveneTest
Dear all, For my research I need to perform a Levene's test on my data.I have not large experience with this test and with R,so I have some problems to use the leveneTest function. I read some previous posts on this topic but I cannot understand what I have to do. I have a five-columns data frame organised in the following way: number of observation, number of subject, score, type of
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2009 May 22
EM algorithm mixture of multivariate gaussian
Hi, i would to know, if someone have ever write the code to estimate the parameter (mixing proportion, mean, a var/cov matrix) of a mixture of two multivariate normal distribution. I wrote it and it works (it could find mean and mixing proportion, if I fix the var/cov matrix), while if I fix anything, it doesn't work. My suspect is that when the algorithm iterates the var/cov matrix, something
2003 May 20
How to use pakcage SEM
Hi. I have tried to use Package "SEM". As a learning, I try to convert a program running well of EQS which is as follows to SEM: ### EQS ### /SPECIFICATION CAS=100; VAR=5 MAT=COR; ANA=COR; /EQUATIONS V1=*F1+E1; V2=*F1+E2; V3=*F1+*F2+E3; V4=**F1+*F2*E4; V5=*F2+E5; /VAR E1 TO E5=*; F1*1.0; F2=1.0; /COV E1,E2=*; F1,F2=*: /PRINT FIT ALL; /MATRIX ...... /END This is the converted SEM
2010 Nov 24
Reference Classes: how to clone/copy instances?
Dear list, I don't know what's the correct term for this in the OOP context, but is it possible to "clone"/copy an instance of a reference class (say 'a') so that I get an *autonomous* second instance 'b'? Autonomous in the sense that changes to 'a' do not affect 'b'. I know that this is somewhat against the pass-by-reference paradigm, but the
2012 May 28
simulation of levene's test
hello, I try to run simulation of levene's test to find the p-value but the error of replacement has length zero occur, could anyone help me to fix this problem? asim <- 1000 pv<-rep(NA,asim) for(i in 1:asim) {print(i) set.seed(i) g1 <- rnorm(20,0,2) g2 <- rnorm(20,0,2) g3 <- rnorm(20,0,2) x <- c(g1,g2,g3) group<-as.factor(c(rep(1,20),rep(2,20),rep(3,20))) library(Rcmdr)
2018 Jan 15
About levene.test
Dear Mariano, See the function leveneTest() in the car package. I hope that this helps, John ----------------------------- John Fox, Professor Emeritus McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Web: > -----Original Message----- > From: R-help [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Marcelo > Mariano Silva > Sent: Monday, January
2023 May 16
Error al actualizar R 4.3.0
Hola, lo pude corregir de la siguiente forma: Edité el archivo agregando las siguientes líneas: options(download.file.method = "libcurl") Sys.setenv("http_proxy"="http://mi_proxy::mi_puerto") Sys.setenv("https_proxy"="http:// http://mi_proxy::mi_puerto") Sys.setenv("ftp_proxy"="http://
2009 Jul 01
Difficulty in calculating MLE through NLM
Hi R-friends, Attached is the SAS XPORT file that I have imported into R using following code library(foreign) mydata<-read.xport("C:\\ctf.xpt") print(mydata) I am trying to maximize logL in order to find Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) of 5 parameters (alpha1, beta1, alpha2, beta2, p) using NLM function in R as follows. # Defining Log likelihood - In the function it is noted as
2013 Sep 26
ayuda con aggregate
Sebastián, tengo dificultades para entender si sigues con el ejemplo anterior o esto es algo nuevo. Tú descripción se debe entender que dentro de aggregate(cbind(X1,X2) ~ B + C, t, function(x) mean(x < 2)) utilizas un table? Aparentemente ese no es el problema sino que el resultado que obtienes es una lista, ¿te sirve ?unlist ? De cualquier manera no estoy frente a tu ordenador y solo estoy
2013 Sep 26
ayuda con aggregate
Daniel, en vez de mean utilicé table. Entonces me genera una lista y quiero que quede una matriz. Unlist no me sirve porque me pasa todos los valores a un vector y me pierdo de saber a que caso corresponde. Saludos, Sebastián. El 26 de septiembre de 2013 16:50, daniel <> escribió: > Sebastián, tengo dificultades para entender si sigues con el ejemplo > anterior
2012 Nov 24
reshapeGUI en WIN7
Intento cargar el paquete reshapeGUI y me da el siguiente error: > library(reshapeGUI) Loading required package: reshape2 Loading required package: plyr Loading required package: gWidgets Attaching package: ‘gWidgets’ The following object(s) are masked from ‘package:plyr’:     id Loading required package: gWidgetsRGtk2 > reshapeGUI() Error en eval(expr, envir, enclos) : objeto
2012 Sep 26
Interaction scatterplots in ggplot with multiple regression lines
I'm trying to treat a continuous variable as discrete for plotting multiple regression lines in a scatterplot as a function of the level on the moderating variable. In the example below, there is only one regression line plotted to the whole data. I would like a separate regression line for each discrete level of the moderator. The moderator is continuous, so I'd like to treat it as
2019 Mar 11
Problema codificación archivos
Gracias Javier. Voy a probar. Saludos, Sebastián. Enviado desde Correo para Windows 10 De: Javier Marcuzzi Enviado: domingo, 10 de marzo de 2019 14:53 Para: Sebastian Kruk CC: Lista R Asunto: Re: [R-es] Problema codificación archivos Estimado Sebastian Kruk Yo utilizo Microsoft R-open 3.5.1 y la r-project se encuentra en 3.5.3, ¿si intenta con cualquiera de estas dos? Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
2010 May 10
Interfaz con R
Estimados amigos, en el siguiente link dejo una direccion para la descarga de Runner una interfaz gratuita para R (sólo para windows xp o posterior ) que puede ser últil para alguno de Uds. Posiblemente mirar el manual podria ayudarlos a evaluar si esta interfaz puede ayudarlos en el trabajo diario. Cualquier sugerencia será
2013 Sep 25
ayuda con aggregate
Sebastián, Una forma es aggregate(cbind(X1,X2) ~ B + C, t, function(x) mean(x < mean(x))) Saludos, Jorge.- 2013/9/25 Sebastian Kruk <> > Hola Juan. > > ¿Si yo en vez de querer obtener la media quiero sacar el porcentaje de > casos que son menores que la media como lo haría? > > Saludos, > > Sebastián. > > > El 17 de septiembre
2013 Dec 04
agregar meses con compras 0 cuando no aparece mes por no. de cliente
Sebastián No se para que vas a usar los datos, pero yo no usaría ceros cuando el dato no esta disponible ( me saltearía el último paso de la rutina que te mando). Seguramente hay mejores y mas eficientes maneras de hacerlo en R pero esta es una quizás no muy elegante: original <- matrix( c(1 ,1 ,1, 1, 223, 2, 1, 224, 3, 3, 447, 1, 78, 335.75, 8, 2901, 186.3, 2, 2901, 886.18, 3, 2901,
2001 Apr 02
Nonparametric Question
Dear Sirs, My name is Marcelo Grimaldi and I work for GE Lighting Brazil in Six Sigma Program. In order to accomplish a statistical project I need to generate exact tables for the Kruskal-Wallis statistic ("Three or More Populations Location Test") and I wonder if R could help me. In the past I have heard of generating tables for Wilcoxon statistic using R. Could you help me ? Thank
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat. Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59, ). This collection includes a variety of densities with different degrees of
2007 Jun 28
new package benchden 1.0.0 : benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation
The new package "benchden" 1.0.0 implements 28 benchmark densities for nonparametric density estimation that were introduced by A. Berlinet and L. Devroye ("A Comparison of Kernel Density Estimates", Pub. Inst. Stat. Univ. Paris, XXXVIII, fasc. 3, 1994, 3-59, ). This collection includes a variety of densities with different degrees of