Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Trouble accessing cov function from stats library"
2011 Jan 14
Getting the minimum/maximum value of each row of a matrix
Is there a straightforward way of getting a vector containing the minimum (or maximum) value of each row of a matrix?
This transmittal and any attachments may contain PRIVILEGED AND
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2010 Oct 20
Getting the size of text
Dear list
I am interested n developing a graph using plot() and text() commands in which several text strings will be placed within the plot area I would like some way to get the size (width and height), either in pixels or using the plot's coordinate system, of text strings, based on the typeface/font size assigned for writing text in the plot area. Is therre function that can do this? I
2011 Apr 13
for loop performance
Dear list
I am running some simulations in R involving reading in several hundred datasets, performing some statistics and outputting those statistics to file. I have noticed that it seems that the time it takes to process of a dataset (or, say, a set of 100 datasets) seems to take longer as the simulation progresses. Has anyone else noticed this? I am curious to know if this has to do with how R
2010 Nov 12
Problem retrieving data from R2InBUGS
Dear list
I am calling the functiton bugs() provided by R2WinBugs to performs an IRT analysis. The function returns a set of estimated parameters over n replications/iterations. For each replication, two sets of person measures (theta1 and theta2) and two sets of item difficulty parameters (diff1 and diff2) are returned. The code used to obtain these estimates is as follows:
sim <-
2010 Oct 07
Computing a Mantel-Haenszel chi-square using a continuous variable as the matching criterion
Dear list
I would like to compute a Mantel-Haenszel chi-square in which the matching variable is a continuous variable. The MH chi-square is used to assess the relationship between two categorical variables at each level or strata defined by a third variable. Specifically I would like to know if there is a straightforward way to divide the matching variable into levels, in which each level has a
2011 Oct 09
"What Calls What" diagram. Flow Chart?
I don't know the right computer science words for this question, I'm
afraid. Apology in advance.
How do you find your way around in somebody else's code? If the user
runs a specific command, and wants to know how the data is managed
until the result is returned, what to do ?
I've tried this manually with tools like mtrace and browser. This is a
bit frustrating because the
2014 Dec 29
samba_dlz Failed to configure reverse zone
Dear Rowland ,
Just keep in mind that the Debian RPI maintated by rasperry.org PI fellows and _not_ mainly by the Mainsteam debian
pkg maintainers, and ways behind the main distro - allmost.
> Even though there is no mention of dlopen, samba_dlz works.
yes/no ->> its not displaying the DLZ file open <<- and that happen even on my now +1J old samba4.0 RPI samba4 ad.
2005 Sep 20
Centos 3 samba upgrade
I want to upgrade my samba installation from 3.0.9-1.3E.3 to 3.0.20
without breaking anything along the way :) Any suggestions about order
of installation? It looks like I will have to nodeps at least some of
the packages. I have everything working with our AD environment so I
don't want to disturb it if possible.
Thanks in advance,
2006 Mar 10
what's wrong with my "cov"?
Hi all,
Why cov(y, y) only gives one value, and cov(t(y), t(y)) gives 3x3 NA matrix?
Here my y is listed below and it is a 3x1 matrix.
I am expecting that if I have a random vector y=[y1 y2 y3]', here " ' "
denotes a transposition so that
y is a column vector, where y1, y2, y3 are independent random variables...
then cov(y, y) should be
E[ y * y' ] - E[y] * E[y] ',
2019 Jan 22
How to add new arch for llvm-cov show?
Hi all,
I'm trying to support llvm-cov for a new architecture and I have successfully built compiler-rt for my arch. Following steps shown in https://clang.llvm.org/docs/SourceBasedCodeCoverage.html , I encountered an error for the last step(step of llvm-cov show).
The command line was (supposed my arch is XXXX)
"llvm-cov show -arch=XXXX ./foo -instr-profile=foo.profdata"
and the
2009 May 11
Asterisk w/ Nokia "e" Series Handsets
Anyone using Nokia "E" Series handsets with Asterisk? I'm trying to
deploy some e71's and am having an issue. I can get a single handset
working, but when I try to create a SIP profile on the second phone, it
won't allow me to save the profile, saying that devices in the same
"realm" must have identical username and password.
Anyone have a workaround for this
2014 Dec 29
samba_dlz Failed to configure reverse zone
Hello ,
review bind9 options ...
>> Dec 22 12:25:55 verdandi named[18534]: starting BIND 9.9.5-7-Debian -u
>> bind -4
>> Dec 22 12:25:55 verdandi named[18534]: built with '--prefix=/usr'
>> '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info'
>> '--sysconfdir=/etc/bind' '--localstatedir=/var' '--enable-threads'
2016 Mar 03
[LLVMDev] llvm-cov outputting coverage results as HTML reports
Dear All,
I am helping our test team migrate from gcov to llvmcov. They currently
generate HTML reports using lcov to easily navigate where coverage is
missing. However, there does not seem to be a Windows compatible solution
for generating HTML reports using the llvm-cov tools.
A possible solution to this problem is for llvm-cov to create html pages
that include an overall coverage summary
2014 Dec 29
samba_dlz Failed to configure reverse zone
Dear Roland,
and here we have one reasons / prove regarding Debian and current Samba BIND DLZ issues :
MSG >> " * disable dlz until we get a patch to make it build again"
Well Debian Maintainers seems seeking missing the dlz patches that RHEL & SLES maintainers created
2006 Jan 10
Please help with samba 3.0.21a on AIX 5.3
I've tried building samba 3.0.20 and 21a without luck. I've tried binaries and they all give this error. I know I am missing something but nothing points to a solution.
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ../bin/smbstatus because of the following errors:
0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc.a(posix_aio.o) because:
0509-136 Symbol
2004 Oct 22
cor, cov, method "pairwise.complete.obs"
Hi UseRs,
I don't want to die beeing idiot...
I dont understand the different results between:
cor() and cov2cov(cov()).
See this little example:
> x=matrix(c(0.5,0.2,0.3,0.1,0.4,NA,0.7,0.2,0.6,0.1,0.4,0.9),ncol=3)
> cov2cor(cov(x,use="pairwise.complete.obs"))
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1.0000000 0.4653400 -0.1159542
[2,] 0.4653400 1.0000000
2016 Aug 12
A nicer HTML index page for llvm-cov
I've been working on adding code coverage support to my ELLCC project
(http://ellcc.org) and I thought it would be nice to fun the index page
of the HTML output of llvm-cov into something a little prettier and more
The initial result is here: http://ellcc.org/coverage/
If there is any interest, I'll submit the llvm-cov changes.
1998 Feb 23
R-beta: Help: cov.mve in R? dgamma in Splus?
Hi all
I have a couple of obscure questions for R/Splus experts (which
unfortunately isn't me!)
I am trying to compute Bayes Factors using some Splus code of Raftery
in Gilks et al (1996). Only problem is
1) R doesn't seem to have a robust covariance (cov.mve) which I
suspect I need rather than a non-robust classical estimate
2) Splus has cov.mve BUT dgamma in Splus doesn't have a
2007 Aug 14
cov.unscaled in gls object
Hi list,
can I extract the cov.unscaled ("the unscaled covariance matrix") from a
gls fit (package nlme), like with summary.lm? Background: In a fixed
effect meta analysis regression the standard errors of the coefficients
can be computed as sqrt(diag(cov.unscaled)) where cov.unscaled is
(X'WX). I try do do this with a gls-fit.
Thanks, Sven
2016 Mar 04
llvm-cov accepting many binary files for aggregated coverage reports
Hi All,
I want to provide a solution that presents code coverage reports that
include the aggregated code-counts across many binaries. Our test
engineers currently do this using gcov-mode by merged .gcda data files. We
can do a similar merge of the .profraw files, so that the many binaries are
represented in one .profdata file; However, llvm-cov will only generate
reports based on one binary at