Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Install Error"
2007 Dec 06
Building package - tab delimited example data issue
I'm trying to integrate example data in the shape of a tab delimited ASCII
file into my package and therefore dropped it into the data subdirectory.
The build works out just fine, but when I attempt to install I get:
** building package indices ...
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines,
na.strings, :
line 1 did not have 500 elements
Calls: <Anonymous>
2008 Jan 23
Package Building and Name Space
I just don't get this and would appreciate if someone could write a line or
two: I'm trying to build this package and it stops installing after I add
the following to the NAMESPACES file:
The error during the package test is:
Error in MyPackage::MyFunction :
package 'MyPackage' has no name space and is not on the search path
2010 Mar 10
ggplot2: "varwidth"-equivalent for geom_boxplot?
Is there such a thing? If no: is it easily simulated?
thanks, Joh
2007 Dec 19
Factor Madness
Why is class(spectrum[["Ion"]]) after this "factor"?
spectrum <- cbind(spectrum,Ion=rep("",
nrow(spectrum)),Deviation.AMU=rep(0.0, nrow(spectrum)))
slowly going crazy ...
2007 Dec 18
All anchored series from a vector?
>From: Johannes Graumann <johannes_graumann at web.de>
>Date: 2007/12/18 Tue PM 04:40:37 CST
>To: r-help at stat.math.ethz.ch
>Subject: [R] All anchored series from a vector?
lapply(1:length(myvector) function(.length) {
but test it because i didn't.
>Hi all,
>What may be a smart, efficient way to get the following result:
2009 Nov 10
Error: cannot allocate vector of size...
I'm trying to import a table into R the file is about 700MB. Here's my first
> DD<-read.table("01uklicsam-20070301.dat",header=TRUE)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 15.6 Mb
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, :
Reached total allocation of 1535Mb: see help(memory.size)
2: In scan(file, what,
2010 Jul 26
List to data frame
Any ideas on how to efficiently convert
> list(c(1,2,3),c(4,5,6))
> data.frame(OriginalListIndex=c(1,1,1,2,2,2),Item=c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
Thanks for any hints,
2008 Sep 04
read.table error
Dear all,
I have a tab-delimited text (.txt) file which I'm trying to read into R. This file is of column format - there are in fact 3 columns and 259201 rows (including the column headers). I've been using the following commands, but receive an error each time which prevents the data from being read in:
> Jan <- read.table("JanuaryAvBurntArea.txt", header=TRUE)
Error in
2008 Jan 23
Package Building and Name Space
... sorry for reposting this in a more appropriate forum than r.general ...
I just don't get this and would appreciate if someone could write a line or
two: I'm trying to build this package and it stops installing after I add
the following to the NAMESPACES file:
The error during the package test is:
Error in MyPackage::MyFunction :
2013 May 01
grep help (character ommission)
Banging my head against a wall here ... can anyone light the way to a
pattern modification that would make the following TRUE?
c("Intensity","Intensity L", "Intensity H", "Intensity Rep1")),
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Joh
2008 Jul 30
problem with read.table()
Hello R-User
I have a table as tab-delimited textfile (291 rows, 83 columns).
The first row are labels and the first line the variable names.
I used the following code several times with different similar tables and it
always worked.
But now:
setAs("character", "of", function(from) as.ordered(from))
Classe82<-cclasses <-
2007 Feb 19
Data frame: how to create list of row max?
Dear all,
Can anyone please shed some light onto how to do this?
This will give me all "intensity" columsn in my data frame:
intensityindeces <- grep("^Intensity",names(dataframe),value=TRUE)
This will give me the maximum intensity for the first row:
intensityone <- max(dataframe[1,intensityindeces])
What I'm now looking for is how to dfo this for the whole data
2010 Aug 03
grid.table and expression in table body?
Is there any way to get an expression into a data.frame, such that
"grid.table" from "gridExtra" will plot it evaluated in the table body? The
docu does it for the header, but is the body possible?
Thanks, Joh
2008 Jan 24
Plot definition for custom class
Is there any way to trick R CMD check into not throwing this error after I
created a dedicated "plot" incarnation for my custom function?
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
function(x, ...)
function(x, mozlabel, labelcex)
Thanks again, Joh
2007 Sep 06
problems in read.table
Dear R-users,
I have encountered the following problem every now and then. But I was
dealing with a very small dataset before, so it wasn't a problem (I
just edited the dataset in Openoffice speadsheet). This time I have to
deal with many large datasets containing commuting flow data. I
appreciate if anyone could give me a hint or clue to get out of this
I have a .dat file
2009 May 11
readBin: read from defined offset TO defined offset?
With the help of "seek" I can start "readBin" from any byte offset within my
file that I deem appropriate.
What I would like to do is to be able to define the endpoint of that read as
well. Is there any solution to that already out there?
Thanks for any hints, Joh
2008 Sep 19
Novice question about getting data into R
I found it easy to use R when typing data manually into it. Now I need to
read data from a file, and I get the following errors:
> refdata =
> read.table("K:\\MerchantData\\RiskModel\\refund_distribution.csv", header
> = TRUE)
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings,
line 1 did not have 42 elements
> refdata =
2010 Sep 08
choose.dir() gone?
I fail to find "choose.dir()" in my current R install (see below)? Didn't
that exist at some point? How to achieve "file.choose()" equivalent
functionality for directories?
Thanks for any hints, Joh
> sessionInfo()
R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31)
2007 Feb 22
List filtration
Hello R-ologists,
Imagine you have a list "list" like so:
[1] "IPI00776145.1" "IPI00776187.1"
[1] "Something" "IPI00807764.1" "IPI00807887.1"
[1] "IPI00807764.1"
[1] "Somethingelse"
What I need to achieve is a filtered list "list2" like so:
2007 Feb 19
Another subsetting enigma
Hello again,
I'm trying to do the following:
subset(dataframe,list %in% strsplit(dataframe[[Field]],","))
But This returns always the complete dataframe, since the
strsplit(dataframe[[Field]],",") is evaluated as one big list for the whole
data frame rather than one list per row. How can I have this evaluated on a
per row basis?
After 1.5 h hitting head against wall -