Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "sqldf syntax"
2013 Jan 15
SQLDF column errors
I am trying to exclude integer values from a small data frame 1, d1 that
have matching hits in data frame 2, d2 (Very big) which involves matching
those hits first. I am trying to use sqldf on the df's in the following
df2: head(df2)
V1 V2
13647 rd1500
14753 rd1580
15987 rd1590
16222 rd2020.....
2010 Jan 25
question on sqldf syntax
trying to structure sql to merge two datasets. structure follows:
dbs.possible.combos (all possible combinations of dates and places)
Date Place
1/1/10 N-01
1/1/10 S-02
1/2/10 N-01
1/2/10 S-02
dbs.aggregate (the raw data aggregated by date and location)
Date Place Days
1/1/10 N-01 6
1/1/10 S-02 10
1/2/10 S-02 5
Trying to merge so I look-up the values for each possible combo
2010 Jul 20
Error using sqldf
I am running a query using sqldf() [package : sqldf]. The query is:-
userid <- 5
taskid <- 5
tab1 <- fn$sqldf("SELECT tobiiEvents.data1, tobiiEvents.data2,
events.`timestamp` as tobiiTime
FROM tobiiEvents
INNER JOIN events ON events.eventid = tobiiEvents.eventid
WHERE tobiiEvents.subtype = 'MOUSE' AND tobiiEvents.userid = 5 AND
tobiiEvents.taskid = 5
2011 Apr 18
SQLDF syntax
I am new to R and trying to migrate from SAS. I am trying to use sqldf to
create a new table from existed table and change some of the columns. I have
table called DataOld with columns commodity, rate and total and I am trying
to create new table called DataNew with columns commodity, ratenew and
> sqldf("create table datanew as select commodity, ratenew as rate * 10,
2012 Mar 21
Using extract function for dates in sqldf
I'm trying to use sqldf to query for the earliest date of a blood test when
patients have had multiple tests in a given year. My query looks like this:
test11 <- sqldf("select CHILD_ID, min(SAMP_DATE)
from lab
group by CHILD_ID
having extract (year from SAMP_DATE) = 2011")
SAMP_DATE has class "date." I get the error
2008 Apr 03
sqldf file specification, non-ASCII
Dear R-Listers,
I am a Windows user (R 2.6.2) using the development version of sqldf to
try to read a 3GB file originally stored in .sas7bdat-format. I convert
it to comma-delimited ASCII format with StatTransfer before trying to
import just the rows I need into R. The problem is that I get this
> f <- file("hugedata.csv")
> DF <- sqldf("select * from f where
2012 May 09
Problem with SQLDF - Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) : RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: no such table:
Hi All,
I am having trouble executing SQL statements on a few dataframes, but the
funny thing is that I am able to execute the statement on some other
To test, I have 2 very small dataframes (6 rows and some columns). One is
'lessliq', the dput is given below.
> dput(head(lessliq))
structure(list(V1 = c(50464677L, 50464846L, 50432581L, 50426614L,
50504329L, 50504735L), V2
2010 Sep 06
Failure to aggregate
I have a (very big - 1.5 rows) dataframe with a (POSIXt" "POSIXlt") column h
(hour). Surprisingly, I cannot calculate a simple aggregate over the
> n.h1 = sqldf("select distinct h, count(*) from x group by h")
Error in sqliteExecStatement(con, statement, bind.data) :
RS-DBI driver: (error in statement: no such table: x)
In addition: Warning message:
2012 Nov 23
read.csv.sql() to select from a large csv file
Dear list,
Dear list,
I am using read.csv.sql() from the sqldf package to read
individual-based data from a csv file that is too large for R.
My original file contains a column called “ID” that
identifies the individual. I would like to read in data for only
one individual at a
time, for example "Bobby".
read.csv.sql("filename",sql = 'select * from file where ID =
2011 Aug 20
I have a problem with R!!
Dear all
i?m working with a program i?ve made in R (using functions that others
to run my program i need a sample. if i generate the sample using for
example, rnorm(n, mu, sigma) i have no problem
but if i obtain a sample from a column in excel and i copy it, the program
says that there is a mistake: it says "Error en `[.data.frame`(data,
indices) : undefined columns
2008 Sep 15
S4 coercion responsibility
Should functions or the user be responsible for coercing an S4 object
argument containing the proper object (and thus should below be
considered a bug in the packages or not)?
The example is with RSQLite but the same thing happens with RMySQL, and
other DBI packages.
> library("RSQLite") Loading required package: DBI
> m <- dbDriver("SQLite")
> con <-
2004 Nov 25
Searching for a string in RSQLite
I'd like to search for a particular string in an SQLite database using
RSQLite, but I'm running into problems constructing the query
properly, because of embedded quotes and parens in the string.
Is there a function that escapes these for me, or some other fixup
that would let me do the queries below? In the real situation I don't
have control over what strings get searched for.
2008 May 12
Insert a recorde into a table using SQL
Dear list,
I want to insert a recorde into a SQLite table by dbGetQuery(), but
there is a problem when the value contains quotation mark.
> dd<-data.frame(txt=c("having both ' and \" in character.","OK"))
> library(RSQLite)
Loading required package: DBI
> con<-dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"),":memory:")
2010 Aug 27
Error: package/namespace load failed for 'IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db'
Hello everyone,
I have a problem when loading the library: IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db
I installed the package from zip (from the Bioconductor website), and also
installed all the packages it asked for. It went all succesfull:
"package 'IlluminaHumanMethylation27k.db' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums
But when I am trying to load this library I get an error:
2008 Jul 14
Data Manipulations and SQL
I am new to R and have some background knowledge about SQL. I'd like to
know whether there is a way to manipulate the R datasets (or data
frames) using SQL statements. For example, I have two data frames and
both of them have a column called "id", then I want to join this two
data frames into one. In SQL, we can just simply use the join comment.
What should we do in R?
2013 Jul 15
Serialize data.frame to database
Dear R-Users,
I need a very fast and reliable database solution so I try to serialize a data.frame (to binary data) and to store this data to an SQLite database.
This is what I tried to do:
con <- dbDriver("SQLite")
db <- dbConnect(con, "test")
dbSendQuery(db, 'CREATE TABLE frames("simID" INT, "data" BLOB)')
data.bin <-
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
Big thanks. newXMLNode works great. Wonder why it is not included in the documentation.
There is newXMLDoc and newXMLNamespace, but no mention of newXMLNode.
From: Ben Tupper [mailto:btupper at bigelow.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2018 6:18 PM
To: Bond, Stephen
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] how to add a child to a child in XML
XML doesn't use the `$` to access child nodes.
2017 Nov 10
update R version in windows
However, trying this on Linux Mint gave
package ?installr? is not available (for R version 3.4.2)
Has the package not been updated yet?
Try the installr package. It was designed for this purpose.
On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 11:49 AM, Bond, Stephen <Stephen.Bond at cibc.com> wrote:
> Is there a utility which will allow me to upgrade my R version and update all packages from the old
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
It's a reasonable question. The answer is that it actually is included, but there are many instances across packages where multiple functions are documented on a single help page. The following brings up such a page... (for XML_3.98-1.9)
> library(XML)
> ?newXMLNode
You can see the same on line...
2018 Mar 22
how to add a child to a child in XML
Just to clarify and hopefully catch the attention of the maintainer:
The newXMLNode function is not mentioned in:
which supposedly describes all functions in the package.
From: Ben Tupper [mailto:btupper at bigelow.org]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 10:40 AM
To: Bond, Stephen
Cc: r-help
Subject: Re: [R] how to add a child to a