similar to: ggplot inside cycle

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "ggplot inside cycle"

2007 Nov 13
ggplot2: changing axis labels in ggplot()
Hi all, For various reasons, I need to use ggplot instead of qplot for a complex figure. Everything is working fine, except I cannot figure out how to rename the axis labels in ggplot. I have pasted a simple example below. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thanks for your help. James library(ggplot2) ##create data
2007 Sep 20
ggplot and xlim/ylim
Hello everyone, I am (happily) using ggplot2 for all my plotting now and I wondered is there is an easy way to specify xlim and ylim somewhere when using the ggplot syntax, as opposed to the qplot syntax. Eg. qplot(data=mtcars,y=wt, x=qsec,xlim=c(0,30)) <-> ggplot(mtcars, aes(y=wt, x=qsec)) + geom_point() + ??? Indeed the ggplot syntax is in general more flexible and powerful and
2017 Jul 10
dplyr help
Hi something like dcast(temp2, minuty~pokus) ? > dput(temp2) structure(list(pokus = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 6L, 6L, 7L, 7L, 8L, 8L ), .Label = c("T42", "T43", "T44", "T45", "T46", "T47", "T48", "T49"), class = "factor"), minuty = structure(c(2L,
2017 Nov 22
mystery "158"
Well, ?factor does not say anything about this behaviour (assigning numeric code instead of level of factor). And actually if you do assignment for whole vector the result is different (vector in data frame is changed to factor). > temp2$fff[1]<-vec[1] > head(temp2,2) pokus minuty fff 1 T42 240 3 2 T42 300 <NA> > temp2$fff<-vec > head(temp2,2) pokus
2010 May 09
Is it possible to rearrange the facets in ggplot while keeping everything else the same?
Hello, First, ggplot2 is great! Second, sorry for the basic nature of my question. I have data in the form of a melt table like this: Subject Day Ab Variable Value 1 1 Yes A 3 1 3 Yes A 5 1 5 Yes A 7 2 1 No A 2 2 3 No A 4 2 5 No A 6 3 1 Yes A 1 3 3 Yes A 3 3 5 Yes A 5 4 1 No A 4 4 3 No A 6 4 5 No A 8 1 1 Yes B 3 1 3 Yes B 5 1 5 Yes B 7 2 1 No B 2 2 3 No B 4 2 5 No B 6 3 1 Yes B 1 3 3 Yes B 3 3 5
2009 Jun 10
ggplot, qplot: alpha channel for colors corresponding to factor
Hi, I have a qplot like the one in the minimal example below, except I also have faceting like this: qplot(jitter(Goodall),jitter(Better.adapt),colour=Second.adapt,facets=~Pol,data=d1) and with the real data I get quite a lot of overplotting, so I would like to add an alpha channel. In addition, I would like to be able to control which colors are used for each value of Second.adapt (which
2009 May 14
text() to label points in ggplot
is there a way to label points in a graph using text(locator(1),"text") after ggplot() or qplot() ? > qplot(date, psavert, data = economics, geom = "line",main="jhdjd")->p > p+opts(text(locator(1),"HHHH"),new=T) does not work. -- View this message in context: Sent
2011 Jun 11
problems with geom_vline, histograms, scale=free and facets in ggplot
Dear list, I?m having a little trouble with adding vertical lines to a histogram. I need to draw a matrix of histograms (using facets), and in each histogram add a vertical line indicating the mean value of the data in each facet. According to the last example in the geom_hline help, to display different lines in each facet I need to provide a data frame. I modified this example to make a plot
2017 Aug 04
legend and values do not match in ggplot
I have following codes for ggplots. The legends are given in the plot do not match with the values specified in the codes given below. Your helps highly appreciated. Greg library(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(a,aes(x=NO_BMI_FI_beta ,y=FI_beta ,color= Super.Pathway))+ theme_bw() +theme(panel.border=element_blank()) + geom_point(size=3) p2<-p+scale_color_manual(name="Super.Pathway",
2009 Oct 08
xyplot#strips like ggplot?
Dear all, I want to split the strips in xyplot and push them into the margins ... Tried to find this in common documentation (such as Deepayan's book) on lattice ... but so far without success ... Here is the situation: xyplot(Speed~Count|Lane*Day,...) where Speed and Count are numeric, Lane and Day are factors. By default, this makes a double strip on top of each graph. I can change
2008 Jul 22
scatter plot using ggplot
I used ggplot to create a scatter plot : library(ggplot) library(mnormt) Sigma = matrix(c(1, 0.6, 0.6, 1), 2, 2) x = rmnorm(20, c(0,0), Sigma) xx = x[order(x[,1]),] y = xx[,1] z = xx[,2] qplot(z, y, type="point", main="x-y plot", xlab="x", col="blue") However I want following: 1. Plot color must be Blue (where it is displaying as red) 2. There should not
2011 Sep 13
ggplot - class "character" problem
Hi I'm trying to use ggplot2 to chart a dataset that I've drawn in from excel.? When I run the qplot command, I get the following error message: Error: ggplot2 doesn't know how to deal with data of class character It feels like I need to coerce one of the fields in my data frame. Here's the code, which is short: #draw data in from network location
2008 Jun 17
ggplot facet spacing, wrapping
I'm running into some problems with the spacing of some faceted ggplot plots. I have a number of time series faceted to be one above another, but the scale labels of the y axes all clobber each other at the bottom/top of each. for example, try: qplot(x, y, data = data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10, size = 1:10), facets = size ~ ., size = size) + scale_x_continuous(breaks = 1:10) +
2008 Aug 25
ggplot scale_size - is there any way to specify breaks?
Hi, I am plotting scores for students in a school using a command of the form qplot(x=Subject, y=Student, data=dataset, geom="point", size=Score) It lists the Subject factors on the x-axis and the Student factors on the y-axis - dots proportional to the Score are plotted at the resultant grid. It works just as I want. However, I want to plot a number of these graphs (eg. datasets from
2009 Sep 11
bar chart with means - using ggplot
Like this? # example using qplot library(ggplot2) meanprice <- tapply(diamonds$price, diamonds$cut, mean);meanprice cut <- factor(levels(diamonds$cut), levels = levels(diamonds$cut)) qplot(cut, meanprice, geom="bar", stat="identity", fill = I("grey50")) # create a new graph to compare with qplot # Example using ggplot ggdata <-
2010 Feb 14
Problems with boxplot in ggplot2:qplot
Dataframe closed contains balances of closed accounts: each row has month of closure (Date-type column month) and latest balance. I would like to plot by-month distributions of balances. A qplot call below produces several warnings and no output. Can anyone help? Thank you. PS. A really basic task, very similar to the examples on p. 71 of the ggplot2 book, apart from a Date grouping column; I
2009 Apr 30
Hoe to get RESIDUAL VARIANCE in logistic regression using lmer
Hello everybody, using the lmer function, I have fitted the following logistic mixed regression model on an experimental data set containing one fixed factor (Cond) and three random variables (Sito, Area, Trans): > model<-lmer(Caul~Cond+(1|Sito)+(1|Area)+(1|Trans), data=dataset, > family=binomial) this is the output: > summary(model) Generalized linear mixed model fit by the
2009 Jul 24
GGPlot 2 and odfweave
Hi John: Use print before qplot or ggplot. Something like this: <<TV,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= print(qplot(subscriber,data=TV09,geom="bar",fill=subscriber, xlab=NULL,ylab=NULL)+coord_flip()+ opts(legend.position="none")) @ Felipe D. Carrillo? Supervisory Fishery Biologist? Department of the Interior? US Fish & Wildlife Service? California, USA
2009 Mar 12
Unable to run smoother in qplot() or ggplot() - complains about knots
I get the following error when I run qplot() qplot(grade, read,data = hhm.long.m, geom = c("point", "smooth")) Error in, data, knots) : x has insufficient unique values to support 10 knots: reduce k. I am not sure how to tackle this problem. When I take a subsample (< 1000) than I am able to run that function but with my sample
2012 Aug 02
ggplot does not show in knitr
Hello, I'm having some issues getting a ggplot figure to show up in the knitr output, when placed in a loop. Specifically, I have a loop inside a knitr chunk : ```{r fitting, warning=FALSE, fig.width=10, fig.height=10, fig.keep='high'} for (t in 1:T) { # do a regression of tgt.vals ~ predictors and compute coeffs and fitted values (fit.vals / fit.adj.vals) plot(