similar to: metaplot (rmeta)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "metaplot (rmeta)"

2006 Apr 24
rmeta: forest plot problem
Der useRs, I'm working on meta analysis using rmeta package. Using code below I plot the forest plot: library(rmeta) data (catheter) a<-meta.MH (n.trt, n.ctrl, col.trt, col.ctrl, data=catheter, names=Name, subset=c(13,6,5,3,7,12,4,11,1,8,10,2)) summary(a) # odds ratio values and confidence intervals metaplot(a$logOR, a$selogOR, nn=a$selogOR^-2,a$names, summn=a$logMH, sumse=a$selogMH,
2009 Aug 11
metaplot in rmeta: y-axis disappears
Hi, I have a problem with the metaplot-function in rmeta. After plotting a Forest Plot with "metaplot", no y-axis is shown for normal plots anymore. Does someone know, why this is and how I can solve it? Thank you in advance! Kind regards, Roman -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2008 May 28
rmeta package: metaplot or forestplot of meta-analysis under DSL (ramdon) model
Dear all, I could not draw a forest plot for meta-analysis under ramdon models using the rmeta package. The rmeta has a default function for MH (fixed-effect) model. Has the rmeta package been updated for such a function? Or someone revised it and kept a private code? I would appreciate it if you could provide some information on this question. Thanks, Andrew This email is intended
2006 Nov 16
Newbie problem ... Forest plot
Hello! I have some data stored into 2 separate csv file. 1 file (called A.csv) (12 results named Group1, Group2, Group3, etc...) odds ratios, 2 file (called B.csv) 12 corresponded errors. How to import that data into R and make forest plot like I saw inside help file Rmeta and meta with included different font colors and names trough X and Y axis. I know for meta libb ... out <-
2006 Aug 24
metaplot and meta.summaries
Hello, After looking through the archive and documentation for quite some time, I'd be very happy about some help with metaplot and meta.summaries. metaplot: --------- Can I change the label size? I've got 126 values and the intersection of the labels makes it impossible to read them. Why do I have to give sumse (Standard Error) and sumnn (Precision) of the summary estimate? I can
2011 Apr 06
Dear all, I have a four variable: Stuy.Name, OR, 95%LCI and 95%UCI and I would like to create a meta analysis plot. I can't use meta.MH function in metaplot because I do not have n.trt, n.ctrl, col.trt, col.ctrl are not available! Is there an alternative way to do it? Many thanks in advance, Cheba [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Nov 22
Metaplot Axis Annotation
Hello, We are looking to adjust the font size of the axis annotation on the graph that results from use of the metaplot() function. Metaplot seems to respond to cex and cex.lab to change those graphical parameters, but it doesn't respond to cex.axis. Is there a way to work around this by creating a customized x-axis, and if so, how? Thanks for all your help. Syntax is below. Best, Dawn
2009 Jun 29
Meta-Analysis: Metaplot Labels, SE, and Summary
Hello, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm an R and meta-analysis neophyte just when my colleagues and I are attempting to run R for that latter purpose. We would like to construct a graph of the 95% confidence intervals of odds ratios (inverse odds ratios, actually). We are using the metaplot() function in the "rmeta" package. While we can construct a basic plot, we cannot configure
2004 Jan 06
help on rmeta
Hello I'm trying to plot hazard risk values using the function metaplot with the specifications: > metaplot(HR,SE,W,labels=row.names(lc),xlab="Hazard Ratio",ylab="Covariates", logeffect=TRUE,logticks=FALSE,colors=meta.colors(box="black",lines="dark gray",zero="darkgray"),cex=1.5,cex.lab=1.5,font=3) However, in the plot the x axis
2012 Sep 24
Winbind issue using samba 3.6.3
We have a cross platform environment with a Windows 2008 server running Active Directory and many of our workstations are running ubuntu 10.10 using winbind for user authentication. The version of samba running on these boxes is 3.5.4 We are looking to upgrade to Ubuntu 12.04 which runs samba 3.6.3 I am able to connect to the DC, and am able to see the users running the wbinfo -u command, but
2010 Aug 24
forest plot
Dear Sir or Madam, I am trying to plot forest plot. I extracted odds ratio and their corresponding 95% confidence interval from papers, then I calculated the log(OR) and standard error using the following command OR<-metagen(logOR,selogOR,sm="OR") forest(OR,comb.fixed=TRUE,comb.random=TRUE,digits=2) However, it does not produce a forest plot. Can someone kindly help? Thank
2004 Jul 21
nonparametetric bivariate regression
Hi there, Does R has built-in codes for nonpara. bivariate regression so that I can estimate the joint distribution of two variables as a function of some covariates? Thanks a lot. --------------------------------------------------- Ximing Wu Department of Economics University of Guelph Guelph, Ontario, Canada, N1G 2W1 Tel: (519) 842-4120, ext 53014 Fax: (519) 763-8497 email: xiwu at
2018 Dec 04
[PATCH FOR DISCUSSION ONLY 0/2] v2v: Copy static IP address information over for Windows guests (RHBZ#1626503).
This patch is just for discussion. There are still a couple of issues that I'm trying to fix. One is that all of the test guests I have, even ones with static IPs, have multiple interfaces, some using DHCP, so the conditions for adding the Powershell script don't kick in. This makes testing very awkward. However a bigger issue is that I think the premise is wrong. In some registries
2018 Dec 11
[PATCH v2 2/2] v2v: Copy static IP address information over for Windows guests (RHBZ#1626503).
v1 was here with much discussion: v2: - Fix the case where there are multiple interfaces. Note this does not preserve order correctly (see patch for comment on why that is a hard problem). - Preserve name servers. This patch is still for discussion only. I'd like to see what might be done to get this upstream
2009 Jun 27
questions about meta-analysis
Dear R users: In the example of meta-analysis (cochrane, package rmeta), I can not found the p-value of Test for overall effect, and some other indices (Z, I, weight and et al). How can I get the these indices listed? > library(rmeta) > data(cochrane) > cochrane name ev.trt n.trt ev.ctrl n.ctrl 1 Auckland 36 532 60 538 2 Block 1 69 5
2003 Jul 30
compile c code from R
Hi, Can I turn my R code automatically into C? If yes, how can I do that? Do I benefit by doing it? (I know I can do this in matlab and it increases the speed when there is a lot of looping...) thanks a lot. x.w ------------------------ Ximing Wu Department of Economics University of Guelph Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1 Canada Tel: (519) 824-4120 ext. 53014 Fax: (519) 763-8497 email: xiwu at
2012 Jun 26
Storing whole regression results
Hello seasons R users, Is it possible to store a complete regression result into an array? I've already been able to save individual regression coefficients, but would like to store the whole regression results into different arrays through a loop. So that in under different quantiles regressions, I would be able to create a loop and store the full regression result each time into a
2008 Feb 26
RSPerl on OS X Server 10.4.11
Hello, I tried the R-Sig-Mac list with this query, but had no takers. I hope that the following isn't too far off the mark for this list. Many thanks in advance if someone can help me out! Quick summary: I can't get RSPerl working on a PPC G5 with the pre-compiled binary for Mac OS X, but it does work if I compile R from source with the "--enable-R-shlib" flag. If I
2007 Aug 18
rmeta package forestplot() function
Dear R users, I am trying to create a forest plot with a table of text using the forestplot() function in the rmeta package. I have been trying to reduce the font size of the resulting table of text, but have not been successful. I have tried adding options like 'cex' or 'font' but none of them seem to work. Is there anything I could do? This is what I have so far:
2006 Aug 29
forestplot fucntion in rmeta package
Dear R users, I would like to adjust the x axis the way I wanted using "forestplot(labeltext, mean, lower, upper, align = NULL, xlab = "", zero = 0, graphwidth = unit(2, "inches"), col = meta.colors(), xlog = FALSE)". I tried using xaxt="n" and then redefine the axis using axis(1, at=c(0,0.5,1.0 ,1.5,2.0,2.5),label=c(0,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5)), but it