similar to: transfer glm model from SAS

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "transfer glm model from SAS"

2007 Jun 29
Comparison: glm() vs. bigglm()
Hi, Until now, I thought that the results of glm() and bigglm() would coincide. Probably a naive assumption? Anyways, I've been using bigglm() on some datasets I have available. One of the sets has >15M observations. I have 3 continuous predictors (A, B, C) and a binary outcome (Y). And tried the following: m1 <- bigglm(Y~A+B+C, family=binomial(), data=dataset1, chunksize=10e6)
2009 Jul 03
bigglm() results different from glm()
Hi Sir, Thanks for making package available to us. I am facing few problems if you can give some hints: Problem-1: The model summary and residual deviance matched (in the mail below) but I didn't understand why AIC is still different. > AIC(m1) [1] 532965 > AIC(m1big_longer) [1] 101442.9 Problem-2: chunksize argument is there in bigglm but not in biglm, consequently,
2012 Mar 30
ff usage for glm
Greetings useRs, Can anyone provide an example how to use ff to feed a very large data frame to glm? The data.frame cannot be loaded in R using conventional read.csv as it is too big. glm(...,data=ff.file) ?? Thank you Stephen B
2010 Nov 10
biglm and epicalc ROC curves
Hello list, I am trying to avoid "Rifying" some of my SAS code to generate ROC plots, and the logistic.display() and lroc() functions in the epicalc package do what I want. However, I must generate my logistic model with bigglm because I have 1) limited hardware, 2) ~2.5 million rows, and 4 categorical and 2 continuous independent variables. When I attempt to invoke epicalc's
2009 Mar 17
bigglm() results different from glm()
Dear all, I am using the bigglm package to fit a few GLM's to a large dataset (3 million rows, 6 columns). While trying to fit a Poisson GLM I noticed that the coefficient estimates were very different from what I obtained when estimating the model on a smaller dataset using glm(), I wrote a very basic toy example to compare the results of bigglm() against a glm() call. Consider the
2008 Sep 09
Genmod in SAS vs. glm in R
Hello, I have different results from these two softwares for a simple binomial GLM problem. >From Genmod in SAS: LogLikelihood=-4.75, coeff(intercept)=-3.59, coeff(x)=0.95 >From glm in R: LogLikelihood=-0.94, coeff(intercept)=-3.99, coeff(x)=1.36 Is there anyone tell me what I did wrong? Here are the code and results, 1) SAS Genmod: % r: # of failure % k: size of a risk set data
2006 Jul 04
who can explain the difference between the R and SAS on the results of GLM
Dear friends, I used R and SAS to analyze my data through generalized linear model, and there is some difference between them. Results from R: glm(formula = snail ~ grass + gheight + humidity + altitude + soiltemr + airtemr, family = Gamma) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.23873 -0.41123 -0.08703 0.24339 1.21435 Coefficients:
2007 Mar 19
likelihoods in SAS GENMOD vs R glm
List: I'm helping a colleague with some Poisson regression modeling. He uses SAS proc GENMOD and I'm using glm() in R. Note on the SAS and R output below that our estimates, standard errors, and deviances are identical but what we get for likelihoods differs considerably. I'm assuming that these must differ just by some constant but it would be nice to have some confirmation
2015 Jun 15
Regresión logística
Hola, estoy intentando hacer una regresión logística entre la primera columna de mi data.table (In.hospital_death) y otras dos (GSV y BUN) , me da el error de abajo, he intentado eliminar las filas con valor NA por si esta función no lo admite, pero sigue dando el mismo error. ¿Alguien sabe porqué ocurre? (probé previamente a usar la función glm pero obtenía out of memory) library(XLConnect)
2010 Dec 03
What is the SAS equivalent of this R glm() code?
    Hello Everyone,   I'm trying to use SAS to replicate some results obtained in R. I was wondering if anyone call tell me the SAS equivalent of the code that appears below.   fm.glm.x <- glm(resp ~ . - 1, data =,  na.action = na.exclude, family = binomial(link = "probit")) summary(fm.glm.x) Thanks,   Paul [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Feb 12
predict on biglm class
Hi Everyone, I often use the 'safe prediction' feature available through glm(). Now, I'm at a situation where I must use biglm:::bigglm. ## begin example library(splines) library(biglm) ff <- log(Volume)~ns(log(Girth), df=5) fit.glm <- glm(ff, data=trees) fit.biglm <- bigglm(ff, data=trees) predict(fit.glm, newdata=data.frame(Girth=2:5)) ## -1.3161465 -0.2975659
2005 Feb 22
Reproducing SAS GLM in R
Hi, I'm still trying to figure out that GLM procedure in SAS. Let's start with the simple example: PROC GLM; MODEL col1 col3 col5 col7 col9 col11 col13 col15 col17 col19 col21 col23 =/nouni; repeated roi 6, ord 2/nom mean; TITLE 'ABDERUS lat ACC 300-500'; That's the same setup that I had in my last email. I have three factors: facSubj,facCond and facRoi. I had this pretty
2003 Jun 10
bug in glm()? (PR#3223)
Full_Name: Bonnie Version: 1.6.1 OS: Windows Submission from: (NULL) ( glm() seems to converge, even when it shouldn't. I am trying to fit a model where $converge=FALSE and I am fitting models that do not converge in SAS, but they seem to converge in R ... Thank you.
2012 May 31
bigglm binomial negative fitted value
Hi, there Since glm cannot handle factors very well. I try to use bigglm like this: logit_model <- bigglm(responser~var1+var2+var3, data, chunksize=1000, family=binomial(), weights=~trial, sandwich=FALSE) fitted <- predict(logit_model, data) only var2 is factor, var1 and var3 are numeric. I expect fitted should be a vector of value falls in (0,1) However, I get something like this:
2015 Jun 16
Regresión logística
Gracias! El 15 de junio de 2015, 16:54, Freddy Omar López Quintero < freddy.vate01 en> escribió: > ?Holap.? > > ran out of iterations and failed to converge > > > ?Prueba aumentando el número de iteraciones, con el argumento maxit: > > ?GLM <- bigglm(In.hospital_death ~ GCS + BUN, data = DatosGLM, family = >> binomial(logit), maxit=1000)? >
2007 Oct 05
discrepancy in the result of R and SAS on same data in logistics regression
Dear Members, Greetings! I have come across a discrepancy shown by R and SAS results on same data for logistics regression.. When I processed the above csv file(1000.csv) for predicting the Action (i/c) by Age Group(1-7,Na) and Gender(M,F,Na) with GLM of R I get: R result Call: glm(formula = Action ~ Gender + AgeGroup, family = binomial, data = mydata1, na.action = na.pass) Deviance
2008 Mar 24
Great difference for piecewise linear function between R and SAS
Dear Rusers, I am now using R and SAS to fit the piecewise linear functions, and what surprised me is that they have a great differrent result. See below. #R code--Knots for distance are 16.13 and 24, respectively, and Knots for y are -0.4357 and -0.3202 m.glm<-glm(mark~x+poly(elevation,2)+bs(distance,degree=1,knots=c(16.13,24)) +bs(y,degree=1,knots=c(-0.4357,-0.3202
2009 Feb 26
glm with large datasets
Hi all, I have to run a logit regresion over a large dataset and I am not sure about the best option to do it. The dataset is about 200000x2000 and R runs out of memory when creating it. After going over help archives and the mailing lists, I think there are two main options, though I am not sure about which one will be better. Of course, any alternative will be welcome as well. Actually, I
2003 Jul 17
I am trying to fit the generalised linear model for the negative binomial, but the results which come out are attached below. When we fit this model using few covariates, the model converge. Does it mean that this family is fitted differently from other glm? or the number of zeros in my response variable has a limiting factor? Thanks Bruno fit <- glm.nb(pfde~SEX+...., data=data1) Warning
2011 Feb 08
Fitting a model with an offset in bigglm
Dear all, I have a large data set and would like to fit a logistic regression model using the bigglm function. I need to include an offset in the model but when I do this the bigglm function seems to ignore it. For example, running the two models below produces the same model and the offset is ignored bigglm(y~x,offset=z,data=Test,family=binomial(link = "logit"))