similar to: navel-gazing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "navel-gazing"

2007 Jun 28
I did some trawling on the ISI web of science, selecting all papers citing all papers with "R DEV COR TEAM" in the author field (which is how ISI seems to be tagging things). The results are interesting -- about 2400 references. Enjoy these summaries ... urlpref = "" types =
2004 Apr 08
Why are Split and Tapply so slow with named vectors, why is a for loop faster than mapply
First, here's the problem I'm working on so you understand the context. I have a data frame of travel activity characteristics with 70,000+ records. These activities are identified by unique chain numbers. (Activities are part of trip chains.) There are 17,500 chains. I use the chain numbers as factors to split various data fields into lists of chain characteristics with each element of
2008 Oct 06
Extracting text from html code using the RCurl package.
Dear R-help, I want to download the text from a web page, however what i end up with is the html code. Is there some option that i am missing in the RCurl package? Or is there another way to achieve this? This is the code i am using: > library(RCurl) > my.url <- '' > html.file <- getURI(my.url, ssl.verifyhost = FALSE,
2013 Feb 04
is it possible to create a trellis object with multiple colorkeys/z-scale axis?
Dear R users- Do the lattice/latticeExtra packages support multiple tileplots with unique colorkeys? I am trying to create a visualization of the encounter rate of certain stocks of salmon across two years. The issue I am having is that some stocks are encountered at much higher rates than others.the high encounter rate for one stock washes out the patterns I'm hoping to visualize across the
2011 Jan 06
Accessing data via url
# Can anyone suggest why this works datafilename <- "" <- read.table(datafilename,header=TRUE) # but this does not? dd <- "" treedata <- read.table(dd, header=TRUE)
2010 Feb 18
Can R make an usual dotplot
Dear R experts, Can R make an usual dotplot just like Minitab and other softwares? I have the following data, and can use dotchart to graph a dotplot: y=c(2.873438152e-01, -8.732895642e-01, 4.579001889e-01, 1.047395204e+00, 8.491182299e-02 , -1.938007105e+00, -1.273708343e+00, 9.848010588e-05, 7.238490734e-01, -1.490552717e+00) dotchart(y, xlab="10 observations from
2006 Sep 16
dotplot/Dotplot: connecting points within factor level across time
For each level of the factor in dotplot, I have time points I'd like to connect with a line. In the example below, 'x' represents a starting time and 'd' a duration, and I wish to connect 'x' to 'x+d'. Ordinarily I would use Dotplot from hmisc for this, but I have not been able to find a time class that Dotplot will allow. I can get lattice dotplot to put
2023 Nov 07
make a lattice dotplot with symbol size proportional to a variable in the plotted dataframe
Hello. My question is in the subject line. Using R 4.1.3 on Windows 10. Commented MWE below. Thanks. --Chris Ryan library(dplyr) library(lattice) ## fabricate a dataframe dd <- data.frame(agency = sample(LETTERS, size = 5), total = sample(100:200, size = 5), las = sample(20:40, size = 5)) dd <- dd %>% mutate(proportion = las/total, bubble = total/100) ## attempt to make a dotplot
2001 Jan 18
dotplot: character size of labels
Dear R users, using dotplot (R1.2.0, WinNT4.0), I am trying to change the character size of the labels of the points: > # example > data(VADeaths) > dotplot(VADeaths, main = "Death Rates in Virginia - 1940") > # I'd like to have smaller character size of the labels (for age and population groups) > ?dotplot > # for argument "cex", this says:
2024 Sep 14
how to specify point symbols in the key on a lattice dotplot
On Fri, 13 Sept 2024 at 23:36, Christopher W. Ryan <cwr at> wrote: > > For me, Bert's suggestion produces a plot with two black symbols above > the plotting region, a circle and a triangle, both filled, and no text. > > This, in which I specify several features of the symbols in the key, > > dd %>% dotplot( segment ~ transit_time, groups =
2003 Jan 15
[lattice] lines for stripplot (like dotplot) or jitter for dotplot?
I'd like to use stripplot for some plots because I want to use the jitter parameter. On the other hand, I'd like to use dotplot because I'd like to have the horizontal lines that it includes. dotplot doesn't have a jitter option and I'm not having any success with getting panel.grid(h=-1) with stripplot. Can anyone show me how to make dotplot-like lines on a stripplot? Or
2011 May 11
Dotplot (package Hmisc) with groups: colours and symbols
Hello all, This question concerns the function Dotplot from the Hmisc package. My aim is to compare values between groups in each panel of the Dotplot, with the values of different groups clearly distinguishable by different symbols. All lines and symbols should be coloured in black. Before adding the panel function to the Dotplot, the groups behaved as desired and were marked by different
2010 Dec 01
Lattice dotplots
Dear, I have a dataset with 4 subjects (see ID in example), and 4 treatment (see TRT in example) which are tested on 2 locations and in 3 blocs. By using Lattice dotplot, I made a graph that shows the raw data per location and per bloc. In that graph, I would like to have a reference line per bloc that refers to the first treatment (T1). However, I can not find how to do that. I can make
2004 Oct 22
dotplot & lattice problems: y axis values and bg color output in jpg
I have a linux system with Fedora Core 2 and R-2.0. I was comparing plots made with plot() and dotplot() and discovered a problem. Although the dots are positioned correctly, the numerical labels in the dotplot y axis are not correct. I put copies here: That is the "correct" one from plot, with the higest value on y showing at 18.
2024 Sep 13
how to specify point symbols in the key on a lattice dotplot
For me, Bert's suggestion produces a plot with two black symbols above the plotting region, a circle and a triangle, both filled, and no text. This, in which I specify several features of the symbols in the key, dd %>% dotplot( segment ~ transit_time, groups = impact, data = ., pch = 16:17, col = 1:2, cex = 1.8, scales =
2009 Apr 18
Welcome to the "R-help" mailing list
Hi all, I'm a newbie R developer, am trying to dotplot a few graphs using a for loop. The following code works fine but once I wanna plot inside a loop, nothing happens. > for(i in 1:1){dotplot(y~x)} > y <- c(1,2,3) > x <- c('a','b','c') > dotplot(y~x) > for (i in 1:3) {dotplot(y~x)} (y and x depends on I in actual case) Nothing happens. I
2009 Mar 03
dotplot() lattice charts return blank image (jpeg, bmp, png) file
Thanks in advance for the help. Trying to run a basic dotplot in lattice from R command line. When the file is created, in Fedora, it is blank image (jpeg, bmp, png). Image produces correctly in Windows environment. Libraries lattice and latticeExtra are loaded. Code: ----------------- jpeg(file = "/tmp/img/temp31.jpg", width = 768, height=768) xy <- dotplot(1:10) print(xy)
2008 Jun 11
Problem when combining dotplot() and textplot() using grid
Hi everyone. I want to solve the following problem. I have a data.frame and I create a dotplot using lattice. Then I want to use the grid-package to create a combined graphic which contains the dotplot as well as a textplot() (using package gplots) of the data.frame next to the dotplot. Example code: library(lattice) library(grid) library(gplots) xx <- data.frame(f=factor(rep(1:5, each=5)),
2006 Jul 07
dotplot (lattice) with panel.segments and groups
Hi, The following produces almost exactly what I needed. The problems are that the 'panel.dotplot' call (commented) generates the error 'Error in NextMethod("[") : argument "subscripts" is missing, with no default'. The other problem is that the colors alternate between the levels of the 'site' variable, rather than 'year'. barley$yield2
2008 May 06
Lattice problems / cannot load lattice
Hi, My problem is simple: since having updated the lattice package, I cannot load lattice anymore. If I type in the command 'library(lattice)' the loading fails with the following message: --- cut here --- Error in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib) : shared library 'lattice' not found In addition: Warning messages: 1: In loadNamespace(package, c(which.lib.loc,