similar to: Cohen's Kappa for beginners

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Cohen's Kappa for beginners"

2006 Apr 28
Where do I find Cohen´s kappa???
Hello, I?m looking for a way to measure the goodness of fit of my model with Cohen?s Kappa (scaling between 0 and 1). The kappa function does not give the results I?m looking for. Heres the code: z<-glm(x~y,binomial) kappa(z, exact = T) Does anyone know more? many thanks Christian -- _______________________________________________ Search for businesses by name, location, or phone number.
2006 Dec 11
cohen kappa for two-way table
Greetings, I am a bit confused by the results returned by the functions: cohen.kappa {concord} classAgreement {e1071} when using a two-way table. for example, if I have an matrix A, and a similar matrix B (same dimensions), then: matrix A and B can be found: A <-
2007 Mar 22
Cohen's Kappa
Hi, im little bit confused about Cohen's Kappa and i should be look into the Kappa function code. Is the easy formula really wrong? kappa=agreement-chance/(1-chance) many thanks christian ############################################################################### true-negativ:7445 false-positive:3410 false-negativ:347 true-positiv:772 classification-aggrement:68,6%
2006 Oct 02
R function to compute kappa statistics for two vector
Dear R-user, Did anybody know how to calculate the kappa statistics of two vectors for the agreement? for example: a<-c(0,1,0,0,1,0) b<-c(0,1,1,0,0,1) I know the percent of agreement is 3/6, but how to get the kappa? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Sep 07
cohen's kappa
Dear all, I have a question on Cohen's kappa: Assume I have two datasets, one has 500 objects, 10 methods and the other, 1000 different objects, 20 different methods. Could I compare between the two datasets to conclude the 10 methods are more "concordant" than the 20 ones by looking at some output, for example, cohen.kappa{concord} ? One more, could anyone explain in brief,
2007 Jun 26
inter-rater agreement index kappa
Is there a function that calculates the inter-rater agreement index (kappa) in R? Thanks ../Murli [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Dec 22
Cohen's kappa, unequal score ranges
Hi, I am having problems getting cohen's kappa to work. I have been using the function: ><-ckappa(x,y) from the psy package. I am trying to test for inter-observer reliability, I have 2 observers and 26 categories, however, the two observers might not necessarily have the same range of categories (I have unequal score ranges). However, I thought R could cope with this. Each time I
2005 Aug 05
kappa-accuracy and test for signifcance
Dear list, I calculated the kappa-accuracy for two differnt classifications. How can I test now the two kappa-value for significance? thanks, Mark ..................................................................... Markus Schwarz Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL Forschungsprogramm Musterland Z??rcherstrasse 111 CH-8903 Birmensdorf Telefon +41-44-739 22 87 Fax
2013 Jan 11
Weighted Kappa for m Raters
Hello, I have 50 raters and 180 cases which are rated as malignant, probably malignant, probably benign, and benign. I want to compare all the raters but I want a weighted kappa to penalize differences between malignant and benign more than differences between malignant and probably malignant. I only found the weighted option in the 2-rater functions (kappa2, wkappa, cohen.kappa). The
2018 Apr 26
Buenas, ¿alguien sabe qué puede ser este error? data es una df y las columnas 23 y 24 son las que quiero comparar; están bien. testK<-kappa2(data[,c(23,24)], "equal") Error in sort.list(y) : 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list' Have you called 'sort' on a list? -- Dr Manuel Mendoza Department of Biogeography and Global Change National Museum of Natural
2002 Feb 05
Measures of agreement
Greetings. I've been experimenting with some algorithms for document classification (specifically, a Naive Bayes classifier and a kNN classifier) and I would now like to calculate some inter-rater reliability scores. I have the data in a PostgreSQL database, such that for each document, each measure (there are 9) has three variables: ap_(measure), nb_(measure), and knn_(measure). ap is me
2006 Aug 10
logistic discrimination: which chance performance??
Hello, I am using logistic discriminant analysis to check whether a known classification Yobs can be predicted by few continuous variables X. What I do is to predict class probabilities with multinom() in nnet(), obtaining a predicted classification Ypred and then compute the percentage P(obs) of objects classified the same in Yobs and Ypred. My problem now is to figure out whether P(obs) is
2010 Oct 21
coincidencias entre dos factores
Hola a todos, tengo unos datos clasificados, es decir un factor con etiquetas de 1 a 14 y quiero comprobar las coincidencias con un test (también otro factor). Lo que me interesa obtener más que la matriz de confusión o el indice kappa, es otro factor con las coincidencias entre ambos factores (clasificación y test). Es decir 1 si coinciden las etiquetas y 0 si no coinciden, Supongo que para
2009 Nov 01
counting frequencies across two columns
I've got a data frame describing comments on an electronic journal, wherein each row is a unique comment, like so: commentID author articleID 1 1 smith 2 2 2 jones 3 3 3 andrews 2 4 4 jones 1 5 5 johnson 3 6 6 smith 2 I want know the number of unique authors per article. I can get a
2009 May 27
Intra-observer reliability
Hi, I searched a lot on the internet but was unable to find the function for calculating the kappa statistics for intra-observer reliabilty. Can anybody help me in the this regards. Thanks, Shreyasee [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 19
plotting least-squares residuals against x-axis
Hi, I want to plot the residuals of a least-squares regression. plot(lm(y~x), which=1) does this, but it plots the y-axis of my data on the x-axis of the residuals plot. That is, it plots the residual for each y-value in the data. Can I instead use the x-axis of my data as the x-axis of the residuals plot, showing the residual for a given x? Thanks! Jason Priem University of North
2011 Jun 22
caret's Kappa for categorical resampling
Hello, When evaluating different learning methods for a categorization problem with the (really useful!) caret package, I'm getting confusing results from the Kappa computation. The data is about 20,000 rows and a few dozen columns, and the categories are quite asymmetrical, 4.1% in one category and 95.9% in the other. When I train a ctree model as: model <- train(dat.dts,
2009 Jul 13
Help With Fleiss Kappa
Hi All, I am using fleiss kappa for inter rater agreement. Are there any know issues with Fleiss kappa calculation in R? Even when I supply mock data with total agreement among the raters I do not get a kappa value of 1. instead I am getting negative values. I am using the irr package version 0.70 Any help is much appreciated. Thanks and Regards M [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Sep 20
plotting least-squares regression against x-axis
Hi, I want to plot the residuals of a least-squares regression. plot(lm(y~x), which=1) does this, but it plots the y-axis of my data on the x-axis of the residuals plot. That is, it plots the residual for each y-value in the data. Can I instead use the x-axis of my data as the x-axis of the residuals plot, showing the residual for a given x? Thanks! Jason Priem University of North
2004 Dec 01
tuning SVM's
Hi I am doing this sort of thing: POLY: > > obj = best.tune(svm, similarity ~., data = training, kernel = "polynomial") > summary(obj) Call: best.tune(svm, similarity ~ ., data = training, kernel = "polynomial") Parameters: SVM-Type: eps-regression SVM-Kernel: polynomial cost: 1 degree: 3 gamma: 0.04545455 coef.0: 0