Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "R Package about Variable Selection for GLMM (Generalized Linear Mixed Model)?"
2005 Oct 12
Mixed model for negative binomial distribution (glmm.ADMB)
Dear R-list,
I thought that I would let some of you know of a free R package, glmm.ADMB, that
can handle mixed models for overdispersed and zero-inflated count data
(negativebinomial and poisson).
It was built using AD Model Builder software (Otter Research) for random effects
modeling and is available (for free and runs in R) at:
2004 May 29
GLMM error in ..1?
I'm trying to use GLMM in library(lme4), R 1.9.0pat, updated just
now. I get an error message I can't decipher:
n <- 10
N <- 1000
DF <- data.frame(yield=rbinom(n, N, .99)/N, nest=1:n)
fit <- GLMM(yield~1, random=~1|nest, family=binomial, data=DF,
weights=rep(N, n))
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : ..1 used in an incorrect
2004 Nov 01
I have a problem concerning estimation of GLMM. I used methods from 3 different
packages (see program). I would expect similar results for glmm and glmmML. The
result differ in the estimated standard errors, however. I compared the results to
MASS, 4th ed., p. 297. The results from glmmML resemble the given result for
'Numerical integration', but glmm output differs. For the
2004 Jan 30
GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output (summary with lme4 revised)
This is a summary and extension of the thread
"GLMM (lme4) vs. glmmPQL output"
In the new revision (#Version: 0.4-7) of lme4 the standard
errors are close to those of the 4 other methods. Thanks to Douglas Bates,
Saikat DebRoy for the revision, and to G?ran Brostr?m who run a
In response to my first posting, Prof.
2013 Jun 20
New book: Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R
Members of this mailing list may be interested in the following new book:
Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R.
- A frequentist and Bayesian perspective for ecologists -
Zuur AF, Hilbe JM and Ieno EN
This book is only available from:
This book presents Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Generalized
Linear Mixed Models (GLMM) based on both
2004 May 31
Is there an easy way to get confidence intervals from "glmm" in
Jim Lindsey's library(repeated)? Consider the following slight
modification of an example from the help page:
> df <- data.frame(r=rbinom(10,10,0.5), n=rep(10,10), x=c(rep(0,5),
+ rep(1,5)), nest=1:10)
> fit <- glmm(cbind(r,n-r)~x, family=binomial, nest=nest, data=df)
> summary(fit)
2004 Feb 17
parse error in GLMM function
Hi R-Helpers:
I?m trying to use the function GLMM from lme4 package, (R-1.8.1, Windows
98),and I get the following error:
> pd5 = GLMM(nplant~sitio+
+ fert+
+ remo+
+ sitio:fert+
+ remo:sitio+
+ remo:fert+
+ remo:fert:sitio
+ data=datos,
+ family=binomial,
2011 Sep 03
help with glmm.admb
R glmmADMB question
I am trying to use glmm.admb (the latest alpha version
from the R forge website 0.6.4) to model my count data
that is overdispersed using a negative binomial family but
keep getting the following error message:
Error in glmm.admb(data$total_bites_rounded ~
age_class_back, random = ~food.dif.id, :
Argument "group" must be a character string specifying
2006 Feb 09
glmm.admb - bug and possible solution??
Dear Dr Skaug and R users,
just discovered glmm.admb in R, and it seems a very useful tool.
However, I ran into a problem when I compare two models:
m1<-glmm.admb(survival~light*species*damage, random=~1, group="table",
data=bm, family="binomial", link="logit")
m1.1<-glmm.admb(survival~(light+species+damage)^2, random=~1,
group="table", data=bm,
2004 Jun 01
GLMM(..., family=binomial(link="cloglog"))?
I'm having trouble using binomial(link="cloglog") with GLMM in
lme4, Version: 0.5-2, Date: 2004/03/11. The example in the Help file
works fine, even simplified as follows:
fm0 <- GLMM(immun~1, data=guImmun, family=binomial, random=~1|comm)
However, for another application, I need binomial(link="cloglog"),
and this generates an error for me:
2005 Feb 17
I'm very sorry for my repeated question, which i asked 2 weeks ago, namely:
i'm interested in possibly simple random-part specification in the call
of GLMM(...) (from lme4-package)
i have a random blocked structure (i.e. ~var.a1+var.a2+var.a3,
and each one part of it i would like to model as Identity-structure
matrix. So i had,
2007 Jun 08
icc from GLMM?
Dear R users
I would like to ask a question regarding to icc (intraclass correlation) or many
biologists refer it to as repeatability. It is very useful to get icc for many
reasons and it is easy to do so from linear mixed-effects models and many
packages like psy, psychometric, aod and irr have functions to calculate icc.
icc = between-group variance/(between-group variance + residual
2004 Nov 23
Convergence problem in GLMM
Dear list members,
In re-running with GLMM() from the lme4 package a generalized-linear mixed
model that I had previously fit with glmmPQL() from MASS, I'm getting a
warning of a convergence failure, even when I set the method argument of
GLMM() to "PQL":
> bang.mod.1 <- glmmPQL(contraception ~ as.factor(children) + cage + urban,
+ random=~as.factor(children) + cage +
2005 Apr 30
formula in fixed-effects part of GLMM
Can GLMM take formula derived from another object?
foo <- glm (OVEN ~ h + h2, poisson, dataset)
# ok
bar <- GLMM (OVEN ~ h + h2, poisson, dataset, random = list (yr = ~1))
bar <- GLMM (foo$formula, poisson, dataset, random = list (yr = ~1))
#Error in foo$("formula" + yr + 1) : invalid subscript type
I am using R2.1.0, lme4 0.8-2, windows xp. Below is a dataset if you
2013 Nov 21
Course: Introduction to Linear mixed effects models, GLMM and MCMC with R
We would like to announce the following statistics course;
Course: Introduction to Linear mixed effects models, GLMM and MCMC with R
When: 10-14 February, 2014
Where: Pousada de juventude parque das nacoes. Rua de Moscavide, Lt 47 ?
101, 1998- 011. Lisbon, Portugal
Info: http://www.highstat.com/statscourse.htm
Flyer: http://www.highstat.com/Courses/Flyer2014_02SIM_LisbonV2.pdf
Kind regards,
2008 Jul 14
Question regarding lmer vs glmmPQL vs glmm.admb model on a negative binomial distributed dependent variable
Hi R-users,
I intend to apply a mixed model on a set of longitudinal data, with a negative binomial distributed dependent variable, and after following the discussions on R help list I saw that more experienced people recommended using lmer (from lme4 pack), glmmPQL (from MASS) or glmm.admb (from glmmADMB pack)
My first problem: yesterday this syntax was ok, now I get this weird message (I
2017 Oct 31
Course in Lisbon: Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R
We would like to announce the following statistics course:
Course: Introduction to Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R
Where:? Lisbon, Portugal
When:?? 19-23 February 2018
Course website: http://highstat.com/index.php/courses
Course flyer:
Kind regards,
Alain Zuur
Dr. Alain F. Zuur
Highland Statistics Ltd.
9 St
2008 Nov 21
VST plugin (ez drummer)
Hi, I just registered. I have a problem related to wine:
lmms can run some vst plugins with VeSTige, so I tried to get ez drummer working. It didn't work, so I downloaded Toontrack Solo, that is a program needed to run ez drummer as a standalone, and not as a plugin. It still wouldn't work, neither as a standalone.
I made a few searches and I found out that it needed mfc42.dll so I
2005 Jan 06
GLMM and crossed effects
Hi again. Perhaps a simple question this time....
I am analysing data with a dependent variable of insect counts, a fixed
effect of site and two random effects, day, which is the same set of 10
days for each site, and then transect, which is nested within site (5
I am trying to fit the cross classified model using GLMM in lme4. I
have, for potential use, created a second coding
2018 Feb 26
How to model repeated measures negative binomial data with GEE or GLMM
Goal: use GEE or GLMM to analyze repeated measures data in R
GEE problem: can?t find a way to do GEE with negative binomial family in R
GLMM problem: not sure if I?m specifying random effect correctly
Study question: Does the interaction of director and recipient group affect
rates of a behavior?
Animals (n = 38) in one of 3 groups (life stages): B or C.
Some individuals (~5)