Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "minimum AIC mixed model selection"
2016 Apr 18
ZINB multi-level model using MCMCglmm
I am Olga Viedma. I am running a Zero-inflated negative binomial (ZINB) multi-level model using MCMCglmm package. I have a doubt. Can I use the "Liab" outputs as fitted data, instead of the predicted values from "predict"? The liab outputs fit very well with the observed data, whereas the predicted values are so bad.
Thanks in advance,
Olga Viedma
D . Olga
2011 May 18
leyenda cortada en el eje Y
Soy nuevo en esto de R, llevo toda la mañana perdida con esto, a ver si
alguien me puede ayudar, Cuando genero el gráfico con el siguiente
data <- read.table("data.dat",h=T)
postscript(file = "join10kb.ps", horizontal = FALSE, onefile =
FALSE,family = "Helvetica", width = 5, height = 4) par(mar=c(5.1, 4.1,
0.1, 0.1))
d <-
2006 Feb 15
Pairwise comparison after repeated measures ANOVA
I am analyzing some data obtained after measuring some parameters at
different times in samples obtained from many subjects. The model is
quite simple: aov(parameter ~ Time + Error(Subject/Time))
Now I want to make a pairwise comparison between the levels of Time.
However, I have not find how to do such a thing. I cannot use TukeyHSD
or pairwise.t.test, I supposse. Maybe using contrasts?
2011 Jul 19
Lattice plot problem outputting to jpeg
Hi.....I am relatively new to R but was quite pleased with myself at having
generated a series of lattice plots as PDFs. I was very surprised when
plotting these out as jpegs (or png or tiff) that the strip title
information above each lattice plot vanished. The pdf was fine. Has anybody
any ideas? I can't add an image as the information is sensitive.
Many Thanks
Steve Creamer
Here is the
2015 Dec 15
[PATCH] xfs: Add support for v3 directories
Besides supporting newer version of xfs file system, this patch also
does some code refactoring and fix completely broken listing and
searching on v2-3 node directories.
Cc: Gene Cumm <gene.cumm at gmail.com>
Cc: H. Peter Anvin <hpa at zytor.com>
Cc: Raphael S. Carvalho <raphael.scarv at gmail.com>
Cc: Ady <ady-sf at hotmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Paulo Alcantara <pcacjr
2012 Sep 03
[GIT-PULL] XFS filesystem driver
This pull request contains the XFS filesystem driver for Syslinux.
Due to historical reasons (SGI IRIX's design of disk layouts), the first
sector in the primary AG on XFS filesystems contains the superblock,
which is a problem with BIOSes, since VBRs must be loaded up from the
first sector of the active partition.
Thus, we needed to handle this issue by putting the Syslinux
2002 Apr 26
Memory "leak" in readChar (PR#1483)
Full_Name: Hugh C. Pumphrey
Version: 1.4.1
OS: Linux (Debian Woody)
Submission from: (NULL) (
The function readChar() appears to have some type of problem with memory
I don't know if "memory leak" is the correct term but if one uses readChar()
times, the R binary grows in size until it eats all your memory and swap space.
The code enclosed below
2015 Jul 11
Gene Cumm wrote:
> > 3) It feels like this is a moving target where gcc keeps changing and
> > different results get reported.
Do we have indications that different versions of gcc5
cause different behavior on the same build and boot machines ?
Ady wrote:
> Since the issue is only present on specific
> hardware / firmware, whatever might seem to "solve" the
2012 Sep 26
RV: problems for making grids from lmer models
Dear colleagues:
I am working with binary mixed models using lme4 package and everything works fine until I try to spatialize the fitted models using grids predictors. I have used the "predict" function from RASTER package and the RSAGA functionalities, but always I have the same error: "Error in object$xlevels : $ operator not defined for this S4 class".
I think the
2024 Apr 17
Ayuda: Calculo tamaño del efecto
Necesito realizar un an?lisis del tama?o de muestra para un experimento con las siguientes caracter?sticas: 1) Una variable independiente intrasujeto es el tipo de queso con dos niveles, Queso A (1) y Queso B (2). 2) La otra variable independiente intrasujeto es la ronda de degustaci?n con tres niveles: ronda de degustaci?n a ciegas (1), ronda de degustaci?n de expectativas (2) y ronda de
2014 Nov 01
Pregunta (creo que simple) para usar twitteR
Hola Alfonso, buenos días:
Lo he probado pero no me va, eso sí ha cambiado el error, el código utilizado es:
download.file(url="http://curl.haxx.se/ca/cacert.pem", destfile="cacert.pem")
reqURL <- "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token"accessURL <- "http://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token"authURL <-
2015 Mar 21
Hola buenos días, me presento, me llamo Miguel y 'soy de' y 'vivo en'
Soy profesor de secundaria (Bachillerato Adultos) y llevo 15 días
estudiando R a un buen ritmo, pero todavía me faltan miles de cosas.
He visto que R facilita, no solo el análisis de datos y que posee una
potencia en cálculos estadísticos a cualquier nivel, sino gran caudal de
recursos para Data Mining,
2014 Apr 01
imap process and indexer-worker crash while creating folders
our dovecot processes sometimes crash when we create new folders. The "imap" process and the "indexer worker" process is crashing. We can reproduce this, we have a java program with multiple threads, and sometimes 2 threads try to create the same folder for the same user, and if both collide, dovecot processes crash.
We don't see this happening in the real world if
2011 Sep 29
How to Code Random Nested Variables within Two-way Fixed Model in lmer or lme
Hi All,
I am frustrated by mixed-effects model! I have searched the web for
hours, and found lots on the nested anova, but nothing useful on my
specific case, which is: a random factor (C) is nested within one of the
fixed-factors (A), and a second fixed factor (B) is crossed with the
first fixed factor:
A x B
My question: I have a functioning model using the aov command (see
2012 Jul 07
replacement has length zero
I have been working on the following code but keep getting an err message. My
current thinking is that the problem is on the indexing but do not know how
to fix it. Any help please?
ungulate <- read.csv("Ungulate.csv",row.names=1)
ungulate <-
habitat <- read.csv("Ungulate_vegetation.csv")
2006 Jun 08
nested mixed-effect model: variance components
Dear listers,
I am trying to assess variance components for a nested, mixed-effects
model. I think I got an answer that make sense from R, but I have a
warning message and I wanted to check that what I am looking at is
actually what I need:
my data are organized as transects within stations, stations within
habitats, habitats within lagoons.
lagoons: random, habitats: fixed
the question is:
2010 Oct 21
nested anova
Hello all,
Can any of you R gurus help me out? I?m not all that great at stats to
begin with, and I?m also learning the R ropes (former SAS user).
Here?s what I need help with? I have a nested sample design and ran a
nested anova, but I don?t know how to interpret the results
habitat (four different types) is nested in site (three types), and site is
nested in gear (two types)
2002 Jul 11
Nested anovas in R not doing what they ought to...
Hi, there
I first sent this e-mail a couple months ago, to no avail.Since I am not a member on your mailing list, so could you please cc: a response to me? I'll be sure to check the list today for replies.
I am currently attempting to perform an ANOVA with both nested and normal factors. My problem is that R is treating my nested factors the exact same way as it would interaction terms.
2009 May 29
data manipulation involving aggregate
hi all,
I often have a data frame like this example
for each "sq" I have multiple "habitat"s each with an associated "area".
2012 Oct 26
Openbugs- Array Index
I'm working on the codes below however every time I run them when they get
to OpenBUGS I keep getting the error message: array index is greater than
array upper bound for hab.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
ungulate <- read.csv(file.choose ()) #ungulate
ungulate <-