Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Sweave counter"
2010 Apr 26
Hi everybody,
I wanted to use Sweave but I do not have the Latex package:
"LaTeX Error: File 'Sweave.sty' not found."
I cannot find it with MiKTeX :-(
Can somebody help me ?
Thanks a lot,
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2010 Jun 02
Sweave glm.fit
Dear R users,
After running Sweave, this is what I get :
Warning messages:
1: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
2: glm.fit: algorithm did not converge
There is no glm.fit function in my code.
Where does it come from ? From Sweave ? From system.time ?
Thanks for your help,
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2010 Aug 18
Hi everybody,
I wanted to name a column vector (a variable).
This is what I did :
attr(try,"dimnames")<-list(NULL,"true value")
Is it OK ?
Thanks for your help,
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2010 Apr 26
Hi everybody,
How can I set the seed for my simulations ? Is "set.seed(123456)" alright ?
Thanks a lot,
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2004 Aug 09
AW: built-in Sweave-like documentation in R-2.x
> See the 'Writing R Extensions' manual, specifically
> Creating R Packages -> Writing package vignettes
thank you, i saw this entry. However, this entry is rather
about how to include documents (in particular Sweave-based)
into a package. But I have meant smth else.
Let me explain in example. Today I use emacs as
environment for my R-sessions. I am quite happy to
2005 Apr 03
Error: cannot set length of non-vector
The subject line says it all. How can I find what
Error: cannot set length of non-vector
means? RTFS is no help. I can find out of course that
it comes from "lengthgets", but who called that? Not me!
The situation is as follows. I am trying to get a package
ready for CRAN. Every time I run "R CMD check" I get this
error when building the package vignette. But (!)
2008 Mar 21
idea for GSoC: an R package for fitting Bayesian Hierarchical Models
Dear R developers,
these days I'm working on some R code for fitting completely generic
Bayesian Hierarchical Models in R, a la OpenBUGS and JAGS.
A key feature of OpenBUGS and JAGS is that they automatically build an
appropriate MCMC sampler from a generic model, specified as a directed
acyclic graph (DAG).
The spirit of my (would-be) implementation is instead more focused on
2010 Jun 01
Plot multiple columns
I'm running a long MCMC chain that is generating samples for 22 variables.
I have each run of the chain as a row in a matrix.
So: Chain[,1] is the column with all the samples for variable one.
Chain[,2] is the column with all the samples for variable 2, etc.
I'd like to fit all 22 on a single page to print a nice summary. It is
OK if the graphs are small, I just need to show the
2011 Feb 24
MCMCpack combining chains
Deal all, as MCMClogit does not allow for the specification of several chains, I have run my model 3 times with different random number seeds and differently dispersed multivariate normal priors.
For example:
res1 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=0,B0=0.001,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=1234, thin=5)
res2 = MCMClogit(y~x,b0=1,B0=0.01,data=mydat, burnin=500, mcmc=5500, seed=5678, thin=5)
res3 =
2009 Jan 31
Question on Sweave-Latex and examples in the Sweave Manual
Hi List,
I have a problem with using Latex and Sweave for creating a document.
So I downloaded the Sweave manual from
and i have tried to replicate the example on pages 4-5, but i encounter the following problem: IT DOES NOT WORK. I can run Sweave, create the .tex file and then when building the .tex file in TeXnikCenter i get all
2008 Oct 16
package Utils Sweave Example Error
I'm still trying to figure out how use Sweave. Trying the example below I get the error message when texi2dvi is executed. Any ideas about how to make texi2dvi work?
> testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
> options(device.ask.default=FALSE)
> Sweave(testfile)
Writing to file Sweave-test-1.tex
2011 Apr 21
R CMD Sweave versus Sweave() on Windows
Dear list subscriber,
I am quite puzzled by the behaviour of processing Sweave files within an R session, i.e.
Sweave("foo.Rnw") versus R CMD Sweave foo.Rnw
In the former the environmental variable 'SWEAVE_STYLEPATH_DEFAULT = TRUE' is obeyed (this is set in etc/Renviron.site as well as under the users home directory in .Renviron). That is the hard-coded path to Sweave.sty is
2008 Jun 17
Sweave: problem with usepackage{C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-27~1.0/share/texmf/Sweave}
R users,
I'm at a loss with a problem considering running .tex files produced
by Sweave. When I run (R 2.7.0):
#Taken from ?Sweave
testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
## enforce par(ask=FALSE)
## create a LaTeX file
2010 May 20
Geneland error on unix: Error in MCMC(........ :, unused argument(s) (ploidy = 2, genotypes = geno)
I am receiving the above error ( full r session output below) the
script runs OK in windows. and "genotypes" and "ploidy" are both
correct arguments
any suggestions would be most welcome
Nevil Amos
Monash University School of Biological Sciences
> library(Geneland)
Loading required package: RandomFields
Loading required package: fields
Loading required
2011 Mar 21
Sweave, white space and code blocks
Sweave is very useful, and I'm gradually getting used to it.
I've just been battling Sweave over the re-use of code chunks. As I am
pretty ignorant in the byways of both Sweave and R, this took a chunk of
time to sort out. Here is what I learned:
If one re-uses a code chunk, then Sweave (but not Stangle) will insist that
start in column 1. In particular, white space to its left
2002 Oct 10
problem with Sweave on 1.6 on NT4
I recently compiled 1.6 on NT4 but
I am having a problem with Sweave.
Using the inbuilt 'Sweave-test-1.Rnw' file as an example:
> library(tools)
> testfile <- file.path(.path.package("tools"),
"Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw")
## create a LaTeX file
testfile <-
2010 Feb 12
Hello, I am trying to start using Sweave. I copy the example from help Sweave
testfile <- system.file("Sweave", "Sweave-test-1.Rnw", package = "utils")
## enforce par(ask=FALSE)
## create a LaTeX file
## This can be compiled to PDF by
tools::texi2dvi("Sweave-test-1.tex", pdf=TRUE)
and I
2010 May 28
Does Sweave run in the global environment ?
It seems that sweave always runs in the global environment. I want to
run sweave from within a function, and pass a variable into sweave,
however when I do this, sweave doesn't see the variable.
Here's my example test_sweave.Rnw file
\title{Test Sweave Document}
2010 Apr 12
Sweave and multiple figures from an R source file
I am trying to get figures from multiple source files in Sweave. My test
file is as follows
This is a simple Sweave test
End of the simple sweave test
where testfig.r is as simple as
2011 Sep 30
Understanding the workflow between sweave, R and Latex
Let's say I have written the following tiny .Rnw file:
I then can go to R and use sweave to translate the .Rnw file into a .tex