Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "How to obtain prediction intervals for random effects?"
2013 Feb 05
lmer - BLUP prediction intervals
Dear all
I have a model that looks like this:
m1 <- lmer(Difference ~ 1+ (1|Examiner) + (1|Item), data=englisho.data)
I know it is not possible to estimate random effects but one can
obtain BLUPs of the conditional modes with
re1 <- ranef(m1, postVar=T)
And then dotplot(re1) for the examiner and item levels gives me a nice
prediction interval. But I would like to have the prediction
2009 Feb 02
emperical bayes estimates and standard error lme4
Dear all,
I am trying to get the emperical bayes estimates together with their
standard errors out of lme4. Up to now I have used MLwiN to get these
estimates. I have fitted the following - very simple - model, just to
find out how this works.
If I use the formulation of the emperical bayes estimates and
2011 Oct 25
Unlist alternatives?
dfhfsdhf at ghghgr.com
I ran a simple lme model:
modelrandom=lmer(y~ (1|Test) + (1|strain), data=tempsub)
Extracted the BLUPs:
Even wrote myself a nice .csv file....:
This all works great. I end up with a .csv file with the names of my strains
in the first column and the BLUP in the second
2006 Jul 24
standardized random effects with ranef.lme()
Using ranef() (package nlme, version 3.1-75) with an 'lme' object I can
obtain random effects for intercept and slope of a certain level (say:
1) - this corresponds to (say level 1) "residuals" in MLWin. Maybe I'm
mistaken here, but the results are identical.
However, if I try to get the standardized random effects adding the
paramter "standard=T" to the
2011 Jun 03
Checking and building package
I am truing to compile an R-package having c-code. I put foo.c in src/
folder and useDynLib("foo") in NAMESPACE file. When trying R CMD check,
I got an error message that shared object 'foo' is not found. Then I did
R CMD SHLIB foo.c first. However, after that, I got warnings from R CMD
check that there is an object file in /src folder. Even worse is if I
run R CMD
2012 Apr 18
Installing texlive dependencies
Hello ALL!
I am running Fedora 16 x86_64. Due to some dubious problems, that i
couldn't resolve, with the TeXLive (2007, which is a default), I removed
it. That removed R as well, and some other dependent packages. Then, I
installed TeXLive 2011 from CTAN. However, when I wanted to install R,
from Fedora's repositories, it asks for some TeX dependencies (for
example, tex-preview,
2007 Mar 21
Detailed legend in mathplot ...
Recently, I have asked for a help with building graphs, and I got few
great advices. Now, my appetite is growing :) and I wander how to add
legend for two (or more) lines in following example:
matplot(DAT[, c(3,4)], type="b", ylim=c(0,8), xaxt="n", yaxt="n",
+ pch=c(21,22), col="black", lty=c("dashed","solid"), xlab="",
2009 Sep 15
Very general question about Debian...
Hello ALL!
First, I apologize for sending question that spill-out from the scope of
this list. However, you might be essentially the best informants.
In brief, I am thinking to give second shot to the Debian. Currently I
am using Ubuntu 9.04, but Debian still teases me, so to say. I used to
use Debian testing (Lenny at that time), but when Lenny became stable,
things became very shaky in
2006 Dec 31
(no subject)
> > If one compares the random effect estimates, in fact, one sees that
> > they are in the correct proportion, with the expected signs. They are
> > just approximately eight orders of magnitude too small. Is this a bug?
> BLUPs are essentially shrinkage estimates, where shrinkage is
> determined with magnitude of variance. Lower variance more
> shrinkage towards
2012 Aug 30
Which BUGS should one use?
Hello ALL!
Some times ago I started to learn and play with Bayesian stuffs. Many
advice use of WinBUGS for Bayesian inference Using Gibbs Sampler.
However, WinBUGS is discontinued, and now, development is under
OpenBUGS. I wasn't lazy, so I installed both and tried out. In more than
90% of cases they give comparable outcome. But in few cases I got
substantial differences. Recently, I read nice
2009 Mar 18
Updated R on Debian testing machine...
I recently switched to Debian testing OS and explanation at the:
is a little bit fuzzy. Can anyone give step-by-step how-to have updated
R on Debian testing and/or unstable.
Thanks in advance!
2010 May 16
R GUI ???
Hello !
I am really happy to find this list. I am not new to R but to Debian or
Linux in general. Up to now I used R on MS Windows but now I want to use
R on Debian lenny. I have absolutely no experience with Debian.
I was able to install R 2.11 on my system using the instruction in the
readme on CRAN. I can open R in the shell.
On windows I used R with the R GUI or with Tinn-R. Is there the
2009 Sep 17
QQ plotting of various distributions...
I am trying with this question again:
I would like to test few distributional assumptions for some behavioral
response data. There are few theories about true distribution of those
data, like: normal, lognormal, gamma, ex-Gaussian
(exponential-Gaussian), Wald (inverse Gaussian) etc. The best way would
be via qq-plot, to show to students differences. First two are trivial:
2012 May 27
[RFC PATCH] Decrease Metadata Fragment Using A Caterpillar Band Method
I made an attempt to partly decrease fragment by using a preallocated
area of multiple size of a std blocksize for a tree block when it is COWed.
The basic idea is that if any a tree block need to be created,
we offer, say, 2 or 4 multiples of a std blocksize for it, then use the
first block in the continuous blocks. When this block need a cow in the
future, a new free block in these continuous
2007 Feb 24
Making two lines graph ...
Can anyone help me to build a graph with the alphanumeric values on
x-axis, with two lines (preferably doted and solid, or similar) that
present values on y-axes. In a toy example, data frame could be like
x.orig x.num y1 y2
a 1 0.2 0.4
b 2 0.1 0.1
c 3 0.3 0.3
d 4 0.3 0.15
e 5 0.1 0.05
I can make graph only if I use values converted to numeric in "x.num",
but not original
2010 Sep 01
What solve() does?
Can anyone explain me what solve() function does: Gaussian elimination
or iterative, numeric solve? In addition, I would need both the Gaussian
elimination and iterative solution for the course. Are the two built in R?
2000 Apr 19
Problems with Samba 2.0.6 under Solaris 7
We've inadvertently discovered a bug in the client_name function when our
dns was temporarily damaged. We have a "hosts allow" function that has IP
addresses only to contrain mounts to within our network. When clients would
attempt to connect, if their reverse IP lookup failed - in theory just to
log the name of the connecting host, the originating IP address was being
mangled and
2006 Feb 23
Strange p-level for the fixed effect with lme function
I ran two lme analyses and got expected results. However, I saw
something suspicious regarding p-level for fixed effect. Models are the
same, only experimental designs differ and, of course, subjects. I am
aware that I could done nesting Subjects within Experiments, but it is
expected to have much slower RT (reaction time) in the second
experiment, since the task is more complex, so it
2009 Nov 01
package lme4
Hi R Users,
When I use package lme4 for mixed model analysis, I can't distinguish
the significant and insignificant variables from all random independent
Here is my data and result:
2011 Mar 23
import question
I have been struggling all day to import a particular function/method
combination (ranef(), which extracts the random effects from a mixed
model fit) from the nlme package into another package ... so far without
The NAMESPACE for nlme contains the following lines:
export(..., ranef, ...)
S3method(ranef, lme)
ranef is defined as a standard S3 generic,
function (object, ...)