Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "R eat my data"
2010 Sep 24
How to read this file into R.
Dear community,
I have one file named ca_boost_feature.txt,
Feature selection (Boosting:0.0025,5)!
H.2.C C.1.D C.3.R E.0.N C.2.S C.0.G H.3.G
log file: ep
If I want to use the second line of this file, how to read it into R?
varr<-read.table("/home/cdu/operon/carbonic/ca_boost_feature.txt", sep=" ",
skip=1, header=F, strip.white=TRUE, nrows=1)
Warning message:
2011 Jun 22
question about read.columns
HI, Dear R community,
I have a large data set names dd.txt, the columns are: there are 2402
a1, b1, ..z1, a11, b11, ...z11, a111, b111, ..z111..
IF I dont know the relative position of the columns, but I know I need the
following variables:
var<-c(a1, c1,a11,b11,f111)
Can I use read.columns to read the data into R?
I have tried the following codes, but it does not work
2010 Jun 02
how to label the som notes by the majority vote
HI, Dear R community,
I am using the following codes to do the som. I tried to label the notes by
the majority vote. either through mapping or prediction.
I attached my output, the left one dont have any labels in the note, the
right one has more than one label in each note. I need to have only one
label for each note either by majority vote or prediction.
Can anyone give some suggestions or
2012 Sep 02
a newbie seeking for a simple problem
Dear Experienced R users,
I have a looks-like simple but complicated problem urgently needed to be solved. Below is the detail:
I have two dataframes, df1, df2. df1 contains two column and many thousands rows: column 1 is a "gene_name", column 2 is "value". df2 contains only one column which is "gene_name" with couple hundred rows. I want to change "value"
2008 Mar 25
help with rowsum/aggregate type functions
This is a question with a trivial and obvious answer, I'm sure, but I can't seem to find it in the help files and books that I have handy. I have a dataframe consisting of two columns, "Gene_Name," a list of gene symbols, and "Number," a numeric measure of how frequently a tag representing that gene showed up in a SAGE library. Several of the genes are
2011 Apr 07
Two questions about metacharacter in regexprs and function return
for the script, please kindly see the script below. At line 10 and line 13,
my problems occurs.
The first one is I try to retrieve the gene official name from a column of a
table. The pattern of official name is something starting with gene_name.
For detail problems, please see the according lines.
Any suggestions are appreciated
example of matching source (extract the Nnat, sometime it would
2008 Jun 16
Separator with " | " for read.table
I have the following data file to be parsed and captured as a data frame:
1007_s_at | DDR1 | discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1 | protein-coding
1053_at | RFC2 | replication factor C (activator 1) 2, 40kDa | protein-coding
117_at | HSPA6 | heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B') | protein-coding
In particular it is
2011 Nov 06
Correlation analysis
Hi everyone,
I am new to R-project. I did search through the list for my problem but i
can't find it. I am sorry if this question has been asked.
I would like to perform a correlation analysis between a hiv data and gene
Basically, i have a file that contains: hiv_name, start_position,
end_position, chromosome. I would like to see if these data has anything to
do with the
2010 Apr 07
help in attach function
Hi, r-community,
This morning, I MET the following problem several times when I try to attach
the data set.
When I closed the current console and reopen the R console, the problem
disappear. BUt with the time passed on, the problem occurs again.
Can anyone help me with this?
> attach(total)
The following object(s) are masked from total ( position 3 ) :
acid base cell_evalue
2012 Nov 16
polycor package
I am currently working with R's polycor package and I have encountered a
problem. I tried to follow the steps as outlined in the sem.pdf file where
a CFA model is run using polychoric correlations. Every time I run the
command sem(model, data, N=.), I get the following warning message:
Warning message:
In if (orthogonal) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be
2010 Apr 23
help in conditional histogram
Dear Dr. Sarkar,
When I try to run the codes, I found the following problem:
> h<- sample(1:14, 319, rep=T)
> c<- sample(1:14, 608, rep=T)
> n<- sample(1:14, 1140, rep=T)
> vt<-c(h, c, n)
> ta<-rep(c("h", "c", "n"), c(319, 608, 1140))
> to<-data.frame(vt,ta)
> library(lattice)
Attaching package: 'lattice'
2008 Aug 22
simple generation of artificial data with defined features
Dear R-colleagues,
I am quite a newbie to R fighting my stupidity to solve a probably quite
simple problem of generating artificial data with defined features.
I am conducting a study of inter-observer-agreement in
child-bronchoscopy. One of the most important measures is Kappa
according to Fleiss, which is very comfortable available in R through
the irr-package.
Unfortunately medical doctors
2010 Nov 04
how to work with long vectors
HI, Dear R community,
I have one data set like this, What I want to do is to calculate the
cumulative coverage. The following codes works for small data set (#rows =
100), but when feed the whole data set, it still running after 24 hours.
Can someone give some suggestions for long vector?
id reads
Contig79:1 4
Contig79:2 8
Contig79:3 13
Contig79:4 14
Contig79:5 17
2007 Sep 14
Hey Guys,
I just joined this list a couple days ago...what''s up with all the spam?
I maintain about 8 or so googlegroups lists and have never received any
<cross fingers>. Is this something to (unfortunately) look forward to?
Clayton Dukes
2010 Apr 06
help output figures in R
somfunc<- function (file) {
final.som<-som(data=aa_som, rlen=10000, grid=somgrid(5,4, "hexagonal"))
pdf(file="/home/cdu/changbin/file.pdf") #output graphic file.
plot(final.som, main="Unsupervised SOM")
I have many different files, if I want output pdf file with the same name
as for each dataset I feed to the function
2004 Dec 15
adding perspectives to existing persp plots
I've created a perspective plot using 'persp' in the graphics package.
I'd like to add a second plane of z values to the existing plot, but I
cannot seem to do this using 'persp'. Is there an analogue to 'lines' or
'points' for perspectives?
corey.bradshaw at cdu.edu.au
2006 Apr 05
CDU load problems with testing
I just upgraded my system to xen-3.0-testing, hoping it would solve my
problems with the virtual network interfaceses (I cannot connect between two
domains) and memory usage (I sometime "miss" a few hundret megabytes).
The update didn''t help on the networking issues, but it did on memory usage.
However, I created a new problem: using htop, the cpu is used at 50% in both
2005 Feb 22
problems with nonlinear fits using nls
Hello colleagues,
I am attempting to determine the nonlinear least-squares estimates of
the nonlinear model parameters using nls. I have come across a common
problem that R users have reported when I attempt to fit a particular
3-parameter nonlinear function to my dataset:
Error in nls(r ~ tlm(a, N.fix, k, theta), data = tlm.data, start =
list(a = a.st, :
step factor 0.000488281
2008 May 19
[BioC] oligo ids
Thanks Sean!
Your reply was very helpful. I already got almost what I wanted. I have some
NA values but I will look if I can find them through bibliography or an
external tool.
Best Regards,
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 6:07 PM, Sean Davis <sdavis2@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 10:47 AM, Eleni Christodoulou
> <elenichri@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear list,
2008 Jun 16
Creating a Hash from Data.Frame
I have the following data frame:
> print(mydatframe)
V1 V2 V3
1 1007_s_at DDR1 discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 1
2 1053_at RFC2 replication factor C (activator 1) 2, 40kDa
3 117_at HSPA6 heat shock 70kDa protein 6 (HSP70B')
Is there a way to create a hash with
V2 as Key and V3 as its value?
- Gundala Viswanath
Jakarta - Indonesia