Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "some helpful tips on using RODBC"
2017 Jul 13
consulta por varTypes de sqlSave en RODBC
Hola Javier, si no estoy entendiendo mal, lo q deseo hacer no se trata de
configurar los parametros SQL, sino solo de colocar un vector en el
argumento VarTypes de la funcion sqlSave.
El manual especifica esa opcion, pero no da ningun ejemplo de como usarla.
*varTypes an optional named character vector giving the DBMSs datatypes to
be used for*
*some (or all) of the columns if a table is to be
2009 May 29
RODBC sqlSave with DB2
I am running R version 2.8.1 on Windows XP OS.
This works fine. (Data.frame dta is created with records from the DB2
sql <- "select * from storage.testappend_slt order by uut"
dta <- sqlQuery(channel,sql)
But when I try to append records (from data.frame newdta) to the same DB2
table. I get an error:
sqlSave(channel, newdta, tablename = storage.testappend_slt, append
2009 Sep 21
RODBC : using and passing queries that use " in some arguments
Dear R users,
I am trying to connect R to data that is in a Access Database but I have problem with the construction of queries using special characters.
I am using RODBC package.
The following is working :
> MyQuery<-paste("SELECT first( (DateHeure) ) , avg(NNO3_AT322_OUT_moy) AS Cond FROM Colonne_3 ")
> Col3<-sqlQuery(con, query=MyQuery)
> Col3
2012 Nov 30
Oracle database connction from R in Linux
This is sasi.
I installed R 64 bit and oracle client 64 bit in fedora 17. After R is
working fine. Oracle database also working fine. but problem is, If i try
to connect oracle from R its not connecting.
So, pls guide me how to connect from R to oracle.
how, i tried:--
odbcinst.ini file code is
Description = oracle driver
Driver =
2007 Aug 11
Connecting to database on statup
Q/ Is it possible to create a DBMS connection automatically on startup of R? (Making sure of course that the db server has been started...)
I am running MySQL on Mac OS X 10.4.2 with R2.4.1.
I have tried to write a function using the RMySQL commands (below) and place them in .First of .RProfile:
drv <- dbDriver("MySQL")
dbcon <- dbConnect(drv, {other parameters present in
2009 Dec 14
AGI with PHP
Hi All,
I'm having problems getting results from a PHP file. This is what the CLI is showing.
-- Executing [111 at internal:1] AGI("Console/dsp", "GoTalk.php") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/GoTalk.php
[Dec 14 11:57:25] ERROR[20260]: utils.c:1019 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
If I run the PHP file from
2008 May 07
RODBC sqlSave with multiple schema in DB2
I am trying to use sqlSave to write a dataframe to an existing table in a
DB2 database. The database contains two schemas. My experience is the
following: (1) in the case that tablename is left empty in sqlSave, R
writes to the instance level schema (2) in the case that a tablename is
specified and that table name exists only once in the database, R will
write to that table irrespective
2006 Aug 18
ActiveRecord Benchmarking
I''m running a benchmark to check database performance.
I don''t quite understand the results.
The benchmarking code looks like this
class DBTable < ActiveRecord::Base
:adapter => "mysql",
:socket => "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock",
:username => "..user..",
2006 Mar 23
Dear Tobias,
I finally succeeded in exporting my dataframes from R into Access with
this script:
canal <- odbcConnectAccess("D:/Floristique.mdb")
sqlSave(channel=canal, dat=flore, tablename="Floristique", rownames=F,
safer=F, fast=F,
My problem in exporting my dataframe "flore" seems to
2004 Nov 25
Problem with ODBC access to SQL database
I have the following problem in getting the "sqlSave" function from the
example code in the R package RODBC to work with MySQL as ODBC server:
- a new database is created, but no data is written to it
- the example code works just fine when I use MS Access as ODBC server.
----------- offending code and output -------------------
> library(RODBC);
> channel <-
2003 Apr 04
sqlSave() Question
I am new in R. I found sqlSave() doesn't work for our Oracle9i. The
following was the message:
> sqlSave(channel, USArrests, rownames="state")
Error in sqlColumns(channel, tablename) : USArrests : table not found on
Check case parameter in odbcConnect
sqlQuery() works OK.
Please help. Thanks.
2013 Sep 09
Package installation and path.package
Dear R-Devels,
I am writing right now my own package that makes use of 'tempfile' and there within with 'path.package'. When I install it, I get the error: Error in path.package("mypackage") : none of the packages are loaded. Here is the code, I use in my package:
".defaultDBPath" <- function()
db.path <- tempfile(pattern =
2005 Feb 24
mutable Query objects
There's a bit of an API glitch with Query objects at present. This code
shows it off:
Xapian::Enquire enquire(db);
// make a simple query
Xapian::Query myquery(Xapian::Query::OP_NEAR, phrase, phrase + 2);
// Now change the query - this shouldn't affect the query enquire
// will run, but it does.
2008 Feb 15
Error RODBC: Random termination of R
Dear list,
I get random terminations of R-2.6.2 when using RODBC-1.2_3 and a remote
PostgreSQL-8.2.6 database, unixodbc-2.2.11-16,
odbc-postgresql-1:08.01.0200-2.1 on Ubuntu Linux 7.10.
The exact messages can be seen below. It seems that there is some memory
corruption going on. But it seems random to me and can neither be related to
addPK=T/F or fast=T/F. It happens for all possible
2009 Jul 08
RODBC and sqlSave issue
I contact you after having unsuccessfully asked my question to R mailing list.
I use the package RODBC to connect to a MS-SQL server.
I am able to getQuery from the database.
am now studying the sqlSave some data into the database. Unfortunetly,
I meet some issues relating to the format of the data that arrives into
the database. I have three columns. The first one should be in the
2011 Dec 21
Looping over files
?I have a list of files in one of my working directories:
And I am
2011 Dec 20
RODBC Error: 'getCharCE' must be called on a CHARSXP
I am trying to connect to an internal database and use the sqlQuery command to reduce and retrieve data using the following code:
channel <-odbcConnect("some_dsn", uid="", pwd="")
txt<-'SELECT Date, Region, Price FROM TableXYZ WHERE Type="Domestic"'
sqlQuery(channel, cat(txt,"\n"),errors=TRUE,)
However, I get the
2007 Jun 05
multiple plot in odfWeave
Hello R users,
I found the odfWeave package to create an odf document. It seems to be a
very nice tool.
So i tried to used it to create a report with multiple plot:
I create an odt file with some code inside:
I connect to a mysql database
I get a list of projects
foreach project I would like to make a plot (a map exactly)
then in a R console I use the odfweave (inFile, outFile) function.
2017 Jul 13
consulta por varTypes de sqlSave en RODBC
Buen dia Javier, muchas gracias por tu ayuda y el script compartido.
Me va a servir como ayuda para seguir aprendiendo sobre RODBC pero no
encuentro una solucion para este problema puntual de poder definir el tipo
y ancho de las variables, q segun creo se hace con el argumento varTypes.
Si alguien tien algun ejemplo donde haya usado la SqlSave y VarTypes, me
sera de gran ayuda.
Abrazo a todos
2011 Jul 27
RODBC sqlSave problem with bigint numbers
After a (bad) first try some months ago, I'm trying again to use RODBC
package instead of DBI+RMySQL packages to populate MySQL database.
The main command is
sqlSave(channel, data_df, tablename, append=T, rownames=FALSE,
colnames=FALSE, fast=FALSE, varTypes=vartypes)
where data_df is the data.frame I want to save and vartypes is obtained
following the tip given here